Coloriage : guide achat – guide – lequel choisir 11 Best Adult Coloring Books (Review) in 2020

  • Marty Noble Creative Haven Alice In Wonderland Designs Coloring Book (Adult Coloring) (Creative Haven Coloring Books)
    Brand : Dover Publications, Binding : Taschenbuch, Edition : Clr Csm, Label : Dover Publications Inc., Publisher : Dover Publications Inc., NumberOfItems : 1, PackageQuantity : 1, Format : Illustriert, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2017-06-30, releaseDate : 2017-05-17, authors : Marty Noble, ISBN : 0486813746
  • Cafe, Coloring Book Country Gardens Coloring Book: An Adult Coloring Book Featuring Beautiful Country Gardens And Charming Countryside Scenery For Stress Relief And Relaxation (Country Coloring Books)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 68, publicationDate : 2020-04-28, authors : Cafe, Coloring Book
  • Jade Summer Christmas Flowers: An Adult Coloring Book With Cute Holiday Designs And Relaxing Flower Patterns For Christmas Lovers (Christmas Coloring Books)
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Independently published, Publisher : Independently published, Format : Großdruck, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 107, publicationDate : 2018-11-26, authors : Jade Summer, ISBN : 1790393760
  • Staedtler Feutres de coloriage double pointe Design Journey couleurs assorties - Pochette de 36 Anthracite
    Ces feutres de coloriage conviennent pour les croquis, les dessins et illustrations ainsi que l'écriture et le coloriage. Feutre de coloriage double pointe.<br/><br/>Corps en polypropylène.<br/>Largeur du tracé : 0,5 -3 mm.<br/><br/>Capuchon ventilé (ISO 11540). - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Sycomore CRE6012 - Coloriage Enfant - Coloriages Villes 40 Pages - 3+ Ans SYCOMORE
  • Les Coloriages Du Dimanche : Une Année De Coloriages Pour Découvrir L'Évangile
    Binding : Album, Label : Bayard Jeunesse, Publisher : Bayard Jeunesse, medium : Sonstige Einbände, publicationDate : 2017-09-06, languages : french, ISBN : 2747083977
  • Bic Visacolor XL Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Large - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 12 - Lot de 2
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des outils de coloriage spécialement conçus pour développer la psycho-motricité des enfants tout en leur offrant un confort optimal.<br/>Le coloriage permet l'apprentissage des couleurs et développe la créativité des enfants et leur confiance en eux.<br/>Déclinés en 24 couleurs très vives, les feutres à pointe large Visacolor XL de BIC Kids sont recommandés dès 3 ans.<br/>Leur corps rond est facile à saisir, et leur pointe bloquée ne s'enfonce pas à la pression sur le papier.<br/>Ils permettent ainsi de colorier des larges aplats et de dessiner des contours épais.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, leur encre à base d'eau est lavable sur la plupart des tissus.<br/>Gage de qualité, ces feutres sont fabriqués dans les propres usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir-faire unique.<br/>Coloriez en toute tranquilité.<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>Recyclé à 54%<br/>NF Environnement - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Set 72 Feutres de coloriage double pointe fine 0,5 à 0,8mm et large 3mm, à base d'eau, assortis
    Feutres Design Journey<br/>Feutres double pointe.<br/>Pour de multiples applications : croquis, dessins, illustrations, écriture et coloriage, ...<br/>Encre à base d'eau et colorants alimentaires, lavable sur la plupart des textiles.<br/>Largeur de trait : pointe large 3 mm et pointe fine 0,5 à 0,8 mm.<br/>Conforme à la norme EN 71.<br/>Set en plastique rigide transparent pegboardable.<br/>Set de 72 feutres - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Ozzé Coloriages érotiques pour adultes
