Pompe de piscine : conseiller – au meilleur prix – comparatif – Best Pool Pumps Reviews & Comparison in 2020

  • Moover : Moteur pour abri de piscine jusqu'a abri - A
    Moover : Le moteur pour abri piscine ! Vous avez investi dans un abri de piscine mais quand il s’agit de profiter de votre piscine, il vous faut l’ouvrir et le refermer une fois la baignade terminée. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour motoriser votre abri de piscine, alors vous êtes au bon endroit. Grâce à la conception unique, vous pouvez installer le MOOVER sur des abris neufs ou existants de la société ALBIXON ainsi que d’autres marques. Il n'est pas possible d'installer le Moover sur : les abri sans rails, Avec angle négatifou plus lourd que 750 kilos - Moteur pour abri de piscine MOOVER - ALBIXON Un design élégant et une autonomie remarquabl Le design du Moover est pensé pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos extérieurs. Il est discret et prend très peu de place afin de préserver l’espace autour du bassin. De plus, Moover est doté de panneaux solaires qui lui permettent de fonctionner durant toute la saison estivale soit 3 mois. Grâce à sa batterie haute capacité dernière technologie, il peut fonctionner 1,5 heures en continu et jusqu’à 800 heures en mode veille. Une révolution dans l’utilisation de votre abri de piscine Développé en collaboration avec des ingénieurs de l’automobile, Moover vous permet de faire bouger votre abri de piscine sans effort . Son secret réside dans sa roue motorisée située à l’intérieur du boîtier. Il vous suffit d’appuyer sur un bouton pour ensuite piquer une tête, Moover vous fait gagner du temps et économiser vos efforts. Et quand vous ne souhaitez pas activer l'assistance de Moover, il vous suffit de dévisser l’écrou papillon afin de relâcher la pression de la roue. Grâce à la télécommande avec une portée de 30 mètres, vous pouvez facilement contrôler l’ouverture et la fermeture de votre abri de piscine. Et elle est si simple d’utilisation que tous les membres de la famille peuvent l’utiliser. Motoriser votre abri de piscine devient un jeu d’enfant : Moover est livré avec une notice de montage très bien détaillée qui vous permet de monter facilement le système d’ouverture et de fermeture de l’abri de piscine. Vous pouvez le faire seul, cela ne vous prendra que quelques heures. Et n’oubliez pas que les experts de Distripool sont à votre disposition pour vous aider à installer votre Moover. Moover s'adapte sur tous les abris de piscine dont le pas des arcs est de 1063 mm et le plan latéral ne présente pas d'angle d'incidence négatif. . Fiche technique : Moteur MOOVER pour abri de piscine Photo du MOOVER ALBIXON
  • Moover : Moteur pour abri de piscine jusqu'a abri - A
    Moover : Le moteur pour abri piscine ! Vous avez investi dans un abri de piscine mais quand il s’agit de profiter de votre piscine, il vous faut l’ouvrir et le refermer une fois la baignade terminée. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour motoriser votre abri de piscine, alors vous êtes au
  • Bloc moteur Netspa Octopus 2000W
    <ul> <li>Bloc technique complet pour spa Netspa Octopus.</li> <li>Câble et prise différentielle inclus</li> </ul>
  • N°22 - Bloc moteur robot Dolphin S100
    Bloc moteur pour le robot Dolphin S100 performant. Numéro 22 sur l'image
  • Robot de piscine Bestway Ruby Tri-moteurs
