Clim mobile : avis – code reduction – choisir – Climatiseur : guide – comparatif – code reduction – Climatiseur portable : black friday – comment choisir – promotion – Climatiseur portable : pas cher – comment choisir – code reduction – Climatiseur portable : comparateur – guide achat – pas cher – Clim mobile : guide – conseil – comparateur – Clim mobile : reduction – top 5 – choisir – Clim mobile : comparaison – soldes – top 3 – CLIMATISEUR SPLIT MOBILE MOBILE SPLIT AIR CONDITIONER MOBILE SPLIT-KLIMAGER TE CLIMATIZZATORE PORTATILE SPLIT ACONDICIONADO DE AIRE PORT TIL Y PARTIDO

  • WËASY BLIZZ900, Climatiseur portable : Refroidi, Ventilateur, Déshumidificateur portable, Silencieux, 2 vitesses, Classe énergétique A, Blanc
    Le climatiseur mobile BLIZZ900 vous permet de rafraîchir votre intérieur. De classe énergétique A, il est respectueux de l'environnement. Vous pouvez choisir les modes : refroidissement, ventilation et déshumidification. Pour anticiper vos besoins, vous pouvez le programmer jusqu'à 24 heures. Cette fonctionnalité vous permet de profiter d’une pièce fraîche à l’heure du coucher ou à votre retour à la maison. -Classe énergétique : A -Fonctions : refroidissement, ventilation, déshumidification -Affichage LED -2 vitesses de ventilation -Minuteur programmable : jusqu'à 24 heures -Surface couverte : 15 m² -Niveau sonore : 65 dB -Accessoires : télécommande, tuyau d'évacuation, air tube d'évacuation -Puissance de refroidissement : 750 W/7000 BTU
  • Sovelor climatiseur split mobile sans réfrigérant
    Le climatiseur mobile Split avec liaison par eau CLIM 7 est un appareil professionnel conçu pour le refroidissement ponctuel de locaux fermés. Avec une mise en service rapide, cet appareil est idéal pour climatiser efficacement divers environnements tels que des halls d'exposition, des chapiteaux...
  • Climatiseur mobile compact HBM - 2600 Watt - 30 m².
    Le climatiseur mobile compact HBM est la solution pour maintenir les espaces de travail et les entrepôts confortables pendant les journées chaudes. Avec une capacité de refroidissement de 9 000 BTU/h, ce puissant climatiseur peut refroidir sans effort une pièce de 30m2 rapidement jusqu'à une température confortable.Grâce à la technologie de la pompe à chaleur, l'air chaud est aspiré, refroidi puis expulsé, déplaçant ainsi plus de chaleur qu'il n'en coûte. Cela permet de maintenir la consommation d'énergie à un niveau bas et de ne pas gaspiller une chaleur précieuse.Le faible niveau sonore vous permet d'utiliser le climatiseur même dans votre chambre à coucher, sans nuisance sonore. Le tube flexible situé à l'arrière du climatiseur peut facilement être fixé à une fenêtre ou à un mur à l'aide des profilés et de la buse fournis, empêchant ainsi l'air chaud de circuler à l'intérieur et l'air refroidi de disparaître à l'extérieur.L'affichage LED facilite le réglage de la température, tandis que la sécurité enfant empêche toute utilisation non souhaitée. Grâce à ses roulettes légères, le climatiseur est facile à déplacer. La télécommande infrarouge permet de contrôler toutes les fonctions, y compris la minuterie de mise en veille pour une nuit de fraîcheur. 
  • Airton Climatiseur mobile réversible 2000W/1700W 7000BTU
    En plus de vous offrir un confort sans pareil, ce climatiseur mobile réversible est multifonction 3 en 1. Ainsi, vous pouvez l’utiliser comme un appareil de chauffage, mais aussi comme un climatiseur, comme un ventilateur ou encore comme déshumidificateur. Une température idéale partout, tout le temps! Vous recherchez un climatiseur qui est capable de vous rafraichir pendant la saison estivale, mais qui peut aussi vous procurez une agréable chaleur l'hiver venu? Le climatiseur réversible d'Airton est fait pour vous ! Léger, design et équipé d’une poignée ainsi que de 4 roues, il se déplace très facilement pour vous suivre dans toutes les pièces de votre logement. Un climatiseur réversible monobloc efficace Composé d'une seule et unique unité mobile, il sait se faire discret tout en vous proposant des fonctionnalités pratiques. De plus, sa mise en marche est simple et très rapide. Pour cela, il suffit de raccorder l’appareil à une prise de courant. Le tuyau d'évacuation doit, par la suite, être déplié puis placé dans l'entrebâillement d'une fenêtre ou d’une porte. Vous pouvez ensuite vous détendre et profiter des bienfaits de votre climatiseur mobile réversible ! La puissance du climatiseur mobile Ce produit possède une puissance de 2000W lorsqu’il est en mode froid. Lorsqu’il est en mode chauffage, il a une puissance de 1700W ainsi qu’un débit d'air de 380m3/h. Ce type de modèle vous permet donc de refroidir des surfaces allant jusqu'à 21 mètres carrés. Il convient donc parfaitement à un salon ou encore à un espace de travail. Les fonctions du climatiseur réversible Afin de profiter au mieux de votre climatiseur réversible, nous proposons un affichage digital. Celui-ci est particulièrement intuitif et vous permet d’actionner n’importe laquelle de ses fonctions en quelques secondes seulement. Grâce à la télécommande fournie avec l’appareil, vous pouvez également piloter votre climatiseur à distance pour plus de confort. Ce système est idéal si vous souhaitez régler la température depuis votre lit. Le petit bonus : vous pouvez programmer une minuterie jusqu'à 24 heures à l’avance ! Un climatiseur réversible écologique Parce que l’écologie est aussi au cœur de nos priorités, nous vous proposons un appareil équipé du gaz R290 qui est 100 % naturel. Etant d'origine fossile, son n’utilisation n’émet aucun gaz à effet de serre. En outre, le gaz R290 est un hydrocarbure entièrement naturel utilisé comme réfrigérant.  Les conséquences de ce gaz sur l'environnement sont donc très faibles. Il est notamment 700 fois moins impactant qu’un gaz R410a. A cela s’ajoutent ses excellentes propriétés thermodynamiques puisqu’il utilise environ 40% de gaz en moins qu’un appareil aux performances similaires. Un climatiseur mobile réversible silencieux Cet appareil permet d'atteindre un faible niveau sonore et s'utilise en toute discrétion, de jour comme de nuit, avec seulement 65 dB(A). Il est donc recommandé pour les nuits de canicule, mais aussi pour les froides...
  • Climatiseur mobile compact de HBM - 7.000 BTU/h
    Découvrez le puissant climatiseur mobile compact HBM, un complément précieux pour les pièces qui se réchauffent rapidement. Grâce à sa conception compacte, ce climatiseur mobile est très silencieux, de sorte qu'il ne vous dérangera même pas la nuit. Le climatiseur est livré avec une télécommande pour plus de commodité.Ce climatiseur mobile associe un faible niveau sonore à un débit d'air puissant, ce qui vous permet de rafraîchir rapidement une pièce de 27 m² pour atteindre une température agréable. Le design compact permet de déplacer facilement le climatiseur et le tube flexible à l'arrière assure une dissipation efficace de la chaleur.Le climatiseur mobile compact HBM offre plusieurs options de luxe, telles que le réglage numérique de la température, une sécurité enfant, des roulettes pivotantes pour un déplacement aisé, une option de déshumidification, une minuterie de mise en veille et un système d'évacuation de la condensation. Grâce à la télécommande infrarouge fournie, vous pouvez contrôler toutes les fonctions confortablement depuis votre fauteuil ou votre lit. Grâce à ce climatiseur mobile léger, il est à nouveau possible de dormir et de travailler à la maison à une température confortable. Une solution pratique et agréable pour les journées chaudes!
  • Airton Climatiseur Mobile Réversible 3500W/2500W 12000BTU
