Coloriage : promotion – test – avis Five Best New Pokémon Designs from ‘Pokémon Sword and Shield’

  • Schwarz, Daniel R. The Dead: Complete, Authoritative Text With Biographical And Historical Contexts, Critical History, And Essays From Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives (Case Studies In Contemporary Criticism)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New Ed, Label : Bedford, Publisher : Bedford, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 260, publicationDate : 1994-05-12, releaseDate : 1994-05-12, publishers : Schwarz, Daniel R., languages : english, ISBN : 0333618491
  • Kaffe Fassetts Caravan Of Quilts: Twenty Designs From Rowan For Patchwork And Quilting (Patchwork & Quilting Book 6)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New edition, Label : Rowan Yarns Ltd, Publisher : Rowan Yarns Ltd, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 120, publicationDate : 2004-10-28, authors : Kaffe Fassett, languages : english, ISBN : 1904485235
  • Patricia Bayer Art Deco Architecture: Design, Decoration, And Detail From The Twenties And Thirties
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : New ed, Label : Thames & Hudson Ltd, Publisher : Thames & Hudson Ltd, NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 224, publicationDate : 1999-09-27, releaseDate : 1999-10-01, authors : Patricia Bayer, ISBN : 0500281491
  • Staedtler Feutres de coloriage double pointe Design Journey couleurs assorties - Pochette de 36
    Ces feutres de coloriage conviennent pour les croquis, les dessins et illustrations ainsi que l'écriture et le coloriage. Feutre de coloriage double pointe.<br/><br/>Corps en polypropylène.<br/>Largeur du tracé : 0,5 -3 mm.<br/><br/>Capuchon ventilé (ISO 11540). - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Sycomore CRE6012 - Coloriage Enfant - Coloriages Villes 40 Pages - 3+ Ans SYCOMORE
  • Coloriages Magiques - La Nature Ms (Petites Activités Pour Devenir Grand)
    Brand : HATIER, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : HATIER, Publisher : HATIER, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 24, publicationDate : 2020-01-02, ISBN : 240106110X
  • Bic Visacolor XL Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Large - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 12 - Lot de 2
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des outils de coloriage spécialement conçus pour développer la psycho-motricité des enfants tout en leur offrant un confort optimal.<br/>Le coloriage permet l'apprentissage des couleurs et développe la créativité des enfants et leur confiance en eux.<br/>Déclinés en 24 couleurs très vives, les feutres à pointe large Visacolor XL de BIC Kids sont recommandés dès 3 ans.<br/>Leur corps rond est facile à saisir, et leur pointe bloquée ne s'enfonce pas à la pression sur le papier.<br/>Ils permettent ainsi de colorier des larges aplats et de dessiner des contours épais.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, leur encre à base d'eau est lavable sur la plupart des tissus.<br/>Gage de qualité, ces feutres sont fabriqués dans les propres usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir-faire unique.<br/>Coloriez en toute tranquilité.<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>Recyclé à 54%<br/>NF Environnement - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Set 72 Feutres de coloriage double pointe fine 0,5 à 0,8mm et large 3mm, à base d'eau, assortis
    Feutres Design Journey<br/>Feutres double pointe.<br/>Pour de multiples applications : croquis, dessins, illustrations, écriture et coloriage, ...<br/>Encre à base d'eau et colorants alimentaires, lavable sur la plupart des textiles.<br/>Largeur de trait : pointe large 3 mm et pointe fine 0,5 à 0,8 mm.<br/>Conforme à la norme EN 71.<br/>Set en plastique rigide transparent pegboardable.<br/>Set de 72 feutres - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Ozzé Coloriages érotiques pour adultes
    Je suis le livre de Coloriages érotiques pour adultes de Ozzé. Original et divertissant, je suis un excellent cadeau à offrir à ses amis, par exemple pour un EVJF ou un EVJG !   Être adulte ne signifie pas ne plus être joueur ou joueuse...Je cache de nombreux coloriages au fil de mes pages, tous plus coquins les uns que les autres. Concentrez-vous pour colorier sans dépasser les lignes... Y arriverez-vous Dans tous les cas, vous passerez un bon moment !
  • Maped Kit de coloriage COLOR'PEPS, 100 pièces
    En carton avec poignée de transport,<br/><br/>contenu : 36 feutres de coloriage COLOR'PEPS, 36 crayons de<br/><br/>couleur COLOR'PEPS STRONG, 24 crayons de cire COLOR'PEPS, 1<br/><br/>feutre, de coloriage avec pointe pinceau, 1 crayon à papier<br/><br/>(M907003)<br/><br/>BLACK'PEPS, 1 gomme, 1 taille-crayons - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Plastidecor Craies de Coloriage - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 12 - Lot de 5