    Robot piscine Bestway Ruby Tri-moteurs - Technologie sans fil Nettoyage optimisé du fond et des parois jusqu’à la ligne d’eau Ruby est un petit joyau dans l’univers des robots électriques pour piscines : il allie les avantages de la technologie sans fil à l’aisance de déplacement des robots électriques équipés de 3 moteurs. Fini les càbles emmêlés ou trop courts pour aller nettoyer correctement les angles de la piscine, le robot Bestway Ruby a toute la liberté nécessaire pour se déplacer partout à l’intérieur de votre piscine et il a la puissance nécessaire pour remonter les parois pour y aspirer les saletés qui s’y déposent. La puissance de ses 3 moteurs lui permet de se déplacer et monter aux parois sans affaiblir la puissance d’aspiration et donc conserver une qualité de filtration constante au cours de son cycle de nettoyage de 90 minutes. La batterie qui équipe le robot Ruby lui permet d’avoir la puissance nécessaire pour effectuer un nettoyage d’entretien complet en 90 minutes, elle pourra être rechargée en 7 à 8 heures une fois le robot sec et connecté à une source d’alimentation. Son poids plume lui permet d’être mis à l’eau et ressorti très facilement sans effort conséquent pour que le nettoyage de la piscine ne soit plus une contrainte. Le capteur d’eau qu’il embarque lui permet de démarrer automatiquement lorsque vous le plongez dans l’eau et commencer ainsi son travail de nettoyage. Les cassettes filtrantes qui équipent ce modèle Ruby ont une capacité importante pour lui permettre d’aller au bout de son cycle de nettoyage sans arrêt prématuré pour motif de filtre plein, et elles ont une capacité de filtration de 180 microns qui est particulièrement adaptée aux piscines où l’on retrouves des débris végétaux, morceaux de feuilles, terre, etc... Ruby détectera automatiquement sa sortie de l’eau gràce à ce même capteur et se coupera donc pour préserver totalement son moteur. Qualité de conception et de fabrication Bestway Gràce à son savoir-faire, Bestway propose aujourd’hui le modèle Ruby, un robot autonome qui vous libère des contraintes des càbles et permet un nettoyage efficace du fond à la ligne d’eau, adapté à tout type de piscine. La batterie Lithium-ion permet de conserver des performances constantes tout au long du cycle de nettoyage. C’est un élément technique important trop souvent négligé et qui sera pourtant déterminant pour une durée de vie optimale. Ruby n’est retenu par aucun càble, cela lui permet d’avoir une amplitude maximale pour ses déplacements. Plus petit et plus léger qu’un robot électrique classique, il sera plus facile à manipuler et vous facilitera grandement l’entretien de votre piscine. Pour quelles piscines ? Tout type de piscines hors-sol ou enterrées jusqu’à 8 x 4m Tout type de formes Fond plat et pentes composées jusqu’à 30° Tout revêtement (liner, carrelage, béton peint, coque, etc...) Informations complémentaires Batterie rechargeable : Lithium-ion 8800 mAh Autonomie de la batterie : 1h30 (soit 90...
  • Robot de piscine Bestway Ruby Tri-moteurs
    Robot piscine Bestway Ruby Tri-moteurs - Technologie sans fil Nettoyage optimisé du fond et des parois jusqu’à la ligne d’eau Ruby est un petit joyau dans l’univers des robots électriques pour piscines : il allie les avantages de la technologie sans fil à l’aisance de déplacement des robots électriques équipés de 3 moteurs. Fini les càbles emmêlés ou trop courts pour aller nettoyer correctement les angles de la piscine, le robot Bestway Ruby a toute la liberté nécessaire pour se déplacer partout à l’intérieur de votre piscine et il a la puissance nécessaire pour remonter les parois pour y aspirer les saletés qui s’y déposent. La puissance de ses 3 moteurs lui permet de se déplacer et monter aux parois sans affaiblir la puissance d’aspiration et donc conserver une qualité de filtration constante au cours de son cycle de nettoyage de 90 minutes. La batterie qui équipe le robot Ruby lui permet d’avoir la puissance nécessaire pour effectuer un nettoyage d’entretien complet en 90 minutes, elle pourra être rechargée en 7 à 8 heures une fois le robot sec et connecté à une source d’alimentation. Son poids plume lui permet d’être mis à l’eau et ressorti très facilement sans effort conséquent pour que le nettoyage de la piscine ne soit plus une contrainte. Le capteur d’eau qu’il embarque lui permet de démarrer automatiquement lorsque