Coloriage : black friday – reduction – reduction Best salons in Ireland for cut, colour, blow dry, extensions, bridal and customer service

  • Brian Kennedy Of Colour In Craft-Pb: Coracle For The Crafts Council Of Ireland
    Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Cornerhouse Distribution Clients, Publisher : Cornerhouse Distribution Clients, NumberOfItems : 1, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 96, publicationDate : 2002-01-01, publishers : Brian Kennedy, ISBN : 0906630169
  • Eurolite Softbag for 6x LED Party Tube Black
    Eurolite Softbag for 6x LED Party Tube, Carrying Bag, For 6x LED Party Tube IR (Tubes 579577 are not included in the scope of delivery), 2 Carrying straps, Maximum load capacity: 25 kg, Device compartment: 1 m x 22 cm x 13 cm, Colour: Black, Dimensions (L x W x H): 118 x 27 x 16 mm, Weight: 930 g
  • Shure SM58 Special Black Edition black
    "Shure SM58 Special Black Edition, legendary vocal mic in a special black edition; dynamic vocal microphone, cardioid, frequency response 50-15000 Hz, sensitivity -56 dBV / Pa (1.85 mV), suitable for vocals, dimensions: 23 x 162 x 51 mm, 298 g, including microphone bag, microphone clamp, 3/8"" thread adaptor, colour: black"
  • Staedtler Feutres de coloriage double pointe Design Journey couleurs assorties - Pochette de 36
    Ces feutres de coloriage conviennent pour les croquis, les dessins et illustrations ainsi que l'écriture et le coloriage. Feutre de coloriage double pointe.<br/><br/>Corps en polypropylène.<br/>Largeur du tracé : 0,5 -3 mm.<br/><br/>Capuchon ventilé (ISO 11540). - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Sycomore CRE6012 - Coloriage Enfant - Coloriages Villes 40 Pages - 3+ Ans SYCOMORE
  • Les Coloriages Du Dimanche : Une Année De Coloriages Pour Découvrir L'Évangile
    Binding : Album, Label : Bayard Jeunesse, Publisher : Bayard Jeunesse, medium : Sonstige Einbände, publicationDate : 2017-09-06, languages : french, ISBN : 2747083977
  • Staedtler Set 72 Feutres de coloriage double pointe fine 0,5 à 0,8mm et large 3mm, à base d'eau, assortis
    Feutres Design Journey<br/>Feutres double pointe.<br/>Pour de multiples applications : croquis, dessins, illustrations, écriture et coloriage, ...<br/>Encre à base d'eau et colorants alimentaires, lavable sur la plupart des textiles.<br/>Largeur de trait : pointe large 3 mm et pointe fine 0,5 à 0,8 mm.<br/>Conforme à la norme EN 71.<br/>Set en plastique rigide transparent pegboardable.<br/>Set de 72 feutres - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Ozzé Coloriages érotiques pour adultes
    Je suis le livre de Coloriages érotiques pour adultes de Ozzé. Original et divertissant, je suis un excellent cadeau à offrir à ses amis, par exemple pour un EVJF ou un EVJG !   Être adulte ne signifie pas ne plus être joueur ou joueuse...Je cache de nombreux coloriages au fil de mes pages, tous plus coquins les uns que les autres. Concentrez-vous pour colorier sans dépasser les lignes... Y arriverez-vous Dans tous les cas, vous passerez un bon moment !
  • Bic Feutres de coloriage Visacolor XL ECOlutions® gigapack X288
    Kit Visacolor XL feutres + abécédaire<br/>Feutres de coloriage pointe Large.<br/>Maxi Schoolpack de 238 feutres + 50 gratuits + 1 Abécédaire à colorier pour apprendre l'alphabet.<br/>Couleurs assorties.<br/>Le kit - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Dessin Et Coloriage Enfant Djeco Coffret Feutres Pinceaux 24 Pièces
    Dessin et coloriage enfant Djeco Coffret feutres pinceaux 24 pièces - Dessin et coloriage enfant. Achat et vente de jouets, jeux de société, produits de puériculture. Découvrez les Univers Playmobil, Légo, FisherPrice, Vtech ainsi que les grandes marques de puériculture : , , Mac Laren, ...
  • Bic Plastidecor Craies de Coloriage - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 12 - Lot de 5 Violet
    À la maison ou à l'école, les craies de couleur BIC Kids Plastidecor sont parfaites pour initier les enfants dès 30 mois au monde du dessin et du coloriage.<br/>Leur palette de 24 couleurs comprend des couleurs vives et métalliques pour stimuler la créativité des artistes en herbe.<br/>Adaptées aux petites mains, elles ont une taille de 12 cm (alors qu'un crayon standard mesure 17cm).<br/>Leur corps en cire plastique est extra résistant et leur mine plus solide que celle des crayons de couleur normaux, afin de mieux résister aux chutes et à la forte pression des petites mains sur le papier.<br/>Aucun risque de se salir avec ces craies qui laissent les mains et les tissus propres.<br/>Elles se taillent avec un taille-crayon classique, sans en obstruer les trous.<br/>L'entreprise BIC fabrique depuis plus de 65 ans des produits de grande qualité, distribués partout dans le monde et vendus au meilleur prix.<br/>Avec sa gamme BIC Kids, BIC propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement et le confort des enfants. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Plastidecor Craies de Coloriage - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 288