    À la maison ou à l'école, les craies de couleur BIC Kids Plastidecor sont parfaites pour initier les enfants dès 30 mois au monde du dessin et du coloriage.<br/>Leur palette de 24 couleurs comprend des couleurs vives et métalliques pour stimuler la créativité des artistes en herbe.<br/>Adaptées aux petites mains, elles ont une taille de 12 cm (alors qu'un crayon standard mesure 17cm).<br/>Leur corps en cire plastique est extra résistant et leur mine plus solide que celle des crayons de couleur normaux, afin de mieux résister aux chutes et à la forte pression des petites mains sur le papier.<br/>Aucun risque de se salir avec ces craies qui laissent les mains et les tissus propres.<br/>Elles se taillent avec un taille-crayon classique, sans en obstruer les trous.<br/>L'entreprise BIC fabrique depuis plus de 65 ans des produits de grande qualité, distribués partout dans le monde et vendus au meilleur prix.<br/>Avec sa gamme BIC Kids, BIC propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement et le confort des enfants. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage double pointe Noris,étui de 10 - Lot de 4
    Largeur de tracé: 1,0 et 3,0 mm, encre à base<br/><br/>d'eau et de colorants alimentaires, DRY-SAFE, pointes<br/><br/>blocables, lavable, capuchon ventilé, pointe ronde<br/><br/>contenu: 10 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assortis dans les couleurs jaune, orange, rouge, violet,<br/><br/>bleu, bleu clair, vert, vert clair, marron, noir - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Pochette de 10 feutres de coloriage double pointe de 2 couleurs et de 2 pointes différentes. - Lot de 3
    Feutre double pointe<br/>Etui de 10 feutres pegboardable en carton, composé à 80 % minimum de matériaux recyclés.<br/>Feutres de coloriage double pointe moyenne 1,0 mm et large 3,0 mm de 2 couleurs différentes soit 20 couleurs.<br/>Pointe bloquée solide et résistante à la pression.<br/>Encre à base d'eau et de colorants alimentaires, lavable sur la plupart des textiles.<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>Recyclé à 80% - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Pelikan Feutre de coloriage colorella, aquarellable, étui 6 - Lot de 3
    S'applique et se mélange au pinceau et à l'eau, lavable sur<br/><br/>la plupart des tissus, capuchon ventilé, pointe ogive,<br/><br/>largeur du tracé: env.<br/>2,0 à 43,0 mm<br/><br/>contenu : 6 feutres - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Visa Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Fine - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 288 Bleu clair
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des produits de coloriage spécialement adaptés au développement, au confort et à la créativité des enfants.<br/>Les feutres de coloriage Visa ont une pointe fine qui permet d'effectuer des contours nets et des coloriages précis.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, leur encre à base d'eau est lavable sur la plupart des vêtements.<br/>Ils se referment facilement grâce à un capuchon ventilé.<br/>Mais ils peuvent aussi sortir sans leur capuchon car leur encre spéciale ne sèchera pas même s'ils sont décapuchonnés pendant 3 mois (sauf l'encre noire).<br/>Gage de qualité, ces feutres sont fabriqués dans les usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir faire unique.<br/>La couleur du feutre, comme celle du bouchon et de la mine sont très vives.<br/>Avec BIC, dessinez dans la bonne humeur. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Ecriture Visaquarelle Feutres de Coloriage avec Pointe Pinceau - Couleurs Assorties, Pot de 48 Gris anthracite
    Feutres Pinceaux Visaquarelle<br/>Feutres pointe extra souple indéformable et bloquée.<br/>Peut rester ouvert 4 semaines sans sécher ! Couleurs assorties.<br/>Pot de 48 - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Kid Couleur Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Moyenne - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 144
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement, le confort et la sécurité des enfants.<br/>Parfaits pour le coloriage quotidien des enfants dès 5 ans, les feutres Kid Couleur ont plus d'une corde à leur arc.<br/>Déclinés en 24 couleurs lumineuses, ils permettent des dessins vifs et riches en contrastes.<br/>Leur pointe moyenne bloquée ne s'enfonce pas à la pression sur le papier.<br/>Ils sont donc adaptés à une longue utilisation alternant contours précis et coloriages intensifs.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, ces feutres de coloriage sont ultra lavables.<br/>Les feutres Kid Couleur sont solides et fiables : ils sont fabriqués en France dans les usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir faire unique.<br/>Merci qui ?<br/>Les feutres Kid Couleur bien sûr. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Visaquarelle Feutres de Coloriage avec Pointe Pinceau - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 10 - Lot de 2
