Coloriage : conseil – guide – choix Best vegan nail polishes for a cruelty-free manicure during lockdown

  • Nails Inc. Vegan Nail Polish vernis à ongles longue tenue teinte Free time it's me time 14 ml
    Nails Inc. Vegan Nail Polish, 14 ml, Vernis à ongles pour femme, Le vernis à ongles Nails Inc. Vegan Nail Polish vous garantit des ongles beaux et parfaitement entretenus en quelques instants. Le produit : couleur lumineuse et riche garantit une grande brillance s’applique confortablement Composition du produit : produit végétalien sans acétone Mode d’emploi : Appliquez le vernis à l’aide d’un petit pinceau sur les ongles préalablement dégraissés et nettoyés. Pour un meilleur résultat, appliquez deux couches.
  • Humble Chewing Gum Vegan Cruelty Free Menthe Fraîche 10 unités
    La marque The Humble Co a conçu les Chewing Gum Vegan Cruelty Free Menthe Fraîche 100% naturel et 100% vegan. Envie d'un chewing-gum à la menthe avec une compo clean? Sa formule sans édulcorant artificiel et sans sucre prend soin de vos dents. Les garanties : Composition naturelle Sans OGM Faible en calories Sugar Free Sans sucre Sans Aspartame Sans parfums artificiels Sans dérivés de la pétrochimie Non testé sur les animaux Le petit plus : son emballage recyclable !
  • Nails Inc. Vegan Nail Polish vernis à ongles longue tenue teinte and breathe 14 ml
    Nails Inc. Vegan Nail Polish, 14 ml, Vernis à ongles pour femme, Le vernis à ongles Nails Inc. Vegan Nail Polish vous garantit des ongles beaux et parfaitement entretenus en quelques instants. Le produit : couleur lumineuse et riche garantit une grande brillance s’applique confortablement Composition du produit : produit végétalien sans acétone Mode d’emploi : Appliquez le vernis à l’aide d’un petit pinceau sur les ongles préalablement dégraissés et nettoyés. Pour un meilleur résultat, appliquez deux couches.
  • Sycomore CRE6012 - Coloriage Enfant - Coloriages Villes 40 Pages - 3+ Ans SYCOMORE
  • Coloriages Mystères Disney Babies
    Brand : HACHETTE PRAT, Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : HACHETTE PRAT, Publisher : HACHETTE PRAT, Format : Blaues Buch, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 128, publicationDate : 2021-05-26, publishers : Disney, ISBN : 2019452235
  • Ozzé Coloriages érotiques pour adultes
    Je suis le livre de Coloriages érotiques pour adultes de Ozzé. Original et divertissant, je suis un excellent cadeau à offrir à ses amis, par exemple pour un EVJF ou un EVJG !   Être adulte ne signifie pas ne plus être joueur ou joueuse...Je cache de nombreux coloriages au fil de mes pages, tous plus coquins les uns que les autres. Concentrez-vous pour colorier sans dépasser les lignes... Y arriverez-vous Dans tous les cas, vous passerez un bon moment !
  • Dining Kids Livres de coloriage Cuisinier, contenu de l'emballage : 50 pièces
    Livres de coloriage de 8 pages au format A5. Paquet de 50 pièces. Crayons de couleur disponibles en set de 6 couleurs. Paquet de 24.<br><br>50 pièces A5<br><br>Également disponible avec le thème 'Page d'hôtel' (produit H121)<br><br>Crayons de couleur : H123<br><br>Dimensions totales : 21,5(H) x 15,5(L) x 5(P)cm<br><br>Poids : 820g
  • Lot de 50 enveloppes carton B-Box 4 imprimée COLORIAGE format 250x353 mm
    Pochette en carton plat blanc qualité 500 g/m² (crayons de couleurs non fournis) - Intérieur gris. - Excellente finition. - Rabat de fermeture autoadhésif avec bande de protection détachable. - Ouverture rapide et sécurisée ! - Idéal pour expédier livres, photos, agrandissements, diplômes, certificats, affiches, etc. - Permet d'insérer des objets d'une épaisseur jusqu'à 3,5 cm (objets dont les dimensions sont inférieures de 5 cm au format extérieur) - 100% recyclable. Le meilleur rapport qualité/prix en terme de protection et de résistance !
  • Lot de 100 enveloppes carton B-Box 4 imprimée COLORIAGE format 250x353 mm
    Pochette en carton plat blanc qualité 500 g/m² (crayons de couleurs non fournis) - Intérieur gris. - Excellente finition. - Rabat de fermeture autoadhésif avec bande de protection détachable. - Ouverture rapide et sécurisée ! - Idéal pour expédier livres, photos, agrandissements, diplômes, certificats, affiches, etc. - Permet d'insérer des objets d'une épaisseur jusqu'à 3,5 cm (objets dont les dimensions sont inférieures de 5 cm au format extérieur) - 100% recyclable. Le meilleur rapport qualité/prix en terme de protection et de résistance !