    Crayons plastiques Plastidécor<br/>Diamètres des crayons : 9 mm - mine Ø 4 mm.<br/>Couleurs assorties.<br/>Ne salit pas les mains.<br/>Schoolpack de 288 - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • BIC KIDS Kit de coloriage pour le voyage 'MEMORY GAME'
    Dans une mallette en métal, 64 pièces, dimensions de la<br/><br/>mallette: (L)207 x (P)157 x (H)71 mm, contenu: 12x crayon<br/><br/>de couleur triangulaire Evolutuion Triangle, 12x crayon cire<br/><br/>triangulaire Plasticolor Triangle, 8x feutre Visacolor XL,<br/><br/><br/><br/>jeu de mémory de 32 pièces à colorier - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Decoralo Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Extra-Large - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 48 Aluminium
    Les feutres de coloriage BIC Kids Decoralo voient tout en grand.<br/>Avec leur très large format, ils sont parfaitement adaptés aux mains des enfants dès 3 ans.<br/>Leur pointe XXL dessine avec un trait épais bien visible et permet de colorier de larges surfaces.<br/>Ils se déclinent en 12 couleurs d'encre éclatantes pour de magnifiques dessins et une joyeuse découverte des couleurs.<br/>Pas de panique en cas d'oubli, les feutres de coloriage Décoralo ne sèchent pas et peuvent rester sans capuchon pendant 3 jours (sauf le noir).<br/>Pour découvrir le monde des couleurs en toute sérénité, leur encre à base d'eau est facilement lavable sur la plupart des tissus.<br/>La gamme BIC Kids permet aux enfants de découvrir le coloriage, activité créative et calme aux multiples bienfaits.<br/>En effet, il stimule le développement psychomoteur des enfants, sert à l'apprentissage des couleurs, développe leur confiance en eux.<br/>C'est une aussi première initiation à l'apprentissage de l'écriture.<br/>Pour télécharger de nombreux coloriages et obtenir plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur le site internet BIC Kids. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Staedtler Pochette de 10 feutres de coloriage double pointe de 2 couleurs et de 2 pointes différentes. - Lot de 3
    Feutre double pointe<br/>Etui de 10 feutres pegboardable en carton, composé à 80 % minimum de matériaux recyclés.<br/>Feutres de coloriage double pointe moyenne 1,0 mm et large 3,0 mm de 2 couleurs différentes soit 20 couleurs.<br/>Pointe bloquée solide et résistante à la pression.<br/>Encre à base d'eau et de colorants alimentaires, lavable sur la plupart des textiles.<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>Recyclé à 80% - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Visa Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Fine - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 288 Blanc
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des produits de coloriage spécialement adaptés au développement, au confort et à la créativité des enfants.<br/>Les feutres de coloriage Visa ont une pointe fine qui permet d'effectuer des contours nets et des coloriages précis.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, leur encre à base d'eau est lavable sur la plupart des vêtements.<br/>Ils se referment facilement grâce à un capuchon ventilé.<br/>Mais ils peuvent aussi sortir sans leur capuchon car leur encre spéciale ne sèchera pas même s'ils sont décapuchonnés pendant 3 mois (sauf l'encre noire).<br/>Gage de qualité, ces feutres sont fabriqués dans les usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir faire unique.<br/>La couleur du feutre, comme celle du bouchon et de la mine sont très vives.<br/>Avec BIC, dessinez dans la bonne humeur. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Pelikan Feutre de coloriage colorella, aquarellable, étui 6 - Lot de 3
    S'applique et se mélange au pinceau et à l'eau, lavable sur<br/><br/>la plupart des tissus, capuchon ventilé, pointe ogive,<br/><br/>largeur du tracé: env.<br/>2,0 à 43,0 mm<br/><br/>contenu : 6 feutres - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Ecriture Visaquarelle Feutres de Coloriage avec Pointe Pinceau - Couleurs Assorties, Pot de 48 Blanc