    Véritable palette d'artiste, la boîte de feutres BIC Kids Visaquarelle permet de colorier en retrouvant les sensations de la peinture.<br/>Déclinés en 10 couleurs lumineuses, les feutres possèdent une pointe pinceau extrèmement agréable à utiliser.<br/>Suivant la pression exercée, elle permet de varier l'épaisseur du trait.<br/>On peut ainsi dessiner précisement ou colorier de larges à-plats, tout en souplesse.<br/>Très résistante et bloquée, la pointe peut subir une forte pression sans se déformer.<br/>Grâce à une technologie d'encre optimisée, ils peuvent rester 3 mois décapuchonnés sans sécher (sauf encre noire).<br/>Gage de qualité, les feutres BIC Kids Visaquarelle sont fabriquésdans les propres usines BIC, grâce à un savoir-faire unique transmis depuis des décennies.<br/>L'entreprise BIC fabrique depuis plus de 65 ans des produits de grande qualité, distribués partout dans le monde et vendus au meilleur prix.<br/>Avec la gamme BIC Kids, BIC propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement et le confort des enfants. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Decoralo Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Extra-Large - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 48 Blanc
    Les feutres de coloriage BIC Kids Decoralo voient tout en grand.<br/>Avec leur très large format, ils sont parfaitement adaptés aux mains des enfants dès 3 ans.<br/>Leur pointe XXL dessine avec un trait épais bien visible et permet de colorier de larges surfaces.<br/>Ils se déclinent en 12 couleurs d'encre éclatantes pour de magnifiques dessins et une joyeuse découverte des couleurs.<br/>Pas de panique en cas d'oubli, les feutres de coloriage Décoralo ne sèchent pas et peuvent rester sans capuchon pendant 3 jours (sauf le noir).<br/>Pour découvrir le monde des couleurs en toute sérénité, leur encre à base d'eau est facilement lavable sur la plupart des tissus.<br/>La gamme BIC Kids permet aux enfants de découvrir le coloriage, activité créative et calme aux multiples bienfaits.<br/>En effet, il stimule le développement psychomoteur des enfants, sert à l'apprentissage des couleurs, développe leur confiance en eux.<br/>C'est une aussi première initiation à l'apprentissage de l'écriture.<br/>Pour télécharger de nombreux coloriages et obtenir plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur le site internet BIC Kids. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Ambiance-sticker Sticker prénom personnalisable style coloriage
    Des stickers prénoms pour votre déco ! Avec les stickers muraux prénoms et ce Sticker prénom personnalisable style coloriage, vous pourrez enfin décorer l'intérieur de votre maison à votre guise ! Ce sticker nom style coloriage est à la fois amusant et original, vos enfants vont adorer. Où coller c
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage Noris, étui de 10 - Lot de 3
    Largeur de tracé: 1,0 mm, rond , encre à base d'eau et de<br/><br/>colorants alimentaires, DRY-SAFE, pointe bloquée, lavable,<br/><br/>capuchon ventilé<br/><br/>contenu: 10 piéces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assortis dans les couleurs jaune, orange, rouge, rose, bleu,<br/><br/>bleu clair, vert, vert jaunâtre, brun van-Dyke, noir, violet - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Boîte métal de 20 feutres de coloriage pointe fine (0,8mm). Corps Noir. 10 couleurs assorties - Lot de 2 Violet
    CONTE<br/>Crayons de couleur.<br/>Boîte de 24 feutres. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Stabilo Feutre de coloriage Pen 68 ARTY, étui de 66 Blanc
    Largeur de tracé: 1,0 mm, encre à base d'eau sans odeur,<br/><br/>peut rester 24 heures ouvert sans sécher, pointe ogive<br/><br/>bloquée anti-enfoncement, en étui métallique<br/><br/>contenu: 66 feutres<br/><br/>(6866-31) - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage Noris, étui en carton 12 - Lot de 5
    Épaisseur mine: 1,0 mm, rond, facile à laver, capuchon avec<br/><br/>canal d'air, couleurs assorties<br/><br/>contenu: 12 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assorti dans couleurs: jaune, rouge, magenta, bleu, bleu<br/><br/>clair, orange, vert, vert-jaune, violet, marron van-dyke,<br/><br/>gris clair, noir - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage Noris, étui en carton 24 - Lot de 3
    Épaisseur mine: 1,0 mm, rond, facile à laver, capuchon avec<br/><br/>canal d'air, couleurs assorties<br/><br/>contenu: 24 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assorti dans les couleurs jaune, jaune clair, jaune sable,<br/><br/>jaune doré, rouge, magenta, bordeau, bleu, bleu clair, bleu<br/><br/>de cobalt, turquois, orange, vert, vert-jaune, vert sève,<br/><br/>vert de terre, olive clair, vert olive, violet, violet<br/><br/>pourpre, marron, marron van-dyke, gris clair, noir - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Folia Feutre double de coloriage 2 en 1, étui de 10 - Lot de 3
    Largeur de tracé: 1 pointe de 0,5 mm et 1 de 1,0 mm, assorti<br/><br/>dans les couleurs : noir, violet, bleu, vert foncé, vert,<br/><br/>jaune, orange, rouge, rose vif, marron<br/><br/>contenu : 10 pièces - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Maped Creativ Kit de coloriage COLOURING KIT, 50 pièces
    Contenu : 1x pot à crayons en carton à colorier, 16x crayons<br/><br/>de couleur COLOR'PEPS STRONG, 11x feutres COLOR'PEPS, 16x<br/><br/>crayons de cire COLOR'PEPS WAX, 6x colle pailletée COLOR'<br/><br/>PEPS, en carton, dimensions : (L)270 x (P)210 x (H)50 mm<br/><br/>(M907037) - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels

“For this game, I really tried to create characters with personality, so that’s what I’d like you to see.” 
– Kensuke Tanabe, Script Writer & Right-Hander

It cannot be stressed enough just how important A Link to the Past was in codifying The Legend of Zelda. From the introduction of the dual world mechanic to a greater emphasis on dungeon complexity, and a blending of the action & adventure that made the NES Zelda titles so palatable, the series had stumbled onto structural perfection a mere three games in. A Link to the Past is arguably the closest thing the medium has to a “perfect video game,” but it’s hardly the be-all and end-all of gaming, let alone its own franchise. For as well refined as ALttP is, the proverbial classic’s main cast has a noticeable lack of character. 

The main players that ordain A Link to the Past’s stage are more archetypes than they are proper characters in their own right. Link’s Uncle is little more than the classic literary mentor, Princess Zelda is ultimately a damsel in distress, and Ganon is a power-hungry tyrant. The story does ensure the cast isn’t one-note– players are given an opportunity to actually care about Zelda, for one, and Ganon gains a voice through Aghanim– but there’s no real character development. The closest thing A Link to the Past has to an arc is Link’s hero’s journey and that’s mostly thematic. It wouldn’t be until Link’s Awakening where The Legend of Zelda would finally be given the character it sorely lacked. 

Link’s Awakening is brimming with character from the moment the game boots up. Eschewing the series’ established title crawl, LA’s opening cutscene places focus on a ship struggling to stay afloat amidst a thunderstorm. There’s no exposition, no lore to establish, and no motivations to identify. All that matters is the drama happening on-screen: Link holding on for dear life as Lightning strikes around him before striking his ship directly. The scene cuts to a young woman stumbling onto Link while strolling the beach and the camera pans up into the title screen. It’s an opening that’s as classy as it is captivating. 