  • STABILO Schoolpack de 144 feutres de coloriage pointe moyenne Trio A-Z
    Le schoolpack est le format idéal pour les salles de classe : une grande quantité de feutres dans les 12 couleurs principales et une boîte de rangement super pratique. Les compartiments intégrés permettent de trier facilement les feutres par couleur, et une fois l'activité terminée on remet le couvercle et on range la boîte. Ce schoolpack est compatible avec certains meubles de rangement pour la classe. Le feutre STABILO Trio A-Z est le feutre idéal pour les petits artistes qui souhaitent un feutre de qualité pour écrire et dessiner. Ergonomique, sa zone grip triangulaire permet une prise en main détendue et un bon positionnement des doigts sur le feutre. Sa pointe moyenne de 0,7mm est parfaitement polyvalente : assez fine pour écrire, et assez large pour dessiner et colorier. Son encre est super lavable et permet aux taches accidentelles de partir après un lavage à 40°C sur la plupart des textiles. A l'école ou à la maison, le feutre STABILO Trio A-Z, disponible dans plus de 30 coloris dont 5 fluos, sera le compagnon créatif idéal des enfants.
  • STABILO Pot métal de 24 feutres de coloriage pointe large power max
    Regroupant 12 coloris assortis de STABILO power max, ce pot saura ranger et regrouper vos STABILO au même endroit. Fabriqué en Europe, STABILO power max est le feutre de coloriage pointe large parfait pour les enfants dès 3 ans. Grâce à son corps large et rond, les plus petits à partir de 3 ans peuvent bien le prendre en main et son tracé de 3 mm permet à l'enfant de colorier rapidement de larges surfaces. Et comme il arrive d'oublier de remettre le capuchon, pas de problème il peut rester ouvert jusqu'à 8 semaines sans sécher! Sa pointe est bloquée pour résister à la pression et ainsi ne se casse pas et ne se tord pas. Son capuchon est ventilé, en cas d'ingestion et son encre est lavable sur la plupart des textiles.
  • La Normandie Poster Coloriage
    Binding : Poster, Label : La Petite Boite, Publisher : La Petite Boite, PackageQuantity : 1, medium : Sonstige Einbände, publicationDate : 2015-07-21
  • COPPENRATH Jeu de coloriage cartes pailletées princesse Lillifee
    Caractéristiques : A partir de 3 ans Loisir créatif avec princesse Lillifee : ensemble de cartes pailletées à colorier Die Spiegelburg comme activité idéale pour princesses créatives Ensemble créatif incluant 8 crayons de couleur à paillettes pour compléter les 6 cartes à motifs à paillettes...
  • STABILO 14 feutres de coloriage pointe large Trio Scribbi
    Le feutre STABILO Trio Scribbi est idéal comme premier feutre pour les enfants à partir de 3 ans. Sa pointe moyenne est montée sur ressort, l’enfant apprend à doser la pression exercée lors de son coloriage, pour bien appréhender la prochaine étape qu’est l’écriture. S'il appuie trop fort , la pointe rentre à l'intérieur du feutre pour éviter qu'elle ne se torde ou se casse. Le feutre STABILO Trio Scribbi est idéal pour les toutes petites mains grâce à son corps large et triangulaire. Disponible en 8 coloris intenses, l’encre à base d'eau du feutre STABILO Trio Scribbi ne tâche pas et est super lavable sur la plupart des textiles (lavage à 40°C en machine).
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    Hannah Davies
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    pandy als
  • coloriage apprentis sorciers collectif lito
  • Coloriage en liberté Robert Scouvart Seuil Jeunesse
    Robert Scouvart
  • Coloriages mystères : Looney Tunes T2 alexandre karam Hachette Pratique
    alexandre karam
  • Coloriages kouka MFG Education
  • Coloriage XXL : Paris Jérôme Meyer-Bisch Hachette Pratique
    Jérôme Meyer-Bisch
  • Coloriages dorés street-art : tableaux à détacher et à offrir ! Eduardo Bertone Deux coqs d'or
    Eduardo Bertone
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    Claire de Moulor, Monsieur Dupont, Eduardo Bertone
  • Coloriages en 3D - Animaux hannah davies, benjamin peylet First
    hannah davies, benjamin peylet
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    Nathalie Dieterlé
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  • coloriages pour adulte "esprit floral - zen attitude"