    Je suis le livre de Coloriages érotiques pour adultes de Ozzé. Original et divertissant, je suis un excellent cadeau à offrir à ses amis, par exemple pour un EVJF ou un EVJG !   Être adulte ne signifie pas ne plus être joueur ou joueuse...Je cache de nombreux coloriages au fil de mes pages, tous plus coquins les uns que les autres. Concentrez-vous pour colorier sans dépasser les lignes... Y arriverez-vous Dans tous les cas, vous passerez un bon moment !
  • Maped Kit de coloriage COLOR'PEPS, 100 pièces
    En carton avec poignée de transport,<br/><br/>contenu : 36 feutres de coloriage COLOR'PEPS, 36 crayons de<br/><br/>couleur COLOR'PEPS STRONG, 24 crayons de cire COLOR'PEPS, 1<br/><br/>feutre, de coloriage avec pointe pinceau, 1 crayon à papier<br/><br/>(M907003)<br/><br/>BLACK'PEPS, 1 gomme, 1 taille-crayons - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Plastidecor Craies de Coloriage - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 12 - Lot de 5 Lilas
    À la maison ou à l'école, les craies de couleur BIC Kids Plastidecor sont parfaites pour initier les enfants dès 30 mois au monde du dessin et du coloriage.<br/>Leur palette de 24 couleurs comprend des couleurs vives et métalliques pour stimuler la créativité des artistes en herbe.<br/>Adaptées aux petites mains, elles ont une taille de 12 cm (alors qu'un crayon standard mesure 17cm).<br/>Leur corps en cire plastique est extra résistant et leur mine plus solide que celle des crayons de couleur normaux, afin de mieux résister aux chutes et à la forte pression des petites mains sur le papier.<br/>Aucun risque de se salir avec ces craies qui laissent les mains et les tissus propres.<br/>Elles se taillent avec un taille-crayon classique, sans en obstruer les trous.<br/>L'entreprise BIC fabrique depuis plus de 65 ans des produits de grande qualité, distribués partout dans le monde et vendus au meilleur prix.<br/>Avec sa gamme BIC Kids, BIC propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement et le confort des enfants. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage double pointe Noris,étui de 10 - Lot de 4
    Largeur de tracé: 1,0 et 3,0 mm, encre à base<br/><br/>d'eau et de colorants alimentaires, DRY-SAFE, pointes<br/><br/>blocables, lavable, capuchon ventilé, pointe ronde<br/><br/>contenu: 10 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assortis dans les couleurs jaune, orange, rouge, violet,<br/><br/>bleu, bleu clair, vert, vert clair, marron, noir - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Pochette de 10 feutres de coloriage double pointe de 2 couleurs et de 2 pointes différentes. - Lot de 3
    Feutre double pointe<br/>Etui de 10 feutres pegboardable en carton, composé à 80 % minimum de matériaux recyclés.<br/>Feutres de coloriage double pointe moyenne 1,0 mm et large 3,0 mm de 2 couleurs différentes soit 20 couleurs.<br/>Pointe bloquée solide et résistante à la pression.<br/>Encre à base d'eau et de colorants alimentaires, lavable sur la plupart des textiles.<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>Recyclé à 80% - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Pelikan Feutre de coloriage colorella, aquarellable, étui 6 - Lot de 3 Blanc
    S'applique et se mélange au pinceau et à l'eau, lavable sur<br/><br/>la plupart des tissus, capuchon ventilé, pointe ogive,<br/><br/>largeur du tracé: env.<br/>2,0 à 43,0 mm<br/><br/>contenu : 6 feutres - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Visa Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Fine - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 288 Bleu clair