    Feutres Pinceaux Visaquarelle<br/>Feutres pointe extra souple indéformable et bloquée.<br/>Peut rester ouvert 4 semaines sans sécher ! Couleurs assorties.<br/>Pot de 48 - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Ambiance-sticker Sticker prénom personnalisable style coloriage
    Des stickers prénoms pour votre déco ! Avec les stickers muraux prénoms et ce Sticker prénom personnalisable style coloriage, vous pourrez enfin décorer l'intérieur de votre maison à votre guise ! Ce sticker nom style coloriage est à la fois amusant et original, vos enfants vont adorer. Où coller c
  • Bic Etui de 24 feutres de coloriage Intensity premium. Grip caoutchouc. Couleurs assorties. Jaune
    Boîte de 24 feutres Intensity Premium<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>FSC - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Kid Couleur Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Moyenne - Couleurs Assorties, Classpack de 144
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des instruments de coloriage spécialement conçus pour le développement, le confort et la sécurité des enfants.<br/>Parfaits pour le coloriage quotidien des enfants dès 5 ans, les feutres Kid Couleur ont plus d'une corde à leur arc.<br/>Déclinés en 24 couleurs lumineuses, ils permettent des dessins vifs et riches en contrastes.<br/>Leur pointe moyenne bloquée ne s'enfonce pas à la pression sur le papier.<br/>Ils sont donc adaptés à une longue utilisation alternant contours précis et coloriages intensifs.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, ces feutres de coloriage sont ultra lavables.<br/>Les feutres Kid Couleur sont solides et fiables : ils sont fabriqués en France dans les usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir faire unique.<br/>Merci qui ?<br/>Les feutres Kid Couleur bien sûr. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Bic Boîte métal de 20 feutres de coloriage pointe fine (0,8mm). Corps Noir. 10 couleurs assorties - Lot de 2 Bleu
    CONTE<br/>Crayons de couleur.<br/>Boîte de 24 feutres. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Welcome Family Kit de coloriage 60 cahiers + crayons
    Une solution pour valoriser vos formules enfants et fidéliser vos clients. Pack composé de 60 cahiers de coloriage avec 6 thèmes différents (filles, garçons) et de 60 boîtes de 4 crayons de couleurs.
  • Bic Visacolor XL Feutres de Coloriage à Pointe Large - Couleurs Assorties, Etui Carton de 12 - Lot de 2
    La gamme BIC Kids propose des outils de coloriage spécialement conçus pour développer la psycho-motricité des enfants tout en leur offrant un confort optimal.<br/>Le coloriage permet l'apprentissage des couleurs et développe la créativité des enfants et leur confiance en eux.<br/>Déclinés en 24 couleurs très vives, les feutres à pointe large Visacolor XL de BIC Kids sont recommandés dès 3 ans.<br/>Leur corps rond est facile à saisir, et leur pointe bloquée ne s'enfonce pas à la pression sur le papier.<br/>Ils permettent ainsi de colorier des larges aplats et de dessiner des contours épais.<br/>Pas de panique en cas de petite bêtise, leur encre à base d'eau est lavable sur la plupart des tissus.<br/>Gage de qualité, ces feutres sont fabriqués dans les propres usines de l'entreprise BIC avec un savoir-faire unique.<br/>Coloriez en toute tranquilité.<br/>Produit éco-responsable :<br/>Recyclé à 54%<br/>NF Environnement - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • COPPENRATH Jeu de coloriage cartes pailletées princesse Lillifee
    Caractéristiques : A partir de 3 ans Loisir créatif avec princesse Lillifee : ensemble de cartes pailletées à colorier Die Spiegelburg comme activité idéale pour princesses créatives Ensemble créatif incluant 8 crayons de couleur à paillettes pour compléter les 6 cartes à motifs à paillettes...
  • Feutre de coloriage 'Korello', large, étui de 24 - Lot de 2
    Pointe variable, largeur de tracé: 1-4 mm, couleurs<br/><br/>brillantes, non toxique, capuchon ventilé, lavable, assorti,<br/><br/>contenu: 24 pièces<br/><br/><br/><br/>étui en carton - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels
  • Lot de 50 enveloppes carton B-Box 4 imprimée COLORIAGE format 250x353 mm
    Pochette en carton plat blanc qualité 500 g/m² (crayons de couleurs non fournis) - Intérieur gris. - Excellente finition. - Rabat de fermeture autoadhésif avec bande de protection détachable. - Ouverture rapide et sécurisée ! - Idéal pour expédier livres, photos, agrandissements, diplômes, certificats, affiches, etc. - Permet d'insérer des objets d'une épaisseur jusqu'à 3,5 cm (objets dont les dimensions sont inférieures de 5 cm au format extérieur) - 100% recyclable. Le meilleur rapport qualité/prix en terme de protection et de résistance !