vous le plongez dans l’eau et commencer ainsi son travail de nettoyage. Les cassettes filtrantes qui équipent ce modèle Ruby ont une capacité importante pour lui permettre d’aller au bout de son cycle de nettoyage sans arrêt prématuré pour motif de filtre plein, et elles ont une capacité de filtration de 180 microns qui est particulièrement adaptée aux piscines où l’on retrouves des débris végétaux, morceaux de feuilles, terre, etc... Ruby détectera automatiquement sa sortie de l’eau gràce à ce même capteur et se coupera donc pour préserver totalement son moteur. Qualité de conception et de fabrication Bestway Gràce à son savoir-faire, Bestway propose aujourd’hui le modèle Ruby, un robot autonome qui vous libère des contraintes des càbles et permet un nettoyage efficace du fond à la ligne d’eau, adapté à tout type de piscine. La batterie Lithium-ion permet de conserver des performances constantes tout au long du cycle de nettoyage. C’est un élément technique important trop souvent négligé et qui sera pourtant déterminant pour une durée de vie optimale. Ruby n’est retenu par aucun càble, cela lui permet d’avoir une amplitude maximale pour ses déplacements. Plus petit et plus léger qu’un robot électrique classique, il sera plus facile à manipuler et vous facilitera grandement l’entretien de votre piscine. Pour quelles piscines ? Tout type de piscines hors-sol ou enterrées jusqu’à 8 x 4m Tout type de formes Fond plat et pentes composées jusqu’à 30° Tout revêtement (liner, carrelage, béton peint, coque, etc...) Informations complémentaires Batterie rechargeable : Lithium-ion 8800 mAh Autonomie de la batterie : 1h30 (soit 90...
  • Moover : Moteur pour abri de piscine jusqu'a abri - C
    Moover : Le moteur pour abri piscine ! Vous avez investi dans un abri de piscine mais quand il s’agit de profiter de votre piscine, il vous faut l’ouvrir et le refermer une fois la baignade terminée. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour motoriser votre abri de piscine, alors vous êtes au bon endroit. Grâce à la conception unique, vous pouvez installer le MOOVER sur des abris neufs ou existants de la société ALBIXON ainsi que d’autres marques. Il n'est pas possible d'installer le Moover sur : les abri sans rails, Avec angle négatifou plus lourd que 750 kilos - Moteur pour abri de piscine MOOVER - ALBIXON Un design élégant et une autonomie remarquabl Le design du Moover est pensé pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos extérieurs. Il est discret et prend très peu de place afin de préserver l’espace autour du bassin. De plus, Moover est doté de panneaux solaires qui lui permettent de fonctionner durant toute la saison estivale soit 3 mois. Grâce à sa batterie haute capacité dernière technologie, il peut fonctionner 1,5 heures en continu et jusqu’à 800 heures en mode veille. Une révolution dans l’utilisation de votre abri de piscine Développé en collaboration avec des ingénieurs de l’automobile, Moover vous permet de faire bouger votre abri de piscine sans effort . Son secret réside dans sa roue motorisée située à l’intérieur du boîtier. Il vous suffit d’appuyer sur un bouton pour ensuite piquer une tête, Moover vous fait gagner du temps et économiser vos efforts. Et quand vous ne souhaitez pas activer l'assistance de Moover, il vous suffit de dévisser l’écrou papillon afin de relâcher la pression de la roue. Grâce à la télécommande avec une portée de 30 mètres, vous pouvez facilement contrôler l’ouverture et la fermeture de votre abri de piscine. Et elle est si simple d’utilisation que tous les membres de la famille peuvent l’utiliser. Motoriser votre abri de piscine devient un jeu d’enfant : Moover est livré avec une notice de montage très bien détaillée qui vous permet de monter facilement le système d’ouverture et de fermeture de l’abri de piscine. Vous pouvez le faire seul, cela ne vous prendra que quelques heures. Et n’oubliez pas que les experts de Distripool sont à votre disposition pour vous aider à installer votre Moover. Moover s'adapte sur tous les abris de piscine dont le pas des arcs est de 1063 mm et le plan latéral ne présente pas d'angle d'incidence négatif. . Fiche technique : Moteur MOOVER pour abri de piscine Photo du MOOVER ALBIXON