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des produits de coloriage spécialement adaptés au développement, au confort et à la créativité des enfants.<br/>Les feutres de coloriage Visa ont une pointe fine qui permet d'effectuer des contours nets et des coloriages précis.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, leur encre à base d'eau est lavable sur la plupart des vêtements.<br/>Ils se referment facilement grâce à un capuchon ventilé.<br/>Mais ils peuvent aussi sortir sans leur capuchon car leur encre spéciale ne sèchera pas même s'ils sont décapuchonnés pendant 3 mois (sauf l'encre noire).<br/>Gage de qualité, ces feutres sont fabriqués dans les usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir faire unique.<br/>La couleur du feutre, comme celle du bouchon et de la mine sont très vives.<br/>Avec BIC, dessinez dans la bonne humeur. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Kid Couleur Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Moyenne - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 144
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement, le confort et la sécurité des enfants.<br/>Parfaits pour le coloriage quotidien des enfants dès 5 ans, les feutres Kid Couleur ont plus d'une corde à leur arc.<br/>Déclinés en 24 couleurs lumineuses, ils permettent des dessins vifs et riches en contrastes.<br/>Leur pointe moyenne bloquée ne s'enfonce pas à la pression sur le papier.<br/>Ils sont donc adaptés à une longue utilisation alternant contours précis et coloriages intensifs.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, ces feutres de coloriage sont ultra lavables.<br/>Les feutres Kid Couleur sont solides et fiables : ils sont fabriqués en France dans les usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir faire unique.<br/>Merci qui ?<br/>Les feutres Kid Couleur bien sûr. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Ecriture Visaquarelle Feutres de Coloriage avec Pointe Pinceau - Couleurs Assorties, Pot de 48 Turquoise
    Feutres Pinceaux Visaquarelle<br/>Feutres pointe extra souple indéformable et bloquée.<br/>Peut rester ouvert 4 semaines sans sécher ! Couleurs assorties.<br/>Pot de 48 - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Visaquarelle Feutres de Coloriage avec Pointe Pinceau - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 10 - Lot de 2
    Véritable palette d'artiste, la boîte de feutres BIC Kids Visaquarelle permet de colorier en retrouvant les sensations de la peinture.<br/>Déclinés en 10 couleurs lumineuses, les feutres possèdent une pointe pinceau extrèmement agréable à utiliser.<br/>Suivant la pression exercée, elle permet de varier l'épaisseur du trait.<br/>On peut ainsi dessiner précisement ou colorier de larges à-plats, tout en souplesse.<br/>Très résistante et bloquée, la pointe peut subir une forte pression sans se déformer.<br/>Grâce à une technologie d'encre optimisée, ils peuvent rester 3 mois décapuchonnés sans sécher (sauf encre noire).<br/>Gage de qualité, les feutres BIC Kids Visaquarelle sont fabriquésdans les propres usines BIC, grâce à un savoir-faire unique transmis depuis des décennies.<br/>L'entreprise BIC fabrique depuis plus de 65 ans des produits de grande qualité, distribués partout dans le monde et vendus au meilleur prix.<br/>Avec la gamme BIC Kids, BIC propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement et le confort des enfants. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Boîte métal de 20 feutres de coloriage pointe fine (0,8mm). Corps Noir. 10 couleurs assorties - Lot de 2 Vert clair
    CONTE<br/>Crayons de couleur.<br/>Boîte de 24 feutres. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Ambiance-sticker Sticker prénom personnalisable style coloriage
    Des stickers prénoms pour votre déco ! Avec les stickers muraux prénoms et ce Sticker prénom personnalisable style coloriage, vous pourrez enfin décorer l'intérieur de votre maison à votre guise ! Ce sticker nom style coloriage est à la fois amusant et original, vos enfants vont adorer. Où coller c