When we want a treat, there is nothing better than a pamper session with the girls.

But the daunting question always looms – where do you go?

RSVP Magazine celebrate the best stylists and salons nationwide who are shaping the future of Irish hairdressing with their cutting-edge creativity, flair and enthusiasm!

Check out below RSVP Magazine’s Hair Award 2018 winners.

Best Salon Ulster

Patrick Gildea hairdressing

Patrick Gildea Hairdressing

Multi-award-winning salon Patrick Gildea Hairdressing continuously strives to provide an exceptional hairdressing experience, delivering a five-star service in Co. Donegal. Led by Irish Hairdressing Federation icon Patrick, this energetic team of 32 are the most talented and educated in the industry. With 22 awards since 2015 they are certainly doing something right! But don’t just take our word for it, experience the difference – visit them to find out! | 074-9125476

Best Salon Munster

Marbles Hair & Beauty Salon – Hugh Campbell Hair Group

Nestled in the heart of Limerick’s shopping district, on Cruises Street, this salon is a high-end, high-energy hub of creativity. The award-winning team of trend-savvy stylists and colourists have a dedicated and expanding client base, not least because of the variety of services available. From Great Lengths hair extensions to Brazilian blowdry treatments, and bespoke bridal services to the availability of private hairdressing spaces, this salon meets and exceeds the brief. Part of the renowned Hugh Campbell Hair Group, Marbles provides the ultimate hairdressing experience. | 061 410 955

Best Salon Leinster

Custom Cuts

The five-star Custom Cuts Hair Salon is based in Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Established in 1995, Padraig Claffey and his team have developed a reputation for cutting and colouring services, recently winning Colour Expert and Hair Extension Expert status with The Good Salon Guide. People are travelling from far and wide to experience an afternoon in this Midlands’ salon which boasts five cutting masters and three colour masters. If its manta, “Excellence in hair, excellence in service” is anything to by, then it’s worth it! | 090 6478478

Best Salon Connaught

Salon 2

This Sligo hairdressers is widely recognised as one of Ireland’s leading salons and is known locally and nationally for its stylists’ flair and creativity. With more than 24 years’ experience, it has built up an impressive reputation and currently holds over 100 prestigious accolades, won on both national and international stages. The talented team of 25 pride themselves on creating a unique hair experience for clients with personal attention paramount throughout every visit. Salon 2… where passion meets perfection. | 071 9160341

Best Freelance Bridal

Tricia O’Sullivan Hair & Beauty

Tricia O’Sullivan Hair & Beauty

A multi-award-winning bridal hair specialist, Tricia travels all over Ireland especially for your big day. She is opening a new purpose-built hair salon in Kerry soon, offering extensive cut and colour services. There will also be an in-house nail bar, tanning studio and make-up artist. As a qualified scalp specialist, Tricia believes that great hair begins from within and invites her clients to get a scalp and hair consultation six months prior to the big day. A personal treatment plan based on your needs will be prescribed. | 086 0554630

Best Colourist Cork

Bounce Hair Salon

Melissa Corrigan has worked in hairdressing for more than 11 years. She always dreamed of running her own salon and now she is! Bounce specialises in colour, wedding hair and extensions. Melissa has just graduated from a Wella Colour Master Degree and the salon stocks Joico products which is a very affordable range for clients. The Joico range is used in-house too as it’s very moisturising the hair. Other services available include Platinum hair extensions, nail bar, make-up application and ibrow bar. | 021 427 8982