    Ce climatiseur mobile réversible est multifonctions 3 en 1. En effet, il fait à la fois de chauffage, climatiseur, ventilateur et déshumidificateur. Il saura garder toutes vos pièces au frais pendant les chaudes journées d'été ou bien au chaud lorsque l’hiver se présente. Climatiseur performant Vous souhaitez opter pour un produit qui vous apporte à la fois une agréable fraîcheur en été, mais vous enveloppe aussi dans une douce chaleur en hiver ? Optez pour le climatiseur réversible d'Airton. Léger, il est équipé de 4 roues pour un déplacement facilité ! Un climatiseur monobloc Cet appareil est constitué d'une seule unité mobile. Il suffit de le raccorder à une prise de courant et de déplier le tuyau d'évacuation par l'entrebâillement d'une fenêtre pour qu'il commence à rafraîchir l'air immédiatement, tout simplement! La puissance du climatiseur Cet machine d'une puissance de 3500W en froid, de 2500W en chaud et d'un débit d'air de 400m3/h est particulièrement efficace. Ainsi, vous pouvez aisément refroidir des surfaces qui sont entre 30m2 et 35m2. Les fonctions du climatiseur mobile Grâce à son affichage digital, ce climatiseur vous permet de sélectionner les différentes fonctions qu’il propose. Sa télécommande vous permettra de piloter votre appareil à distance pour plus de confort. Un système écologique Ce climatiseur est équipé en gaz R290. Celui-ci est 100 % naturel, car d'origine fossile. Il n'y a donc pas d'émission de gaz à effet de serre. Le gaz R290 est, par ailleurs, un hydrocarbure entièrement naturel utilisé comme réfrigérant. Son impact sur l'environnement est donc très faible (700 fois moins d'impact qu'avec le R410A). En outre, il possède d'excellentes propriétés thermodynamique (40% de gaz en moins utilisé pour les mêmes performances). Un climatiseur silencieux Cet appareil permet d'atteindre un faible niveau sonore et s'utilise en toute discrétion, de jour comme de nuit, avec seulement 65 dB(A). L’ergonomie du climatiseur 3500W Vous avez besoin de rafraichir votre bureau lorsque vous travaillez, puis votre chambre à coucher lorsque la nuit tombe ? Les roulettes multidirectionnelles de ce climatiseur sont idéales afin de le déplacer dans toutes les pièces où vous vous trouvez. Quels sont les accessoires ? Ce climatiseur est livré avec sa télécommande, mais aussi un conduit d'évacuation d'1,5m, un connecteur ainsi qu’un panneau d'encastrement de fenêtre, un tuyau de condensat 0,6m et 4 roulettes. Vous avez donc tout le matériel nécessaire pour profiter de votre climatiseur dès sa réception !  
  • Trotec Climatiseur mobile local design PAC 3810 S + AirLock 100
    Climatiseur de 3,8 kW/13.000 Btu pour 50 m²/125 m³ max. en set avec kit de calfeutrage AirLock 100.
  • Trotec Climatiseur mobile local design PAC 3810 S + AirLock 1000
    Climatiseur de 3,8 kW/13.000 Btu pour 50 m²/125 m³ max. en set avec kit de calfeutrage.
  • Trotec Climatiseur mobile local design PAC 3810 S
    Climatiseur mobile monobloc de 3,8 kW/13.000 Btu pour pièces de 50 m²/125 m³ max.
  • Climatiseur mobile 3 en 1- silencieux et compact - avec télécommande - bestron aac7000
    Climatiseur mobile 3 en 1 Climatiseur mobile 3 en 1 de la marque Bestron avec fonction climatiseur, ventilateur et déshumidificateur 3 en 1.  Capacité de refroidissement de 7000 BTU / 2.1 kW / 60 m3. Tuyau d'évacuation de 1.5m et kit d'évacuation par la fenêtre   Commande facile et simple par un panneau ou télécommande (fournie)
  • GREE Climatiseur mobile SHINY 12
    GREE Climatiseur mobile SHINY 12 R290 - VERSION AVEC MODE FROID - R290 Puissance restituée = 3520 W Froid   Déshumidification = 1.8 L/h Poids net / brut = 35 / 40 kG     Timer 24h   Mode Sleep
  • GREE Climatiseur mobile SHINY 9
    GREE Climatiseur mobile SHINY 9 R290 - VERSION AVEC MODE FROID - R290 Puissance restituée = 2600 W Froid   Déshumidification = 1.43 L/h Poids net / brut = 27 / 31 kG     Timer 24h   Mode Sleep
  • GREE Climatiseur mobile SHINY 12FC
    GREE Climatiseur mobile SHINY 12FC R290 - VERSION AVEC MODE CHAUD ET FROID - R290 Puissance restituée = 3520 W Froid / 3300 W Chaud Déshumidification = 1.8 L/h Poids net / brut = 35 / 40 kG     Timer 24h
  • Climatiseur mobile froid seul 7165 BTU (2.1 KW) - GARIS - C01-MB07BTU
    <p>Climatiseur mobile froid seul avec ventilateur à 3 vitesses et télécommande multifonction.<br /> Panneau de commande numérique et affichage LED.<br /> Volet supérieur motorisé à large oscillation automatique.<br /> Facilité de déplacement avec roulettes multidirectionnelles et poignées latérales.<br /> Fonction ‘'Sleep'' et fonction ‘'mémoire'' pour un confort total pendant la nuit.</p> <p><b>Caractéristiques :</b></p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Capacité de refroidissement maximale : 7165 BTU/h (2,1 KW)</li> <li>Puissance d'entrée : 950 W</li> <li>Courant nominal : 4,3 A</li> <li>Taille de pièce recommandée : Jusqu'à 16 m² (25 m² en cas de chaleur modérée)</li> <li>Classe énergétique : A</li> <li>Fonctions thermiques : Refroidissement, Ventilation, Déshumidification</li> <li>Déshumidification : 1 L / h</li> <li>Filtre à air lavable : Oui</li> <li>Débit d'air (vitesse élevée, moyenne, faible) : 320 / 290 / 260 m³/h</li> <li>Plage de fonctionnement : 16 - 35° C</li> <li>EER : 2.6</li> <li>Poids : 24 kg</li> </ul> Les climatiseurs mobiles GARIS sont garantis pendant 1 an.
  • Climatiseur mobile froid seul 12000 BTU (3.5 KW) - GARIS - C01-MB12BTU
    <p>Le climatiseur mobile froid seul avec ventilateur à 3 vitesses et télécommande multifonction offre une solution pratique pour réguler la température dans votre espace salle de bain. Son panneau de commande numérique et son affichage LED permettent un contrôle précis et intuitif des réglages. De plus, son volet supérieur motorisé à large oscillation automatique assure une distribution uniforme de l'air dans la pièce, garantissant ainsi un confort optimal.</p> <p>Pour une facilité de déplacement, ce climatiseur est équipé de roulettes multidirectionnelles et de poignées latérales, permettant de le déplacer aisément d'un endroit à un autre selon les besoins. La fonction ''Sleep'' et la fonction ''mémoire'' ajoutent un niveau de confort supplémentaire, en permettant de régler le climatiseur selon les préférences pour une nuit paisible et reposante.</p> <p> </p> <p><b> Caractéristiques techniques :</b></p> <ul> <li>Redémarrage automatique après une panne de courant, avec maintien des derniers réglages.</li> <li>Wi-Fi intégré</li> <li>Filtre à air lavable</li> <li>Tension : AC - DC</li> <li>Voltage CATIV : 600 V</li> <li>Capacité de refroidissement maximale : 12000 BTU/h (3,53 KW)</li> <li>Alimentation : 220 - 240 V - 50 Hz</li> <li>Puissance d'entrée : 1550 W</li> <li>Courant nominal : 8,8 A</li> <li>Classe énergétique : A</li> <li>Fonctions thermiques : Refroidissement, Ventilation, Déshumidification</li> <li>Déshumidification : 1,6 l/h</li> <li>Débit d'air max : 385 m³/h</li> <li>Niveau sonore : 63 dB (puissance maximale)</li> <li>Plage de fonctionnement : 16 - 35 °C</li> <li>EER : 2,6</li> <li>Dimensions : 804 x 425 x 393 mm</li> <li>Poids : 34,5 kg</li> </ul>
  • Axess Industries climatiseur split mobile
    Le climatiseur split mobile CM 70 est un appareil de climatisation polyvalent, conçu pour répondre aux besoins de refroidissement dans divers environnements. Il utilise le gaz réfrigérant R410A, connu pour son efficacité énergétique et son faible impact sur l'environnement. Doté d'un thermostat ...
  • DeLonghi Climatiseur mobile PAC EM77 2100W, gaz naturel R290, (lxpxh cm): 34,5x42,5x70. Blanc
    DELONGHI Climatiseur mobile PAC EM77 2100W, gaz naturel R290, (lxpxh cm): 34,5x42,5x70. Blanc
  • Axess Industries climatiseur mobile monobloc
    Le climatiseur mobile monobloc PAC 2610 E offre une solution rafraîchissante pour les journées chaudes grâce à sa capacité frigorifique de 2,6 kW et à son ventilateur automatique. Peu importe l'intensité de la chaleur, ce climatiseur design garantit une température agréable en mode automatique. I...
  • Axess Industries climatiseur mobile
    Ce climatiseur mobile monobloc polyvalent convient à de nombreuses utilisations. Maniable, il est facile à déplacer, et pèses 31 kg. Il possède des réglages électroniques, avec thermostat et minuteur. Pour en faciliter l’utilisation, il est livré avec une commande pour pilotage à distance, et il ...
  • Axess Industries climatiseur mobile haute puissance
    Le climatiseur monobloc mobile CM 70 T3 à gaine frontale décrit ici est un appareil puissant et polyvalent conçu pour répondre aux besoins de refroidissement et de climatisation dans divers environnements. Avec son ventilateur centrifuge à double aspiration, il offre une performance de refroidiss...
  • Climatiseur mobile - Sélection d'Experts - Elsay
    Caractéristiques techniques• Puissance Frigorifique 2700w/9000 Btu• Surface de climatisation <20m2• Débit d’air : 350 m3/heure• Déshumidification : 26l/jour• Niveau sonore: 65 DB• Timer 24 heures• Bandeau de commande tactile + écran LCD• Poignées intégrées + 4 roulettes• Gaine + réducteur fournis
  • Climatiseur mobile Tectro TP4020
    Climatiseur mobile Tectro TP4020
  • Axess Industries climatiseur mobile réversibles sur roues
    Ce climatiseur mobile monobloc est idéal pour de nombreuse utilisation. Le climatiseur est équipé de roues réversibles, le rendant facile à déplacer. Avec une puissance à froid de 2300 W et à chaud de 2000 W, il est livré avec une télécommande pour faciliter son utilisation, avec thermostat et mi...
  • Optimea Climatiseur mobile Optimeo OPC-A01-070
    Climatiseur mobile Optimeo OPC-A01-070
  • Climatiseur monobloc mobile 2100W - Delonghi Aluminium
    Obtenez la température idéale même dans vos plus petits espaces de travail. Climatiseur monobloc mobile 2 100 W, 3 vitesses.<br/>Surface couverte : jusqu'à de 25m2.<br/>Touches tactiles.<br/>Télécommande LCD incluse.<br/>Minuterie de 24H. <br/><br/>Dimensions : H 68,8 x L 29.6 cm. - Offre exclusivement réservée aux professionnels