  • Bic Decoralo Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Extra-Large - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 48
    Les feutres de coloriage BIC Kids Decoralo voient tout en grand.<br/>Avec leur très large format, ils sont parfaitement adaptés aux mains des enfants dès 3 ans.<br/>Leur pointe XXL dessine avec un trait épais bien visible et permet de colorier de larges surfaces.<br/>Ils se déclinent en 12 couleurs d'encre éclatantes pour de magnifiques dessins et une joyeuse découverte des couleurs.<br/>Pas de panique en cas d'oubli, les feutres de coloriage Décoralo ne sèchent pas et peuvent rester sans capuchon pendant 3 jours (sauf le noir).<br/>Pour découvrir le monde des couleurs en toute sérénité, leur encre à base d'eau est facilement lavable sur la plupart des tissus.<br/>La gamme BIC Kids permet aux enfants de découvrir le coloriage, activité créative et calme aux multiples bienfaits.<br/>En effet, il stimule le développement psychomoteur des enfants, sert à l'apprentissage des couleurs, développe leur confiance en eux.<br/>C'est une aussi première initiation à l'apprentissage de l'écriture.<br/>Pour télécharger de nombreux coloriages et obtenir plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur le site internet BIC Kids. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage Noris, étui de 10 - Lot de 3
    Largeur de tracé: 1,0 mm, rond , encre à base d'eau et de<br/><br/>colorants alimentaires, DRY-SAFE, pointe bloquée, lavable,<br/><br/>capuchon ventilé<br/><br/>contenu: 10 piéces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assortis dans les couleurs jaune, orange, rouge, rose, bleu,<br/><br/>bleu clair, vert, vert jaunâtre, brun van-Dyke, noir, violet - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Stabilo Feutre de coloriage Pen 68 ARTY, étui de 66
    Largeur de tracé: 1,0 mm, encre à base d'eau sans odeur,<br/><br/>peut rester 24 heures ouvert sans sécher, pointe ogive<br/><br/>bloquée anti-enfoncement, en étui métallique<br/><br/>contenu: 66 feutres<br/><br/>(6866-31) - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage Noris, étui en carton 12 - Lot de 5
    Épaisseur mine: 1,0 mm, rond, facile à laver, capuchon avec<br/><br/>canal d'air, couleurs assorties<br/><br/>contenu: 12 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assorti dans couleurs: jaune, rouge, magenta, bleu, bleu<br/><br/>clair, orange, vert, vert-jaune, violet, marron van-dyke,<br/><br/>gris clair, noir - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Feutre de coloriage Noris, étui en carton 24 - Lot de 3
    Épaisseur mine: 1,0 mm, rond, facile à laver, capuchon avec<br/><br/>canal d'air, couleurs assorties<br/><br/>contenu: 24 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>assorti dans les couleurs jaune, jaune clair, jaune sable,<br/><br/>jaune doré, rouge, magenta, bordeau, bleu, bleu clair, bleu<br/><br/>de cobalt, turquois, orange, vert, vert-jaune, vert sève,<br/><br/>vert de terre, olive clair, vert olive, violet, violet<br/><br/>pourpre, marron, marron van-dyke, gris clair, noir - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Maped Creativ Kit de coloriage COLOURING KIT, 50 pièces
    Contenu : 1x pot à crayons en carton à colorier, 16x crayons<br/><br/>de couleur COLOR'PEPS STRONG, 11x feutres COLOR'PEPS, 16x<br/><br/>crayons de cire COLOR'PEPS WAX, 6x colle pailletée COLOR'<br/><br/>PEPS, en carton, dimensions : (L)270 x (P)210 x (H)50 mm<br/><br/>(M907037) - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Folia Feutre double de coloriage 2 en 1, étui de 10 - Lot de 3
    Largeur de tracé: 1 pointe de 0,5 mm et 1 de 1,0 mm, assorti<br/><br/>dans les couleurs : noir, violet, bleu, vert foncé, vert,<br/><br/>jaune, orange, rouge, rose vif, marron<br/><br/>contenu : 10 pièces - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels

Back in the day, coloring books were used to keep children entertained at the perfected their fine motor skills. We all, at some point, enjoyed a good coloring book, even if some of us had trouble staying inside the lines (the early evidence of your rebellious nature, what sap lets a book tell them what to do?). But in recent years the joys of coloring have been rediscovered for adults and the adult coloring book industry has blossomed and boomed. It is not merely a way to keep you entertained during rainy days, though. The adult coloring book has been designed to promote mindfulness and aid in relieving stress, all through the (mostly) calming nature of coloring. We understand how important it is to feel at peace with the world, and how difficult that can sometimes be, so sit back, relax and check out our selection of the best adult coloring books and see if we can’t help put your mind at ease.

The Best Adult Coloring Book


Coloring Book for Adults: Amazing Swirls

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coloring book for adults: amazing swirls
Coloring Book for Adults: Amazing Swirls

Around and around you will go with this coloring book for adults. It is a number one bestseller and is a great gift for those who love to relax with their colors and indulge in their creativity. The book comes with enough variety to keep even the most experienced adult colorer interested by presenting them with animals, flowers and similar, swirly patterns that range from the simple to the intricate.

Even for those who don’t really feel like they have a creative spark, they can still get enough from this kind of book due to the potential for mindless scribbling here and there. For some, this is a great way to unwind after a day and can help with both mental and intellectual health as you get all of the mess from your brain onto the page. For this reason, and for this price, the Amazing Swirls coloring book for adults is a great choice for any budding artist, or just someone who loves to color.

Key Features:

Detailed designs

Great for either concentrated or mindless activity

Designs printed only on front of page to prevent bleed through

Excellent price

Variety of subjects


  • AuthorsHappy Coloring, Elena Bogdanovych


Color Me Calm: A Zen Coloring Book

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color me calm: a zen coloring book
color me calm: a zen coloring book

Yet another in a long list of stress relief coloring books, the Color Me Calm Zen Coloring Book provides templates for relaxation and meditation with 100 images all designed to help you find balance in your life. Designed by art therapist Lacy Mucklow and artist Angela Porter, you will be treated to a variety of different images that help you cast off the problems of what is around you and sucks you into the world that they have created in this book.

Separated into 7 thematic chapters that include mandalas, wooded scenes, and geometric patterns, this book offers a variety that you don’t often see in other coloring books. As for the quality, the paper is reasonably thick to prevent bleed-through, and comes with lines that are clear and strong enough to prevent any mishaps. The designs themself range from the quick and easy to do before bed to longer, more complex patterns that might require a more effort. While it is not necessarily one of the funny coloring books, there is still a lot to love and a lot to be gained from taking it easy and moving at your own pace through this book to help repair mind, body and soul.

Key Features:

Created by certified art therapist, Lucy Macklow

Seven therapeutically-themed chapters

Perfect for channeling anxiety

Both simple and complex patterns

100 coloring templates


Adult Coloring Book: Designs

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adult coloring book: designs
Adult Coloring Book: Designs

Our best value coloring book is a short, sweet, and cheap collection published by Two Hoots Coloring that is a perfect fix for all your coloring cravings but when you don’t have the cash (or the time) to dive into a much more comprehensive collection. It comes with 48 designs that include everything from mandalas to more doodle-esque patterns to satisfy all sorts of coloring fans, that can be fun, intricate and highly unusual.

The patterns in the Designs have been licensed from real artists and not merely created in a computer programme, so you can be certain of quality patterns and excellently printed lines. As for paper quality, while it isn’t as thick as some (more expensive) books, it is still good enough to prevent most bleed through from markers. There are fewer products available that will give you this amount of coloring for the price, so grab yourself a copy if you still haven’t scratched that coloring itch.

Key Features:

Lots of licensed designs

Strong lines

Versatile patterns

Engaging designs

Excellent price


The Splat: Coloring the 90s – Adult Coloring Book

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the splat coloring the 90s
The Splat: Coloring the 90s - Adult Coloring Book

Anyone who did not experience the classic Nicktoons of the 90s, essentially, did not have a childhood. Sucks to be you, dude. But those that weren’t deprived of the Golden Age of after school and Saturday morning cartoons will greet this cool coloring book like an old friend. Featuring all of your favorites, from Arnold to Ren and Stimpy to Rocko to good old Tommy Pickles, it will feel like stepping back into simpler times where the only thing you were concerned about was whether the girl sitting opposite liked you and when your pizza rolls will be ready.

Coloring the 90s is comprised of 96 pages featuring your favorite characters spanning over twenty difference cartoons. Unlike other coloring books, you have the chance to fill out scenes instead of merely on subject per page, giving you the chance to experiment with your own creativity and imagine an alternative world of all your most cherished TV memories. The only one missing that you might notice is Doug, but there are still enough strolls down memory lane here to keep you entertained and pining for the simplicity of bikes rides to friend’s houses, video games till one AM, and the embarrassing 90s fashions we’ve all strived to forget. Be sure to also check out our list of the best adult graphic novels for more great items like this.