Best Colourist Leinster

Sarah Lyons Hair and Beauty Bar

Sarah has been in business nearly 10 years and she recently opened up a brand new state-of-the-art Hair and Beauty Bar in Summerhill, Co. Meath. Hair health is at the front of Sarah’s mind when making decisions; she doesn’t just do your hair, she comes up with a plan on how to get there and what she and the client need to do to make sure that the hair’s integrity isn’t compromised in the meantime. The salon has been nominated for, and won several awards in the past year. | 046 9558833

Photo shot of young beautiful woman

Best Colourist Connaught

Head Shed

Located in the Corbett Court Shopping Centre in Galway city, Stacey Hennelly opened the doors to Head Shed in 2016 – and it has been growing steadily ever since. With more than 16 years experience in the industry, Stacey has a Wella Colour Master Award and is also a Redken Colour specialist. The modern salon specialises in all aspects of hairdressing, but colour is a huge part of its day-to-day business. So, if you are looking for red carpet balayage, natural highlights or a complete colour transformation, look no further for a consultation. | 091569794

Best Colourist Ulster

G&G Hair & Beauty

This 5-star multi-award-winning boutique salon has gained a reputation as the go-to brand for IT girl hair! The stylists here set trends and this is a result of dedication to ongoing Joico colour, cutting and styling training. Their creative stylist and Joico colourist manager, Megan Friel, strives to give her clients a colour unique to their personality. She is also a qualified Beauty Works Extensionist and has established a remarkable reputation and clientele throughout Donegal, nationally and internationally with weddings in Europe already booked. | 074 9160122

Best Colourist Limerick

Fox and Bow

Fox and Bow pride themselves on creativity and knowledge, always keeping up with trends and techniques in the world of hair and fashion. Their colour specialists, through in-depth consultations with clients, fully interpret their clients’ hair goals. Each of the stylists are experts in advanced colour techniques using premium products to give their clients the confidence of great hair that suits them individually as a person. Fox and Bow specialise in colour and colour correction through their understanding that colour is chemistry and they love to create striking results. | 061 400 004

Best Bridal Munster

Oisin Ryan Hair & Beauty

A place where precision and artistic flair combined create a 5-star salon experience. Oisin is well know in the industry for his bridal work, creating a personal and bespoke service for each client. Working freelance as a bridal stylist and educator, Oisin is available to travel nationally and internationally for private weddings or editorial work. For bridal consultations, contact Oisin direct. | 021 4621827

A young bride getting her hair done before the wedding

Best Bridal Ulster

Kay Burns Hair Design

Kay Burns is a 5-star award-winning bridal hair stylist and bride-to-be herself. She has worked with celebs such as Rosanna Davison, Suzanne Jackson and Mrs Makeup. Kay likes to keep up-to-date with current trends in the bridal industry through ongoing courses. Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, so be reassured you’re in the best hands when you book a consultation with Kay. Bridal hair is her passion! | 0861758632

Best Bridal Connaught

Barry’s Hair & Beauty

With Ireland’s only hair and make-up wedding coordinator located in their studio, Barry’s Hair & Beauty in the heart of Galway city is the first place to go on your big day. The award-winning studio has Amy Murray on hand to arrange the finer details, helping each bride plan and prepare her hair, make-up and beauty schedules in the months leading up to their wedding. The stylists and make-up artists always go to great lengths to ensure that every bride has the perfect start to their special day. | 091 561392

Best Bridal Leinster

Shush Hair Design

Shush Hair Design is located in Rush, Co.Dublin. Since Rachel Byrne opened the salon in 2014, the salon has gone from strength to strength. The stylists have a passion for education and continue to keep up-to-date with new developments within the industry. They specialise in Gold Fever and Great Lengths hair extensions and offer bespoke bridal packages. Shush Hair is a 5-star salon awarded by the Good Salon Guide, and it has also won Best Salon in the Dublin region at the 2017 Irish Hair & Beauty Awards. | 01 843 0927

Best Customer Service Ulster

Riverside Spa

The staff at Riverside Spa pride themselves in exceeding their customers’ expectations and will gladly assist in any special requirements or requests. The spa specialises in hair, beauty, award-winning anti-ageing, inch loss, toning, cellulite, hair removal treatments and much more. For an experience like no other, why not visit the thermal suite area which includes a steam room, sauna, indoor Jacuzzi and outdoor hot tub, rain shower and relaxation area which will leave you feeling completely revitalised and refreshed.