It’s significant that Link’s Awakening doesn’t open with scrolling text establishing the game’s backstory. Beyond showing the audience LA’s central premise rather than simply telling it, the opening places a direct spotlight on the story’s two central characters: Link and Marin. It’s easy to take for granted nearly three decades after the fact, but this was the first close look at Link’s face in-game. More importantly, it was the first time any character expressed visible emotion on-screen. And it’s a humble moment to boot. Link’s confidence in the face of danger is as palpable as it is visible, but even the Legendary Hero can’t help but cry out when his ship is capsized. 

Watching Marin stumble upon Link is just the cherry on top. Her mere presence builds intrigue. Who is this woman and where are we? Even as the scene shifts from pixel art to 8-bit sprites, Marin picking up her pace when she spots Link is a nice tell that Link’s Awakening’s storytelling can & will be just as expressive outside of cutscenes. As if playing off her mystique, Link outright mistakes Marin for Zelda when the game begins in earnest– symbolically slotting Marin into the role typically reserved for the franchise’s eponymous princess. But Marin isn’t analogous to the Zeldas of the first three games and the furthest thing from a damsel in need of saving. Marin only superficially resembles Princess Zelda. 

Marin doesn’t get kidnapped, her life isn’t endangered, and she doesn’t send Link on some treacherous quest. She’s just Marin, one of Koholint’s many islanders. Marin starts going about her life in Mabe Village as soon as Link gets his sword. She teases Link, is desperate to learn more about him, and actively wanders in-between major set pieces. Players can even immediately go to Koholint Square after finding their sword in order to listen to Marin sing. In mere minutes, Marin has more personality than Princess Zelda had across three full length games. The Legend of Zelda, The Adventure of Link, and A Link to the Past treat Zelda like a plot device. Link’s Awakening treats Marin like a character. 

“I want you to play this game until the end.” 
– Yoshiaki Koizumi, Script Writer

In reference to his work with Nintendo, Yoshiaki Koizumi– one of Link’s Awakening’s Script Writers– said, 

“My ambition had always been to make drama. That was my goal: Having a character, in a certain kind of world, having him go through a series of actions to accomplish something, and creating a dramatic tension throughout that. And games seemed like a really good opportunity to create a kind of drama that you don’t find in films.”

True to Koizumi’s word, there’s an interactivity within the gaming medium that other forms of art can’t naturally capitalize upon. The mere act of controlling the action, of giving audiences narrative agency, is enough to bolster any story. What makes Marin’s characterization so notable is more than just her depth as written, it’s the fact so much of her character has to be sought out by the player. NPCs reveal passing details about Marin and taking the time to seek her out allows Marin to reveal her nuances at natural opportunities. 

Expanding on his time with Nintendo, Koizumi told Wired that he “always liked the idea of you coming upon another character and hearing little bits of conversation that slowly begin to reveal different parts of the story.” Although said quote is in direct reference to his work on Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, Koizumi’s approach to characterization can be seen in full force throughout Link’s Awakening. Link’s Awakening’s story is everywhere, and if you don’t actively speak to Marin on your own accord, you’ll miss it. 

Link’s optional interludes with Marin help in fleshing out the finer details of her character. Marin yearns for freedom and wants more than what island life can give her. She’s infectiously curious about life outside Koholint, playfully interrogating Link about his life virtually every time they speak– if only to get a taste of everything Link has experienced. She wants to know his favorite songs, what he does for fun, where he’s been; quite literally anything & everything about A Link to the Past’s storied hero. 