Key Features:

All your favorite characters from Nicktoons

Variety of scenes

Pages don’t let gel pens or water-based markers bleed through

Flat opening by breaking book spine

Detailed designs


Mandala Adult Coloring Book

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mandala coloring book
mandala coloring book

Unlock your inner zen with the Mandala Coloring Book designed by Jade Summer. Featuring 100 different images, you will feel at peace and have the opportunity to color in different styles of mandala from star to floral to circular ones that will be enhanced by your creative touch. This is the ideal solution for achieving that relaxation that you do desperately crave and can help promote mindfulness coloring.

Much loved by other colorists, you will be able to relieve stress and find peace in the hectic world around you. Experiment with a variety of different designs with all the colors that you can fit in your pencil case. Bringing both complex and more simplistic designs to suit anybody, you will never be so relaxed, chilling after a day with a cup of tea, coffee, or beer with symmetry that is an excellent cure for anxiety and fidgety fingers. The devil makes work for idle hands, so give them something to do and embrace the wonders of inner satisfaction. Our handy guide to the best magnetic toys features more great products like this. 

Key Features:

100 images

Variety of floral, circular, star and other patterns

Free digital edition included

Popular amongst other colorists

Promotes mindfulness, relieves stress and encourages calm living


Posh Adult Coloring Book: Peanuts for Inspiration and Relaxation

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posh adult coloring book: peanuts for inspiration and relaxation
Posh Adult Coloring Book: Peanuts for Inspiration and Relaxation

This anti-stress coloring book takes you into the world of Charlie Brown and Snoopy which, much like the Splat coloring book, allows you to relive your childhood through some of your most treasured memories of a simpler time. The Peanuts edition is part of the trend of funny adult coloring books that focus more on just enjoying yourself as opposed to painstakingly crouching over your paper to carefully fill in every design.

Comprised of 124 images, you will have plenty of time to move through at your own pace which brings you many classic Peanuts themes including the Snoopy Dance, Schroeder and musical items, and Charlie Brown and the kite-eating tree. Unlike the Splat book, this combines the coloring book style of different, (sometimes) intricate designs that interweaves the characters themselves, combining classic with modern effortlessly. For those with kids, this is a great introduction to the marvels of Peanuts for a generation who might not have any idea who or what it is.

Key Features:

All your favorite Peanuts characters

Independent designs interwoven with Charlie Brown, Snoopy and more

124 images

Inspiring and relaxing

Easy to transport size


Fantastic Cities: A Coloring Book of Amazing Places Real and Imagined

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fantastic cities: a coloring book of amazing places real and imagined
fantastic cities: a coloring book of amazing places real and imagined

If you’ve got the travel bug but can’t afford to up sticks and run away, then Steve McDonald’s Fantastic Cities collection is the next best thing. Throughout the book, you will get to see and color aerial views of classics such as Paris, London and New York as well as experience more exotic locations such as Istanbul, Tokyo, and Rio. Steve is a lifelong traveler, and his knowledge of the world around us shines through with intricate and detailed designs that capture the individuality of every city featured while still retaining his unique style.

Also included are imagined mandala-like designs of cities that are not yet, or no longer are to take you on a journey to a time you have never (and will never) experience. The pages come with either one mammoth design splashed across the whole page or several smaller designs to really master your craft. This is the perfect gift for those who love to travel and can’t wait to pack their life into a suitcase for their next adventure. You never know, it might give them some ideas about their next destination.

Key Features:

Stunning, detailed designs of cities and places all over the world

Imagined cities to inspire your creativity

Heavy white paper

Drawings don’t run into the seams of book

Unique, large square format for increased detail


The Official Game of Thrones Coloring Book

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the official game of thrones coloring book
The Official Game of Thrones Coloring Book

When winter has finally come, what better way to hole yourself up inside the great hall (okay, your bedroom, living room, whatever) with this great companion for any Game of Thrones fan who is pining for the final series and still waiting on that ever-elusive The Winds of Winter. Packed with different designs by a number of world-class illustrators, there is something for all fans of the book and TV series and has everything from sigils to scenes imagined in the books that bring Martin’s words to life.