Best Customer Service Munster

Amy Michelle Hairdressing

Since opening its doors in 2016, Amy Michelle Hairdressing has gone from strength to strength, winning numerous awards and building a large loyal client base. In 2017, the salon won Cork Hair Salon of the Year at the Cork Business Awards, scooped the Best Customer Service trophy in the Irish Hair and Beauty Awards and has been given the Good Salon Guide four-star rating as well as the Good Salon Guide hair extensionist award. The salon, which now stocks Joico products, is also expanding to add new seats. | 021 431 2950

Best Customer Service Leinster

House Of Colour

Founded by Susan Byrne and David Campbell in Dublin, House of Colour has grown from one salon to five salons and a training academy group. They pride themselves on a 5-star experience at competitive prices. Sit back and enjoy a great atmosphere while sipping a glass of chilled wine or prosecco. There’s a food and beverage menu available too and also a complimentary morning breakfast before 12noon every day. Try the famous House Shampoo experience and let the expert team treat you to a colour consultation with a cutting-edge haircut. Enjoy the difference, enjoy a Quality Culture.

Best Customer Service Connaught

Hair At 74

Formerly Andy’s Hair Studio on Prospect Hill, Galway, Hair At 74 is celebrating 39 years in business this year. Andy himself, the resident “Baldy Barber”, is still an integral part of the salon and now his daughter Gemma, the in-house make-up artist, is joining him in running the family business. The newly-refurbished premises brings a warm, comforting and up-to-date atmosphere to this well-established business. The staff always strive for excellence and promise to do their best in providing clients with the upmost attention to detail and personalised customer service. | 091 561867

Best Stylist Ulster

Fiona Fitzpatrick

Since qualifying, Fiona Fitzpatrick has built on her education doing various courses such as upstyling, cutting, gents’ hair, colour, fashion cuts, etc. She has competed in the Northern Ireland Hairdressing competition, and in 2015 Fiona won Ulster Hairdresser of the Year in the IHF competition. She uses L’Oréal Professionnel products and caters for every type of hair and styling situation. Following your hair consultation, why not book in with the salon’s in-house make-up artist who’s always available for that special occasion, and uses Mac make-up and eyelashes. | 074 9723858

Best Stylist Leinster

Ben Garry Hairdressing

Ben Garry is an award-winning stylist and L’Oréal ID artist. Ben opened his first salon in Navan in March 2000 and has gone from strength to strength since. He prides himself on salon education and Ben now has four salons in Meath with a team of 40 staff. All salons are L’Oréal Colour specialists and provide a 5-star customer service. The aim at Ben Garry’s is to ensure clients walk away happy.

Best Stylist Munster

Alpha Hair

Alpha Hair Studio in Cork city was established in 2015 by mother and daughter team Angela Hayes and Jennifer Browne. Their experienced professional team of hair stylists and beauty therapists provide high-end treatments with exceptional service at an affordable price. They are committed to making every day a Great Hair Day and their services include: customised colours, creative cutting and styling, upstyles, HD eyebrows, nail extensions, premium quality pre-bonded hair extensions by Heavenly Hair, and eyelash extensions by Dramatic Lashes Cork.

Facebook: AlphaHairStudio | 021 4967889

Best Stylist Connaught

Sarah Mason Professional

Hairdressing icon Sarah Mason is recognised as one of Ireland’s most talented multi-award-winning artists. She has been crowned twice as Irish Hairdresser of the Year and has been awarded an Irish Icon Hall of Fame in 2016. She has a passion for creative hair and is also a guest artist educator for the Wella Professionals Irish Style Council. After opening a new salon in Galway city, stocked with Wella Professionals, she recently became the first salon in Galway to add Sassoon Professional to her brands. | 091 565916

Best Salon For Extensions Leinster

Cowboys & Angles

Opened 23 years ago in Dublin by Valerie Patterson and Sheila Burke, Cowboys & Angels is known as a salon of excellence in all aspects of hair and make-up and was the first salon to provide hair extensions in Ireland. With more than 30 years experience here and abroad, creative director Valerie, is probably the most experienced extensions expert in Ireland with the “who’s who” of Ireland among her clientele. Working with all the well-known brands, Valerie and her team will decide which brand will suit your lifestyle, price range and vision. | 01 6797654