4 INTRODUCTION This new split mobile air conditioner consists in an indoor and outdoor unit, interconnected by a fleible hose. The indoor unit is equipped with four castors for easy mobility. The air conditioner you have purchased is a factory-chagred and ready for use. No special installation is required; just follow the simple instructions and enjoy this fully featured, versatile air conditioner. The electronic models are equipped with an electronic microprocessor control system, giving the user the choice of local or remote control operation, as well as precise temperature setting and control, timer operation and a built-in protection system for trouble-free and energy-efficient operation. Capacity based on test conditions of: o o o o Indoor:27 C/80 F DB – 19 C/67 F WB. o o o o Outdoor:5 C/95 F DB – 24 C/72 F WB. In accordance with ISO 5151, T1 Conditions. Actual cooling capacity might vary according to the local environmental conditions. Optimal operating temperature: o o Cooling: 21-4 C o o Heating: C R22 o o C R407 & R410A PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING THE AIR CONDITIONER IF YOUR AIR CONDITIONER IS FOR COOLING ONLY, PLEASE DISREGARD THE INSTRUCTIONS RELATED TO HEATING IMPORTANT NOTES: WARNING This air conditioner must be grounded for protection against electrical shock. Electrical connection and power cord replacement should be done only by authorized electricians and in accordance with electrical regulations and local codes. Do not epose the unit to rain. When using this air conditioner for the first time, please do the following: 1. Read the instruction manual and familiarize yourself with the controls. 2. Plug the electric power cord into a power socket which is protected by a proper fuse.. Check that all control functions operate properly, including both the remote control unit and on-unit control. 4. Repeat step when the remote control unit is inside its compartment. 5. Disconnect the electric power cord from the power socket, wait minutes and reconnect the unit. IN THIS MANUAL ALL MODELS…pages:2-7,22-26 Q.C. MODELS UP TO.1KW and 4.1KW…pages:8-10 ELECTRONIC MODELS UP TO.1 KW and 4.1KW…pages:11-19 MECHANICAL MODELS UP TO.1KW and 4.1KW…pages:20-21 English 2