Marin doesn’t just exist in Link’s orbit, however. NPCs reference her daily goings, the residents of Animal Village are utterly smitten with her, and she lives with a man, Tarin. Marin’s relationship with Tarin is particularly interesting as it’s often interpreted as a father/daughter dynamic despite the fact that Marin consistently refers to Tarin by his first name. Character work was an important aspect of Link’s Awakening’s development and it shows, so this likely isn’t a scripting error. In fact, an interview with the staff featured in the Shogakukan Link’s Awakening Guide puts into perspective the impact Marin was having on all branches of the team:

In a portion of the interview where LA’s staff were given free rein to express anything they wanted, Yasuhisa Yamamura (Link’s Awakening’s Dungeon Designer) wrote, “Do you think Tarin and Marin are father and daughter? It never says that in the game. Most importantly, Marin calls Tarin by name. Could she actually be a little gold digger…?” While clearly just a cheeky joke on Yamamura’s part, his quote shows that Marin’s character was a known presence for the whole staff, one they were reflecting on. Considering how the first three games kept most of the story tucked away in the manuals, this was a big step for the franchise in retrospect. 

The mere fact Tarin is given any narrative focus beyond his introduction is monumental. He’s not as important as Link or Marin, but the story understands the benefits of a supporting cast. Tarin believes there’s nothing beyond the island, while Marin is certain there is with Link as her proof. More than just an NPC she lives with, Tarin is Marin’s ideological foil and all it took was a single line & a few recurring appearances on his part. More importantly, Tarin simply complicates matters. He makes trouble for himself, he interrupts important moments between Link & Marin, and he highlights Koholint’s absurd mundanity Marin wants to leave behind. 

Tarin’s passion for Koholint contrasts Marin’s passion for freedom, which in itself is a reflection of Link’s passion for adventure & discovery. The reality of the situation is that the island is a mix of the Wind Fish– a mysterious deity– and Link’s dream where both their psyches influence the “world.” Koholint began as the Wind Fish’s dream, but Link’s presence has a profound effect as seen by all the allusions to A Link to the Past (Turtle Rock, the Mirror Shield, Agahnim & Ganon’s appearances during the final boss.) The dramatic irony of all this is that Marin isn’t real and her only tether to existence is Koholint. Long before the credits roll, players are made aware that there is nothing waiting for Marin off the island. 

Marin is Link’s mental representation of Princess Zelda. Almost an idealistic version of her. She isn’t in any danger, wants to explore the world, and is clearly head over heels in love with the Legendary Hero. She’s the perfect love interest. But she’s not beholden to Link narratively or thematically and while her arc is intimately tied to his character, Marin’s fascination with Link comes not from who he is but how he represents freedom. Marin may be a figment of Link’s imagination, but she’s more real than Zelda ever was. 

“Please don’t rush to finish the beach date with Marin.” 
– Minako Hamano, BGM Composition 

Because the full scope of Marin’s personality is hidden behind ancillary dialogue, she and Link go on a mandatory date before the fourth dungeon. Marin is given an opportunity to take center stage in the story properly, ensuring that players don’t miss out on the core of her character. Although there’s immense value in allowing audiences to get to know Marin both organically & at their leisure, it’s extremely important that she still serves an important narrative role. While Link’s date is a lighthearted event that amounts to little more than escorting Marin halfway across Koholint, the two share a tender seaside exchange. 

Marin opens up about how she knows there’s more outside Koholint; how her heart skipped a beat the moment she discovered Link; and how he never actually responds to her lengthy monologues. It’s a charming exchange that dilutes their entire relationship into one of the game’s most memorable scenes. Someone can play through all of Link’s Awakening while ignoring Marin and they’ll still likely find her character compelling if only for this one scene. Marin displays an unprecedented amount of vulnerability for the series, fostering intimacy between player and game. 

You’re free to immediately escort Marin to Animal Village once her seaside speech wraps up, but you’d be remiss not to take full advantage of having Marin by Link’s side. Beyond unique dialogue from the residents of Mabe and Animal Village, there are around half a dozen secret scenes players can trigger with Marin. Play the crane game and Marin will defy the laws of physics by grabbing the shopkeep. Thwack too many Cuccos and she’ll encourage players to keep stabbing until the chickens fight back. Marin’s dynamic and almost a little bit predictable. She’ll even chastise Link for his lackluster rendition of the ‘Ballad of the Wind Fish’ if he plays it on the Ocarina. 

Link’s Awakening’s DX– the game’s 1998 Game Boy Color re-release– took things one step further by adding the Photography side quest. In a previously empty plot south of Tal Tal Heights, players can enter a Camera Shop and trigger a new quest where a photographer chronicles Link’s time in Koholint with his camera. Several photos are permanently missable, but that just adds to their value– especially since they’re all tied to new scenes. The photographer will capture Marin crushing Link if they fall into Mabe Village’s sole cave and even Tarin interrupting a soon to be a sweet moment in front of the Flying Rooster’s weathercock. 