Veganism is still on the rise. The Vegan Society has noted that more than half of Brits have adopted vegan shopping habits, such as buying vegan products and checking if their cosmetics are cruelty-free.

Research shows that there are now 600,000 vegans living in the UK, which is four times more than 2014.

But being vegan is more than shunning meat, eggs and dairy, as animal-derived ingredients feature in clothing, beauty and household products too.

When it comes to shopping for vegan nail polish, there are some key ingredients to avoid, including:

Guanine, typically derived from fish scales, is what gives nail polish a shimmery finish. It is sometimes listed as natural pearl essence or CI 75170. Vegan alternatives include synthetic pearls or aluminium particles.

Carmine often gives lipsticks, blushes and nail polish its red colour. It comes from female cochineal insects that are killed, dried, crushed and boiled to make the strong red dye. It is sometimes named crimson lake, natural red 4 or CI 75470.

Keratin is an animal protein sometimes used in nail polish to help strengthen damaged nails. It is often sourced from animal feathers, horns and hooves. It can also be derived from plants.

Shellac is a resin secreted from the female lac bug found in India and Thailand. It is sold as dry flakes and dissolved in alcohol to make the liquid shellac you find in nail salons.

Several leading nail polish brands, including Nails Inc, Butter London and Sally Hansen, have vegan products in their range but are not fully vegan.

To avoid confusion, we have only included nail polishes from fully vegan brands, so you can enjoy browsing all the colours and finishes, knowing that not one of them contains animal-derived ingredients.

The brands listed below are also cruelty-free, meaning no animal testing at any point in the supply and manufacturing chain, and do not sell products in China, where animal testing is required by law.

Every nail polish has been tested for ease of application, the density of colour, finish and durability to ensure that its quality rivals popular non-vegan equivalents.

Many of these polishes are also free from some of the toxins commonly found in nail varnishes, such as formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate.

If you want non-toxic products, look for the “free” label – 3-free, 5-free, 7-free etc. But, bear in mind that these can be thinner in texture and require more coats of the nail polish. In any case, apply a clear or white base coat first for the best finish.

You can trust our independent roundups. We may earn commission from some of the retailers, but we never allow this to influence our selection. This revenue helps us to fund journalism across The Independent.

Maggie Anne

If your polish preference lies with deep reds and purples, you’ll love the shade “Amy” from award-winning British brand Maggie Anne’s range of more than 40 shades. It comes out as a rich aubergine – much less garishly purple than the marketing photos suggest – and left us with the glossiest finish of all the polishes we tested. Even the stubbornest gel aficionados will be impressed – and there’s no UV lamp required. The formula is fairly thick so we found two thin coats to be optimal, but you can expect strong pigment and no streaking from the first layer.