5 DESCRIPTION Electro-Mechanical models.1 KW (R407C) Electronic models.1 KW (R407C) Figure 1: Indoor and Outdoor Unit components Description (Front) Electro-Mechanical models 4.1 KW (R22/R410A).1 KW (R410A) Electronic models 4.1 KW (R22/R410A).1 KW (R410A) Figure 2: Indoor and Outdoor Unit components Description (Front) 1. Control buttons (for electromechanical model) 2. Indicators (leds). Adjusting air supply grille 4. Carrying handle 5. Water tank door 6. Castors 7. Interconnecting hose 8. Carrying handle -outdoor unit 9. Water basin 10. Condenser fan grille 11. Remote control (for electronic model only) English

6 Models.1 KW (R407C) Models.1 KW (R407C) – With Quick Connectors Models 4.1 KW (R22/R410A).1 KW (R410A) Models 4.1 KW (R22/R410A) – With Quick Connectors.1 KW (R410A) – With Quick Connectors Figure : Indoor and Outdoor Unit components Description (Back) 1. Quick disconnect cover (optional) 2. Key holes. Return air intake 4. Drain tube with plug-indoor unit 5. Air filter handle 6. Power Cord 7. Spacing stud holes 8. Drain tube with plug-outdoor unit 9. Castors outdoor unit (for model 4.1 KW,.1 KW /R410A) 10. Suspension bracket 11. Spacing studs ACCESSORIES 1. Suction pads 2. Wrench no. 1. Wrench no Figure 4: Accessories English 4

7 INSTALLATION This mobile split air conditioner can be installed by the customer, as follows: Choose an appropriate place for the air conditioner indoor unit near an eterior opening (window or door). A grounded 20 electrical outlet should be within 2.5 meters of the indoor unit. Determine whether the outdoor unit is to be suspended from the window of the wall, or placed on the floor near a doorway. Be sure the outdoor unit is stable and well supported at its place of installation (see Figure 5). The outdoor unit must be installed with the rear grille facing the wall at a minimum distance of 60 mm. Be sure the outdoor unit is stable and well supported at its place of installation so that its handle and hose are on top. To assure proper condensed drainage, make sure the unit is installed in a level position. Under high humidity conditions, the outdoor unit condensate basin (6) may overflow. If this occurs often, it is recommended to use a permanent drain tube by fitting a 1-mm OD tube (7), routed to a nearby drainage point m. MAX m. MAX 4 4 Model.1 KW (R407C) Model 4.1 KW (R22/R410A).1 KW (R410A) Figure 5 1. Indoor unit 2. Window. Outdoor unit, wall mounted 4. Outdoor unit, floor mounted 5. Interconnecting hose 6. Condensate basin 7. Overflow drain tube 8. Spacing stud English 5