Keep west after picking up Marin at Toronbo Shores and be treated to one of the most intimate scenes in the game. Overlooking the sea yet again, Marin tells Link that this will be their secret spot. It’s humorously undercut by the photographer snapping a shot from afar, but Link & Marin’s wide smiles show they’re compatible without the need for actual dialogue. Secrets in The Legend of Zelda, The Adventure of Link, and A Link to the Past benefit the gameplay more than anything, but Link’s Awakening sees the genuine benefits in secretive storytelling. The real reward for finding Link and Marin’s secret spot isn’t getting the photograph, it’s watching The Legend of Zelda flesh out its first romantic arc in-game.

Marin’s arc is one of expression– searching for, finding, and answering your true calling in life. Any threats to Marin are existential bordering on incomprehensible. The closest Marin comes to any danger is before Turtle Rock, the final dungeon, where the island’s monsters kidnap her & leave her stranded on Tal Tal Mountain. This is all a ruse to remind Link (the player) of the connection he’s formed with Marin before obliterating Koholint Island from existence. 

By having Marin block the final dungeon’s path, you’re forced to consider the consequences of beating the game. Link’s end goal isn’t saving a Princess, it’s erasing the only tie his love interest has to her life. The fact the story stresses how this must be done adds a layer of tragedy to the narrative while conveying that Link’s Awakening can’t have a clean-cut happy ending. It even seems Marin is about to confess her love for Link here before she’s cut off by Tarin, twisting the knife just a little bit deeper. 

Interestingly, the Owl guiding Link through Koholint makes clear that Marin hasn’t just been sitting on her thumbs. Presumably while players are making their way through Eagle’s Tower, Marin takes matters into her own hands as literally as possible and sings the ‘Ballad of the Wind Fish’ in front of Tal Tal Heights’ egg. A song of awakening, only the ‘Ballad of the Wind Fish’ can break the dream of Koholint Island. Marin doesn’t know this, of course, but she still shows a level of agency typically reserved for Link. Marin’s not going out on grand adventures, but she’s also not waiting for some hero to save her. 

“One day I made a wish to the Wind Fish. . . What was the wish? It was. . . No, it’s secret!” 
– Marin, Main Character

Seagulls come to personify Marin’s spirit of adventure throughout the game, but particularly in cutscenes that feature her prominently. Seagulls circle Link as she finds him beached, they’re present when they reunite for their date, and Marin even expresses her desire to fly just as free; “If I was a seagull, I would fly as far as I could! I would fly to faraway places and sing for many people!” Unfortunately, the Wind Fish can’t make Marin’s dreams come true. But Link can. 

Marin has desires that can only be met through sheer effort. Her happy ending is only triggered upon beating the game without dying, and Link’s Awakening isn’t a particularly difficult game, it does have its fair share of challenges. More importantly, no other Zelda punishes players for dying by withholding a better ending. It’s bold and perhaps even frustrating if you don’t know this going into the game, but it makes freeing Marin all the more fulfilling.

Somehow, ending the dream does not end Marin’s life. Either through sheer force of will, her connection to Link, or just divine mercy by way of the Wind Fish, Marin transforms into a seagull. And while Marin & Link can’t be together, they’re at least both free. It’s a bittersweet ending, but Link’s toothy grin signals that audiences should take comfort in the memory of Marin in spite of this star-crossed separation. 

Marin was the first stepping stone in The Legend of Zelda realizing the richness of its cast. Where A Link to the Past refined the franchise’s lore, Link’s Awakening embraced dramatic in-game storytelling by recognizing that Link doesn’t need to be the only character with narrative agency. Koholint Island is Link & the Wind Fish’s dream, but Link’s Awakening is ultimately Marin’s story. Making her a character who doesn’t need saving while placing freedom squarely in the hands of the player allows Marin to fill Zelda’s functional role without her lack of characterization. From the moment Marin finds Link washed ashore to when he watches her fly free, Link’s Awakening puts character first.