Our manicure still looked pristine nearly a week after application (we used a base and top coat, and lightly brushed along the tip of each nail, as usual). These polishes are all 6-free and have been given the Peta seal of approval. It’ll also last for up to two years once opened, unlike many other polishes that quickly go gloopy. We’ll take the lot, please.

Nailberry l’oxygéne

Peta-certified nail brand Nailberry ticks a lot of boxes for any conscious shopper. Its extensive line of polishes is entirely vegan-friendly, 12-free and halal-approved. Nailberry’s USP, however, is its breathable formula that lets air and water vapour pass through the polish to the nail, keeping it healthy.

New to the range is the “it’s juicy” collection, comprising of three fun and fruity pink hues just in time for spring/summer 2020. Our favourite shade was “berry fizz” – a subtle glittering magenta that gives us that summer holiday feeling.

Nailberry’s formulas are sheer, meaning you’ll need to build them up for a stronger colour. This requires more time, but we love the glossy, semi-translucent finish it gives. The wide tapered brush neatly colours the nail in one sweep without blobbing.

Base coat and two thin coats of colour later, we were happy with our result. This polish proved durable too – run a top coat along the tip of your nail to keep them chip-free for days.

Barry M green origin nail paint

Beauty lovers on a budget will already know and love Barry M’s affordable vegan nail polishes. Four new earthy colours have just been added to its “green origin” collection – 70 per cent natural origin paints made with wheat, potato and corn.

We were sceptical about whether these unusual ingredients would translate to a high-quality nail polish but we were pleasantly surprised by the results. Our pick from the latest collection is the uplifting, sky-blue “Salt Lake” but we also liked “cranberry” (actually more of a pinky terracotta), which flatters all skin tones.

Expect exceptionally strong pigment from the first coat, so much so that we only needed one layer. This is just as well as the texture is thicker than usual, making it hard to paint a thin layer and more likely to smudge or chip.

The brush is big, which is helpful for getting a lot of colour on quickly but makes neatening up the edges tricky. Despite the downsides, this is a great value nail polish. Pair it with your favourite vegan base and top coat for more protection – both are available in this line.

Peacći nail polish

Trendy new vegan nail brand Peacći has been the talk of the catwalks lately. It was launched in 2019 as the brainchild of nail industry icon Daisy Kalnina, who also owns the official London Fashion Week nail supplier The Gel Bottle Inc. There are more than 130 polishes in the collection, ranging from neon hues to glitters, and the square glass bottles with tall lids are an Instagrammer’s dream.

The bright and beautiful coral hue “sunshine” instantly stood out to us as the perfect summer shade. We found the colour to be highly pigmented and liked the wide brush that sweeps polish across the nail in one swipe.

The formula is on the thick side, so you could get away with just one coat if you’re not the neatest home manicurist. We didn’t find Peacći’s nail polish to be any longer lasting than other brands we tried but it lasted three days without any noticeable chipping. We’ve already got our eyes on the neon and nude starter sets, both £54 a pop.

J Hannah seven free nail polish

Hip LA jewellery brand J. Hannah has a line of nail polishes that is still flying under the radar at the moment. The range is targeted at those who are “colour-resistant” and comes solely in muted shades that will complement a professional wardrobe.

The collection was inspired by artists’ palettes, natural elements and the muses the brand envisioned channelling specific colours of moods. The 7-free polishes are available to buy in the UK through contemporary high street fashion store, Cos.

The olive green and mustard yellow shades would look striking on dark skin tones, but our favourite is the universally flattering midnight blue. This polish has a shine to it but is less glossy than others we tested – a positive if you’re after something subtle. The brush is the thinnest we tried – three sweeps per coat were required, meaning application took longer than usual, but the smaller tip came in handy for touch-ups and the polish dried quickly.

Zoya calm 2020 spring nail polish collection

Pastel fans looking for a new shade for spring will enjoy US nail polish brand Zoya’s latest collection of mellow hues. The gentle sage “leif” is a bestseller for a reason – it has a creamy tone to it and will make even the lightest tan pop, but we also like the baby blue “Emerson”.