Best Salon For Extensions Munster

Biba Hair

Biba Hair in Cork specialises in Great Lengths hair extensions, which become even more popular through the summer months. Great Lengths are keratin-bonded and 100% human hair meaning your own hair can breathe underneath. Once removed by a specialist, there’s absolutely zero damage allowing your own hair to grow longer and thicker. With little maintenance at home, your luscious locks should last between five and six months. All consultations are complimentary and only takes a few minutes. | 021 4801456

Best Blow Dry Ulster

Chic Hair Salon

Chic Hair Salon is based in central Monaghan. They train with L’Oréal professionals on a regular basis as well as top salons based in Dublin. The salon stocks all L’Oréal and Kerastase products which have a great client base as no other hairdressers in Monaghan stock both. A colour specialist is always on hand to recommend the right colours for each client. Bridal hair is another speciality which includes house calls to anywhere in Ulster and they have an in-house make-up artist, Make-up by Nic Ireland. | 047 62787

Best Blow Dry Munster

Claire’s Salon

This Cork salon is open five years and has grown dramatically in the last two years. Claire herself has been in the hairdressing industry since she was 14 years old. This experience combined with her teaching qualifications leaves her with a profound knowledge of all things hair. The stylists are constantly updating their hairdressing portfolios by attending new courses and staying up-to-date with the latest trends – and this salon firmly believes education is key. An in-salon beauty bar allows you to add gel nails, lash extensions, make-up and lots more to your experience at CS | 021 4880576

Best Blow Dry Leinster

The Academy Belle

You will find everything you are looking for in a hair salon here. The Academy Belle is a ladies’ hairdressers based in Celbridge, Co. Kildare – and for the stylists who are setting the trends day in day out, this is not only a job for them, it’s their passion. They look after you from the moment you enter the salon and will ensure you will feel and look great when you are leaving. They provide all clients with personal haircare from cutting and styling, colouring, upstyling and after care advice. The team also provide services for that special occasion, including weddings or debs. | 01 6274737

Best New Salon Connaught

Platinum Hair Extensions

Due to the outstanding success of their Eyre Square kiosk, Platinum Galway are set to expand and are relocating to a state-of-the-art salon in the lavish location of Buttermilk Walk. Following in the footsteps of their Dublin HQ, they are offering full hairdressing services from expert extensions and bouncy blow outs to chic Alfaparf colour. The new salon opens with style on Saturday, June 1 with an impressive launch party. Platinum luxury hair is truly taking over!

Best New Salon Munster

K2 Hair Salon

K2 Hair Salon opened its doors in Quin, Co. Clare in December 2014 by sisters Caitriona and Roseann Kelly with 27 years experience between them. In April 2018, K2 moved to a new premises which is bright yet warm and welcoming with a modern look. The girls are constantly learning the latest trends and techniques and are attending courses regularly specialising in colour and styling. Client care is always at the forefront of each service carried out, and treatments include L’Oréal Professionnel colour, Redken haircare and L’Oréal Professionnel haircare. | 065 6825505

Best Haircut

Shine Haircare

This Co. Kildare salon is the brainchild of Isabelle Purcell who has a wealth of knowledge in the hair industry. She spent years working in the best salons and went further with her master’s degree to later earn the coveted Redken Certified Haircolorist. After spending 10 years training with hairdressers internationally, including Redken and L’Oréal, it was a natural progression for Isabelle to open Shine. Starting with an in-depth bespoke consultation to confirm every guest’s individual needs,her aim is to deliver Healthy Happy Hair. | 01 6012009

Best Freelance Hair

Seventh Heaven Hair

Karen Stanley has spent the last 10 years making massive breakthroughs in the hair and beauty industry and it looks like her plans for 2018 are no different. She owns and runs the extremely successful brand Seventh Heaven Hair, which is best known for providing freelance services covering counties Louth, Meath and Dublin. Her amazing drive and ambition has and continues to bring new and exciting ventures. With all this in mind, Karen has decided that 2018 is the time for her to focus on education within her field. | 085 7425299

Best Extensions

Elite Hair Extensions

Elite is one of Ireland’s leading hair extensions supplier, serving more than 300 salons in Ireland and the UK. They have a salon specialising in luxury human hair extensions, colour and all your salon needs. They have won the Irish Hair & Beauty Award for Best Hair Extensions 2016 and were also a finalist in 98fm’s Best of Dublin last year. They are looking forward to another busy year with the relaunch of a newly-renovated salon and the introduction of INVISILINKSTM and INVISIBONDSTM double drawn luxury line. | 01 8140835