From Casterly Rock to well-beyond The Wall, you will feel the chill of the coming winter with the intricately designed pictures that go much deeper than your average imagination. The images bring a medieval aspect that makes many of them feel like there would not be out of place in a history book and allows you to immortalize Cersei, Sansa, Khal Drogo (before he fell from his horse and became a husk of nothingness), and, while detailed, comes with enough space to fill in little details of your own.

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Key Features:

Officially licensed product

Detailed scenes of famous locations

Based on the books, not the show

Sigils, characters and scenery

45 exclusive illustrations


  • AuthorGeorge R. R. Martin


Adult Coloring Book: Horror Hotel (Volume 1)

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adult coloring book: horror hotel (volume 1)
Adult Coloring Book: Horror Hotel (Volume 1)

Full of spooky and scary delights, this Horror Hotel Coloring Book can boast itself as part of the cool coloring books selection which all throughout features some of the creepiest, disfigured and downright weird creatures that you will ever have the pleasure (or displeasure) of coloring. This coloring book is nothing like you have ever seen before and brings all the glamor of early-20th century USA with an ugly twist.

Set in the luscious gardens of Coral Gables, FL, you will be treated to something on just the other side of the grave and soon find yourself slowly being pulled away from normality. If you are a little twisted, then you can lose hours exploring all the terror that Horror Hotel has to offer you, with a few surprises sure to chill you to the core over its 46 pages. It is perfect for fans of all things horror, you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave. Also makes an amazing gift for those who have everything.

Key Features:

Wild selection of weird, creepy and disgusting creatures

Perfect for horror fans

Inner details unravel a story of bloody massacres

Unique in its design, unlike other coloring books

Ideal for relaxing (as long as you’re not too scared)


Jade Summer – 100 Amazing Patterns: An Adult Coloring Book with Fun

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If you’re just getting into the world of adult coloring books, it might be best to start out on a book like this Jade Summer book. Featuring over 100 different flowers, the drawings are designed for beginners. I know what you’re thinking – I’m pretty sure I can handle a coloring book. But when you open some of the books on this list, you’ll be amazed at how intricate the designs. A book like this one is perfect because you can do it while you watch the TV – you don’t need to concentrate that hard. 

Each beautiful design is on a single page with a blacked-out back. This stops the color from bleeding through the page and ruining another image, a common problem on cheaper coloring books. There’s also a fun community of customers of the Jade Summer brand. People share their favorite designs, recommend other products, and more.

Key Features:

100+ designs 

For beginners 

Single-sided pages (no bleed) 

Online community of colorers


Caffeinestar Publishing – Drinking Animals Coloring Book

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Who said adult coloring books need to be serious? This is your time to relax, so it’s good to inject a bit of humor in. The Caffeinstar Publishing – Drinking Animals is packed with awesome cartoon animals of (you guessed it) animals drinking. Each page has a different animal holding a different cocktail. The pages even have the recipe on, so you can drink along with the book. Whether you’re buying this as a gift or for yourself, it’s guaranteed to be a hit. No one can resist the charm of animals drinking cocktails. The only slight complaint we’ve heard is that the pages are quite thin but that can be remedied by putting a blank sheet of paper under the page you’re coloring in.

Key Features:

Pictures of drinking animals 

For intermediates

Makes a perfect gift 

Thin pages


  • AuthorCaffeinestar Publishing

Coloring Book Buying Guide & FAQ

How We Chose Our Selection of Coloring Books

When considering our choices for the adult coloring book that you are sure to love, we had to first consider what people might look for in a coloring book. The two things that stood out to us, and what we gleaned from our research were (perhaps expectedly) the reviews and the price.