Two coats were enough to achieve a professional, opaque finish that lasted four days without chipping. This polish goes on fairly thick, but not so much that it smudges or takes ages to dry. The brush is on the thin side which helps to control coverage but does take longer to apply. It’s breathable and 10-free, which will appeal to shoppers looking for a non-toxic manicure.

Cienna Rose enriched nail lacquer

Everybody needs a classic post box red nail polish in their collection. Our go-to is the “double decker” from Cienna Rose, which has also recently launched a range of ice cream and sorbet inspired shades.

The 12-free formula is infused with nourishing vitamins and essential oils to help keep your nails healthy while colouring them. The pigment is powerful, the finish is satisfyingly shiny, and the polish has a subtle lemony scent to it that’s much more bearable than the usual chemical smell.

The brush is shorter than the others we tried, making it easier to control the application, yet the polish is thick enough to apply one coat in a single sweep. Go for two, thin coats if you want it to last longer than a few days without chipping (thicker coats chip more easily) and expect your nails to be fully dry in around 15 minutes. Made in the UK, these nail polishes come in cute glass bottles with round lids that’ll sit nicely on your dressing table.

Wilko essence, shine, last and go!

Exclusive to Wilko, this bargain nail polish brand is a steal for the price. Named “shine, last and go!”, this polish promises a lot, but our expectations were low given each polish costs less than £2. While we don’t think it rivals more expensive products on this list (understandably), we were pleasantly surprised by how well it lived up to its claims.

The shine, in particular, is wonderfully gel-like and the colour of our favourite bright pink shade, “endless summer”, came out strongly from the first coat and dried quickly, making application speedy. While this colour is currently sold out, we love the look of “millennial pink”, an equally great choice for spring/summer.

Regrettably, this polish chipped after two days, but if you’re happy to carry one of the pleasingly shaped bottles with you, then administering the odd touch-up here and there isn’t a hardship. Plus, its durability will improve greatly if you have the time to add a top coat and run it along the tips of your nails.

Autograph lasting all in one nail colour

M&S might not be the first shop you think of when looking for new nail polish, but we were excited to learn that all the polishes in its acclaimed own-brand Autograph range are vegan. We tried the all in one formula, which combines a base coat and top coat with the colour and is infused with argan oil and vitamin E to help protect your nails from drying out and flaking.

The flat, wide brush got an instant thumbs up – it makes application much easier for those without a perfectly steady hand and stops the polish from blobbing as it can’t collect as easily. The first coat of our chosen shade, the deep raspberry “amaranth”, came out a little streaky but by the third thin layer, our nails looked professionally done. We were impressed with the durability of this polish, with our shiny manicure lasting for five days before small chips began appearing. It’s great value at an affordable £6 a pop.


The French word soigné translates to “dressed elegantly, well-groomed”, making it an appropriate name for such a chic brand. It also means “to take care of” – each polish is appropriately 5-free and made from up to 85 per cent natural ingredients.

Soigné’s large range of shades will especially appeal to fans of a nude nail – our hue of choice is “crème au beurre”, a creamy pale pink that’ll match your manicure to the spring blossom outside, but there are lots of delicate neutrals to browse.

The brushes are long and on the thinner side of some of the others we tested, so you’ll need a steady hand, but the polish dries within 15 minutes and two coats is enough. Soigné also does an extra tough top coat that can either be cured under a UV lamp or left to dry naturally, but it’s so popular it keeps selling out, so you’ll need to strike lucky.

The verdict: Vegan nail polishes

For polishes that look as glossy as a shellac manicure for a fraction of the cost, make a beeline for Maggie Anne’s rightly acclaimed range. If you’re on a budget, M&S’s Autograph range impressed with its durability and Barry M has a commendable collection of natural neutrals for under a fiver.

IndyBest product reviews are unbiased, independent advice you can trust. On some occasions, we earn revenue if you click the links and buy the products, but we never allow this to bias our coverage. The reviews are compiled through a mix of expert opinion and real-world testing.