8 INSTALLATION OF OUTDOOR UNIT (See Figure 6,7,8) A standard kit (Figure 8), supplied with the air conditioner for suporting the outdoor unit, makes it possible to mount it either from a window sill (Figure 6) or on the wall (Figure 7), refer to Figure 8 for reference numbers in the following steps. 1. Install the 4 spacing studs (1) at the back of the unit to assre undisturbed air flow to the unit. 2. For window mounting, refer to Figure 6. Place the support bracket () on the window frame, drill four holes in the window frame and mount the support securely with four screws.. Attach the two lower snap-hooks (5) into the side holes of the unit. 4. Lift the unit up, pass it over the window and hang it inserting the hanging strip in the apposite grocve. 5. Verify that the unit is well supported, stable and level. Suspension Straps (2) can be used to level the unit. 6. For wall mounting, refer to Figure 7, place support bracket () against the wall, drill four holes in the wall and fasten with the four screws; verify that support is level. Figure 6. Suspending outdoor unit from window sill Figure 7. Suspending outdoor unit from wall For all models up to.1 KW and 4.1 KW 4.1 KW (R22/R410A) Model.1 KW (R410A).1 KW (R407C) Model 1. Spacing stud (4) 2. Suspension strap 1. Support bracket 4. Snap-hook (2) Bolt (4) 6. Washer (4) 8 7. Nut (4) 5 8. Suspending bracket (for models.1kw / R407C) 2 4 Figure 8. Outdoor unit supporting kit English 6

9 Figure 9 Prepare a slot in the lower part of door or window frame for the interconnecting hose location (see Figure 9). Pass the interconnecting hose which contains the refrigerant tubing, cable and drain tube through a window or door opening. Be sure not to subject the interconnecting hose to any over-stress, avoid sharp bends or forced twisting. Before operation, close the window or door; use the suction pads if needed. NOTE a. If the air conditioner is to be used periodically in alternate rooms, it is recommended to cover the opening in the door or window. Additional mounting kits are available from your local dealer. b. When transporting the unit, make sure to keep it in vertical position (discharge grille on top). Also, when removing outdoor unit, empty the water accumulated at the bottom by tilting to one side. English 7

10 APPLICATION OF QUICK CONNECTORS (OPTIONAL) The quick disconnect feature is used when installing the fleible interconnecting hose through a window or a wall. It enables temporary separation between indoor and outdoor units when passing the hose through and opening in an eternal wall. DISCONNECTING THE UNITS (See Figures 10 and 11) To disconnect between the indoor and outdoor unit, perform the following steps: WARNING: Make sure to disconnect the unit from power supply. STEP 1. STEP 2. STEP. STEP 4. STEP 5. STEP 6. STEP 7. STEP 8. Unscrew the fastening screw (2) and remove cover (1). Unplug the electrical plug () and pull it out from its socket (4). Disconnect drain hose (9) from the drain pan connector (10) Remove the tube clamp (12) by unscrewing its fastening screw. Unscrew the liquid line quick disconnect (5) from its mating part (6) as follows: – Retain lock-nut (1) with the supplied wrench No. 2 (20) and open with the supplied wrench No. 1 (19) the heagonal nut (5). – Slowly turn nut (5), and open until part (5) is disconnected from part (6). Unscrew the suction line quick disconnect (7) from its mating part (8)as follows: – Retain lock-nut (14) with the supplied wrench No. 2 (20) and open with the supplied wrench No 1 (19) the heagonal nut (7). – Slowly turn nut (7), and open until part (7) is disconnected from part (8). Remove interconnecting hose clamp (21) by unscrewing its fastening screw. To protect the tube openings from any foreign material or contamination, close them with the provided plugs AND COVERS; REFER TO FIGURE 11. insert plug (16) into nut (5), plug (18) into nut (7), Cover (15) onto part (6) and cover (17) on part (8). Tighten all of these lightly. The outdoor unit, together with the interconnecting fleible hose (11) may now be separated from the indoor unit, and the hose can be passed through the wall opening. STEP STEP 2 STEP 4 STEP 6 STEP 1 STEP 7 STEP 5 STEP 8 Figure 11 Figure 10 English 8

11 CONNECTING THE UNITS (See Figures 12 and 1) After locating outdoor and indoor unit in their respective places, perform the following steps to reconnect between the two units: STEP 1. STEP 2. Remove protection plugs (16), (18) and covers (15), (17) from their respective connectors (see Figure 1). Connect quick disconnect (5) to its mating part (6), as follows: – Turn by hand part (5) onto part (6). – Retain lock-nut (1) with the supplied wrench No. 2 (20) and close with the supplied wrench No. 1 (19) the heagonal nut (5) to its mating part (6), until it is tight. WARNING: Do not use ecessive force to tighten the nut. STEP. Connect quick disconnect (7) to its mating part (8) as follows: – Turn by hand part (7) onto part (8). – Retain lock-nut (14) with the supplied wrench No. 2 (20) and close with the supplied wrench No. 1 (19) the heagonal nut (7) to its mating part (8), until it is tight. WARNING: Do not use ecessive force to tighten the nut. STEP 4. STEP 5. STEP 6. STEP 7. STEP 8. Reconnect interconnecting hose clamp (21) with its screws to the unit. Connect the drain hose (9) to the drain pan (10). Connect the electrical plug () by pressing it into its socket (4). Reconnect the tubes clamps (12) with its fastening screw. Reinstall the cover (1) and tighten it with its fastening screw (2). STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP STEP 8 STEP 4 STEP 2 STEP 1 Figure 1 Figure 12 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION Before plugging in, please check that: 1. Socket and mains correspond to data given in specifications. 2. Plug fits the socket; if not, change socket.. Socket is properly grounded. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage incurred due to failure of following normal safety procedures. English 9