ReviewsIt can be difficult to judge a product merely by looking at pictures of it. To get a good idea of how well a product is made, how effective it is for purpose, and whether or not it is worth the money, we took a look at the reviews from people who had actually used the coloring books we were selecting.

This helped give us a great idea about types of designs, paper quality, and whether or not you will experience bleed-through. When it comes to coloring books, it is best to get an idea from the horse’s mouth – or should that be colorer’s hand? – before deciding what is the best for you.

Price Coloring books for grown-ups are unlike coloring books for children as we are not as easily entertained, so spending money on them has to be worth it. When deciding about price, we considered the complexity of images, the number of pages, and how interesting the mages were. If we believed that a coloring book wasn’t worth the money, then it didn’t pass the test and didn’t make the list.

best adult coloring books

Features To Look For In Coloring Books

The best coloring books contain a number of features that help you distinguish the best from the rest.

DesignWhether it is an animal coloring book, a mandala coloring book, or a smorgasbord of all kinds of images, you want your coloring book to have interesting and intricate designs, otherwise you will get bored a lot sooner than you hoped.

TimeFor those short on time, having a coloring book that allows for a quick little color when you get the chance is a great feature to have. No one always has the chance to sit down for hours and color, but being able to do little bits here and there will help you keep your love for the book.

Coloring ReasonsWhy do people color? To relax, to unwind, to feel better, because they want to. These are all reasons to color. But you can also buy an inspirational coloring book to help get the creative juices flowing if you are feeling drained.

MaterialsThe best coloring books come with paper that doesn’t allow colors to bleed through, or at least offer something to act as a protector for the other pages.

BudgetWith the top adult coloring books, you will be paying a premium, however, if you don’t have the cash, there are many cheaper options that can still give you a great coloring book experience.

Coloring Book FAQ

Q: What is a Coloring Book?

A: A coloring book features images that allow you to color in whatever you desire. Coloring for grown ups (just like you!) come with themes like you had as a child, but might feature more intricate and detailed designs that a child could not manage.

Q: Do Coloring Books relieve stress?

A: There are many books that encourage mindfulness coloring, and coloring books have been proven to help with stress. The act of coloring is relaxing and, like other creative ventures, helps to reduce anxiety, fight depression and generally do great things for your brain and happiness

Q: How do I choose which colors to use?

A: It is totally up to you and your style. Some people choose to stick to the traditional colors for things like plants, flowers and even people. Others want to indulge in experimentation and go for colors that you typically would not expect.

Q: What stationery should I use to color with?

A: Much like children’s coloring books, adult coloring books can be done with any type of stationery. However, some types of stationery are better suited to coloring. Crayola crayons, for example, do not offer the full control that you need, whereas fine-tip pens or markers could bleed through the paper if it is not the best quality. It is advised you have a practice piece of paper on hand to check your stationery.

best adult coloring books

Q: Should I use Pens or Pencils?

A: Again, totally up to you. Use whatever you are comfortable with, but be wary of bleed through.

Q: How can I improve my coloring skills?

A: If you get bored with the simple coloring books but don’t think you have the skills to move onto advanced coloring books you can watch YouTube videos from professionals to improve, or do research by checking out advice from those who have been there and done that to give you advice on where, what and how to improve.

Q: Why is drawing good for you?

A: Like coloring, drawing allows you to embrace creativity and can help put you at ease. Using illustrations to express how you feel is an excellent way of coping with the problems of the world. Furthermore, if you don’t want to deal with flowers and cherubs and whatever else you might consider ‘girly’, then looking out for coloring books for men can still give you the benefits of drawing complete with things like tanks, sports and whatever else you consider manly.

Coloring books are not merely for kids anymore. While a lot of them contain purely ready-made images, feel free to twist them into your own image like what is found in many drawing books for adults.


  1. The Adult Coloring Book Boom Continues – Publishers Weekly
  2. The Benefits of Coloring for Stress Relief – Be Brain Fit
  3. Coloring Techniques – Blending, Shading and More – ColorGaia
  4. See What Happens When Adults Do Coloring Books – Bored Panda