13 OPERATION – ELECTRONIC MODEL (With remote control) In order to obtain maimum comfort and economical operation, please make sure to: Doors and windows of room to be conditioned are closed. Air outlet and inlet openings on the unit are free of any obstruction. Shade the room from direct sunrays and avoid ecessive sources of heat in the room. MODES OF OPERATION, FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES COOL Cools, dehumidifies and filters the room air. Maintains desired room temperature. HEAT Heats and filters the room air. Maintains desired room temperature. AUTO COOL/HEAT Automatically switches from COOLING to HEATING or from HEATING to COOLING, maintaining the desired temperature according to the room conditions. DRY Dehumidifies and softly cools the room air. In DRY Mode, the air conditioner operates with increased dehumidifying power. This function is recommend for use when the temperature is rather low, but the humidity is high. FAN Circulates and filters the room air. Maintains constant air movement in the room. AUTO FAN The air conditioner automatically selects the FAN speed in accordance with the room temperature. At the start, the unit operates at high fan speed. As the room air approaches the desired temperature, the fan switches to a lower speed, for quieter operation. TIMER Real time control and display, automatically turns the air conditioner ON and OFF according to the time of day setting, ensuring comfort conditions before returning home, without wasting electricity; it turns off the air conditioner automatically when sleeping. SLEEP Designed to create comfortable sleeping conditions. When in COOLING mode, the temperature rises one degree centigrade above the set-point after each consecutive hour for up to three hours from the start of the mode. The rise in temperature prevents the sense of over-cooling while sleeping (when your body is resting). In HEATING mode the reverse occurs; the air conditioner lowers its temperature one degree every hour, up to three hours from the start of the mode. When in SLEEP mode, the air conditioner will be automatically turned off after seven hours. The result is a more comfortable and invigorating sleep, which leaves you feeling fresh and energetic in the morning. * NOTE: The heating modes are used on units with cooling and heating. English 11

14 VERTICAL AIR SWING (OPTIONAL) Automatic swing of air supply in a vertical direction. The flaps automatically move in upward and downward directions to disperse the conditioned air evenly throughout the room. FILTER AND WATER OVERFLOW INDICATION (see indicator C on figure 15) Filter indicator on the indoor unit display is turned on when the filter requires cleaning. After cleaning and reinstalling the filter, the system should be reset. When the indicator is blinking, it indicates that the water tank is full of water and needs to be drained. BUZZER INDICATOR A soft buzzer will sound from the indoor unit display to indicate that a command sent by the remote control has been accepted and stored in the unit’s memory. The user may easily cancel this feature from the display panel. ON- UNIT OPERATION (see buttons E on figure 15) The air conditioner can be turned on or off directly from the indoor unit display panel, without the use of the remote control. -MIN. DELAYED RUN The compressor is protected by a three-minute delayed restart. MEMORY The microprocessor retains the last data entry, whether or not the unit is plugged in. Therefore, when the unit restarts after a power disruption or failure, it will resume operation in the same mode as before the power disruption. SETTING STORED The air conditioner will store all the settings of the operating MODE button in COOL, HEAT, AUTO, DRY and FAN. English 12

15 USE OF WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL THE WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL BRINGS ALL FUNCTIONS TO YOUR FINGERTIPS. PRIOR TO OPERATION Prior to operating your air conditioner, make sure that: The unit is properly connected to the power supply. The red tab protecting the remote control battery has been removed. For clock settings, see page 18. REMOTE CONTROL BATTERY CHANGE Remove the batteries from the remote control unit, as shown on figure 14. Use two 1.5 volt, size AAA batteries. For reserving the environment, please return used batteries for recycling process. REMOTE CONTROL COMPARTMENT Use the remote control compartment when the unit is not in use. The remote control can be flipped in or out of its compartment. (See figure 14). PROTECTING THE ELECTRONIC SYSTEM Indoor unit and the remote control must be at least one meter away from any TV, radio or any other electronic home appliance. Protect the unit and the remote control from direct sunrays or lighting. Figure 14. Remote control application Aim the remote control towards the air conditioner’s infrared signal receiver when it is operating. The remote control signal can be received at a distance of up to 8m. Be sure that there are no obstructions between the remote control and the signal receiver. Do not drop or throw the remote control unit. Do not place the remote control unit in a location eposed to direct sunlight, or net to a heating unit, or any other heat source. Do not epose the air conditioner signal receiver to strong light, such as a fluorescent lamp or sunlight. English 1

16 ON-UNIT INDICATORS AND CONTROLS – (ELECTRONIC MODES) (See Figure 15) A. TIMER INDICATOR Lights up during TIMER and SLEEP operation. E B. OPERATION INDICATOR Lights up during operation. Blinks to announce that the remote control infrared signal has been received and stored. Blinks continuously when compressor operates in its high-pressure protection mode. Lights up during TIMER and SLEEP operation. C. FILTER AND WATER OVERFLOW INDICATOR Lights up when air filter requires cleaning. Blinks during water overflow. B A C D D. CLEAR/FILTER BUTTON Press to turn off the FILTER indicator and to reset the filter function, after the clean filter has been reinstalled. Press to cancel the buzzer announcer, if elected. E. MODE – COOL / HEAT / ON / OFF – UNIT OPERATION BUTTON Used to switch the unit between positions OFF, ON, COOLING or HEATING, without using the remote control. Figure 15 ON-UNIT OPERATION If the remote control cannot be operated, the air conditioner can be turned on for cooling or heating, or completely turned off, by pressing MODE button (E). The MODE button will change the operational status of the unit between the – COOLING – HEATING – OFF positions every time it is pressed. NOTE: The heating modes are used on units with cooling and heating. English 14

17 REMOTE CONTROL (See figure 16) 12 1 START/STOP button 2 Operation MODE selection button FAN SPEED and AUTO FAN button 4 Temperature set UP button (+) 7 5 Temperature set DOWN button (-) 6 6 SLEEP button Automatic Vertical Air Swing button TIMER select button TIMER set up button (+) TIMER set down button (-) LCD display 12 Infrared signal transmitter 1 TIMER SET button 14 TIMER CLEAR button 15 Transmission sign Figure 16 English 15

18 OPERATION PROCEDURE (See figs. 15 & 16) TURNING ON THE AIR CONDITIONER Press START/STOP button (1) to turn on the air conditioner. Operation Indicator (B) on the air conditioner will light up, indicating that the unit is in operation. Note that the LCD operation display (11) will always show the last mode of operation and the previous function used. 1 VENTILATING OPERATION 2 Select the FAN mode by pressing MODE button (2). Switch to the desired fan speed or AUTO speed by pressing FAN speed button (). COOLING OPERATION 2 Select the COOLING mode by pressing MODE button (2). Switch to the desired fan speed or to AUTO fan by pressing button (). Select suitable temperature setting. 5 4 COOLING OPERATION WITH AUTO FAN MODE 2 This operation starts at the highest airflow, in order to quickly lower the room temperature. It will then automatically switch to low air flow, in order to quietly maintain the selected temperature. * NOTE: The heating modes are used on units with cooling and heating. English 16

19 AUTOMATIC VERTICAL AIR SWING Press button (7) to activate the auto air swing. Press the button again to deactivate this function. 7 HEATING OPERATION * 2 Select the HEATING mode by pressing MODE button (2). Switch to the desired Fan Speed or to AUTO FAN by pressing the Fan button (). Select suitable temperature setting. (see figure 7 for unit installation) 5 4 HEATING OPERATION WITH AUTO FAN MODE * 2 This operation starts with the highest air flow in order to quickly raise the room temperature. It will then automatically switch to the lower air flow to quietly maintain the selected temperature. SELECTING THE TEMPERATURE Press temperature button (4) or (5) to change the temperature setting on the LCD operation display (11). The temperature setting is shown in centigrade degree. A higher number indicates a higher room temperature; a lower number indicates a lower room temperature. 5 4 DRY OPERATION Select the DRY mode by pressing MODE button (2). Select the suitable temperature setting. While in DRY mode, the air conditioner will operate at low fan speed, regardless of the fan setting on the LCD operation display. The fan might stop operating from time to time to prevent over-cooling. English 17

20 CURRENT CLOCK TIME SET Clock setting is performed when batteries are inserted. The remote control displays the setting, and the clock display will blink « 00:00 » or « 12:00 » until a new time is set. For clock setting, use buttons (9) (10) in order to set the hours and minutes, respectively, and then press timer SET button (1). The clock setting can also be performed by pressing the timer SET button (1) for 5 seconds. The clock display will blink; for a new setting, follow the steps described above TURNING OFF THE AIR CONDITIONER Press START/STOP button (1) to turn OFF the air conditioner. Operation Indicator (B) on the air conditioner will be turned off. The remote control LCD will display the clock time and room temperature or the set-point temperature. The last operating set-up will be kept for the net operation. 1 SLEEP FUNCTION Press SLEEP button (6) to select the SLEEP function. When the sleep function is activated, the air conditioner will be automatically turned OFF after seven hours. If at the same time TIMER OFF is activated as well, the air conditioner will be turned OFF according to the TIMER settings. TIMER indicator (A) on the air conditioner lights up during SLEEP function. To cancel SLEEP function press one of the following: START/STOP button (1) SLEEP button (6) 6 TIMER OPERATION Press the TIMER select button (8) to activate the timer operation mode. Each time the TIMER button (8) is pressed, one of the four types of operation modes (shown below) will appear on the LCD display. The operation modes are sequenced in the direction of arrow. Indicator (A) on the air conditioner will light up during TIMER operation. NOTE: After a power failure, the TIMER indicator (A) will blink. When the unit is in TIMER mode, the unit will automatically change to STAND BY mode and the timer operation will be cancelled. To resume the timer operation, follow the instructions, above. 1 8 English 18

21 TIMER OPERATING MODES I. TIMER ON This mode enables you to set a time for starting its operation. Press the TIMER button (8) until the ON sign blinks. Starting time can be adjusted using the up and down buttons (9) and (10), respectively. Press SET button (1) to activate the timer. Eample: Operation is restored at 10:0 II. TIMER OFF This mode enables you to set the time at which timer stops its operation. Press the timer button (8) twice and the OFF sign will blink. Time can be adjusted using the up and down buttons (9) and (10), respectively. Press SET button (1) to activate the timer. Eample: Operation stops at 18:00 III. TIMER ON AND OFF This mode enables you to set the start and stop time of operation. Press the TIMER button (8) until the ON sign blinks; by pressing again the OFF sign will blink. Time can be adjusted by using the up and down buttons (9) and (10), respectively. Press SET button (1) to activate the timer. Eample: Operation is restored at 10:0 and stops at 18:00. IV. CLEAR Use this mode to cancel timer operation. Press CLEAR button (14) and timer operation will terminate, and the LCD display will be cleared for each timer mode. When the CLEAR button is pressed, the timer indicator (A) will turn OFF. NOTE: If the timer button (8) is selected and neither TIME ADJUST, SET, or CLEAR buttons are pressed within 15 seconds, the timer operation will be cancelled and the last set-up will be displayed. English 19

22 OPERATION – (For Mechanical Models) The air conditioner has the following features: On-unit operation control Indicator control lights Warning light Thermostat ON UNIT CONTROL AND DISPLAY PANEL (See Figure17) In order to obtain maimum comfort and economical operation, please make sure to: Follow the instructions for Installation For Cooling on page 5. Be sure that the air outlet and inlet openings on the unit are unobstructed. Shade the room from direct sunrays and avoid ecessive sources of heat in the room. A – Selector switch knob Selector switch positions A1. Off A2. Fan only – High A. Cooling – High A4. Cooling – Low B – Temperature control knob C – Indicators C1. Cooling indicator C2. Operation indicator C. Overflow indicator Figure 17 English 20

23 OPERATING PROCEDURE Plug the unit into a power supply, and the power supply indicator (C2) lights up. This indicates that the unit is ready for operation. TURNING ON THE AIR CONDITIONER Turn the selector switch knob (A) from OFF to any desired position. FAN OPERATION (VENTILATING) Turn the selector switch knob (A) to (A2) High fan (A2) COOLING OPERATION Turn the selector switch knob (A) to one of the following positions: High Cooling (A) Low Cooling (A4) When the cooling mode is activated, indicator (C1) will light up. It is recommended to use the High-cooling mode (A) when a fast drop in temperature is required, while the Low cooling mode (A4) should be used for normal, quiet operation to maintain the selected temperature. SELECTING THE TEMPERATURE The desired temperature is selected by turning the temperature control knob (B). If the temperature is lower than desired, turn knob (B) counterclockwise to a new position. If the temperature is higher than desired, turn knob (B) clockwise to a new position. TURNING OFF THE AIR CONDITIONER Turn the selector switch (A) to OFF position (A1). The operation indicator (C2) will remain ON. WARNING: Wait 5 minutes before restarting the cooling modes, or before changing the temperature setting. English 21

24 CARE AND MAINTENANCE WARNING Before performing any maintenance procedure, make sure to dis connect the air conditioner from the power supply. One of the functions of the air conditioner is to filter the supplied air by collecting dust and dirt particles from the air. Your air conditioner is provided with a main filter and with two additional purifying filters, using activated carbon and electrostatic materials. The filter should the cleaned periodically – once a month, or at least once every season under ordinary conditions. Failure to clean the air filter will result in reduced cooling/heating capacity and may cause damage to the unit. Fig. 19 Fig. 18 Fig. 21 CLEANING THE AIR FILTERS Main filter removal and cleaning (See Figures 18,19, 21,22) To Remove the main filter, hold the handle on its back and pull the filter out. (See Figure 18). Remove the 2 purifying filter frames from the main filter (See Figure 19). Rinse both sides of the main filter in lukewarm tap water and allow it to dry (not in direct sunlight). Attach the two purifying filter frames back on to the main filter. Reinstall the main filter by inserting it in the back opening of the unit and pushing the filter inwards (See Figure 22). WARNING: DO NOT OPERATE THE AIR CONDITIONER WITHOUT THE FILTER! Fig. 20 PURIFICATION FILTER REPLACEMENT (See Figures 19, 20, 21) The air purifying filters should be removed from the main filter and replaced once a year. Remove the two purifying filter frames from the main filter (See Figure 19). Replace the two filter elements and secure them in the frames (See Figure 20). Attach the two purifying filter frames back into the main filter (See Figure 21). Fig. 22 CLEANING THE AIR CONDITOINER Wipe the unit with a soft cloth or clean it with a vacuum cleaner. Do not use hot water or volatile materials which could damage the surface of the air conditioner. English 22

25 AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON Make sure there are no obstacles blocking the flow of inlet or outlet air. Make sure the power supply is properly connected. CLEANING OUTDOOR UNIT CONDENSATE BASIN (See Figures 2 and 24) Remove the water basin (2) by unscrewing the four screws () on each side of the basin. Clean the basin with water, dry and reinstall. Figure 2. Removal of condensate basin Model.1 KW (R407C) Figure 24. Removal of condensate basin Model 4.1 KW (R22/R410A).1 KW (R410A) MOVING AND STORING – ALL MODELS (See Figure 25) Before carrying or storing, tilt the outdoor unit to empty it from any remaining condensed water, Use the carrying handles to move the unit on its castors. Do not attempt to move the unit by pulling the fleible hose. When transporting the appliance in a vehicle, always kept it in an upright position. FOR MODELS.1 KW (R407C) ONLY The indoor and outdoor units should be joined together (Figure 25) when moving or storing the air conditioner. To join the units, insert attaching pins (10) of the outdoor unit into the key holes (2) of the indoor unit (see Figure ). 1. Indoor Unit 2. Outdoor Unit Figure 25. Units joined for moving – Model.1 KW (R407C) only English 2

26 IMPORTANT NOTICES This air conditioner has been manufactured for domestic environments and should not be used for any other purpose. Do not obstruct the air conditioner’s air discharge and inlet. If repair is needed, contact only the nearest authorized service center; unqualified servicing is dangerous. This air conditioner is to be used by adults only. Do not allow children to play with it. Always ground the unit. Make sure that the unit is installed in a horizontal position. Before cleaning or performing any maintenance operations, always disconnect the electric power supply plug form the socket. Do not place any strain on the power cord when moving the unit. The air conditioner should not be installed at a place having any combustible gases, oil or sulphur in the atmosphere, or near any possible sources of heat. Do not place hot or heavy objects on the air conditioner. Clean air filter periodically. The air conditioner should be transported in an upright position. After transporting, wait at least one hour before switching it on. After transporting, wait at last one hour before turning the unit on. Move the unit with caution over carpets and rugs. Empty the water tank at the end of the day or before moving the unit over carpets and rugs. In case of damage to the power cord, replacement or repair should be made only by an authorized technician. This unit conforms to EEC Directive of Electromagnetic compatibility (89/6/EEC). English 24

27 BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE Before calling for service, please check the following malfunctions and correct as needed. Should this fail to remedy the malfunction, contact your nearest authorized service center for qualified assistance. PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION E M Unit does not operate. Operation indicator doesn’t light up. Power failure. Plug is disconnected. The water tank is out of the unit, or not inserted properly in place. Check main fuse. Insert plug in power supply socket. Insert the water tank in its place. Unit operates for only brief periods in cooling or dry mode. Improper temperature setting. Decrease temperature setting. Unit functions, but does not perform efficiency. Window is open. Source of heat in the room (cooker, etc.) or room is over crowded with people. Close window. Remove source of heat. Unit capacity is insufficient for load or room size. Consult your dealer. Improper temperature setting. Adjust temperature setting. Air filter is clogged. Clean filter. Loss of refrigerant. Call for service center. Room tightly closed. Ehaust hose blocked, twisted or bent. slightly open window or outside door. Remove obstruction. Water overflow warning indicator lights up or blinks. Unit does not dehumidify. Water tank is full of water Drain the water through the rear drain tube. See Fig. (4). tube. Unit does not heat. Temperature setting is too low. Reset temperature setting. Unit does not operate Operation indicator lights. Remote control malfunctions. Check remote control batteries. Tyr to operate from a closer distance. Start from on-unit controls. Perform reset operation by pressing buttons (9), (10), (1), (14) fro 5 seconds. English 25

28 PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION E M Unit does not respond properly to remote control command. IR signal does not reach unit. Check for obstruction between unit and remote control; clear if needed. Distance between remote control and unit is too great or remote control unit is aimed at improper angle. Get closer to unit. IR receiver on unit is eposed to strong light source. Dim lights, especially fluorescent. Operating indicator blinks. Compressor operates at high pressure. Normal operation of the air conditioner. Open a door or a window. Filter indicator lights up. Air filter is contaminated. Clean filter, reinstall it and reset indicator. Noise from the outdoor unit. The outdoor condensate pump is operating without water. Regular operation of the air conditioner. Legend: E – Electronic model M – Electro-mechanical model English 26