  • Moover : Moteur pour abri de piscine jusqu'a abri - B
    Moover : Le moteur pour abri piscine ! Vous avez investi dans un abri de piscine mais quand il s’agit de profiter de votre piscine, il vous faut l’ouvrir et le refermer une fois la baignade terminée. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour motoriser votre abri de piscine, alors vous êtes au bon endroit. Grâce à la conception unique, vous pouvez installer le MOOVER sur des abris neufs ou existants de la société ALBIXON ainsi que d’autres marques. Il n'est pas possible d'installer le Moover sur : les abri sans rails, Avec angle négatifou plus lourd que 750 kilos - Moteur pour abri de piscine MOOVER - ALBIXON Un design élégant et une autonomie remarquabl Le design du Moover est pensé pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos extérieurs. Il est discret et prend très peu de place afin de préserver l’espace autour du bassin. De plus, Moover est doté de panneaux solaires qui lui permettent de fonctionner durant toute la saison estivale soit 3 mois. Grâce à sa batterie haute capacité dernière technologie, il peut fonctionner 1,5 heures en continu et jusqu’à 800 heures en mode veille. Une révolution dans l’utilisation de votre abri de piscine Développé en collaboration avec des ingénieurs de l’automobile, Moover vous permet de faire bouger votre abri de piscine sans effort . Son secret réside dans sa roue motorisée située à l’intérieur du boîtier. Il vous suffit d’appuyer sur un bouton pour ensuite piquer une tête, Moover vous fait gagner du temps et économiser vos efforts. Et quand vous ne souhaitez pas activer l'assistance de Moover, il vous suffit de dévisser l’écrou papillon afin de relâcher la pression de la roue. Grâce à la télécommande avec une portée de 30 mètres, vous pouvez facilement contrôler l’ouverture et la fermeture de votre abri de piscine. Et elle est si simple d’utilisation que tous les membres de la famille peuvent l’utiliser. Motoriser votre abri de piscine devient un jeu d’enfant : Moover est livré avec une notice de montage très bien détaillée qui vous permet de monter facilement le système d’ouverture et de fermeture de l’abri de piscine. Vous pouvez le faire seul, cela ne vous prendra que quelques heures. Et n’oubliez pas que les experts de Distripool sont à votre disposition pour vous aider à installer votre Moover. Moover s'adapte sur tous les abris de piscine dont le pas des arcs est de 1063 mm et le plan latéral ne présente pas d'angle d'incidence négatif. . Fiche technique : Moteur MOOVER pour abri de piscine Photo du MOOVER ALBIXON
  • Moover : Moteur pour abri de piscine jusqu'a abri - C
    Moover : Le moteur pour abri piscine ! Vous avez investi dans un abri de piscine mais quand il s’agit de profiter de votre piscine, il vous faut l’ouvrir et le refermer une fois la baignade terminée. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour motoriser votre abri de piscine, alors vous êtes au
  • Moover : Moteur pour abri de piscine jusqu'a abri - B
    Moover : Le moteur pour abri piscine ! Vous avez investi dans un abri de piscine mais quand il s’agit de profiter de votre piscine, il vous faut l’ouvrir et le refermer une fois la baignade terminée. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une solution pour motoriser votre abri de piscine, alors vous êtes au
  • Volet immergé piscine moteur dans l'axe Roussillon II
    Le volet immergé piscine ROUSSILLON moteur dans l'axe est la solution idéale pour couvrir et sécurisé sa piscine. Le moteur est situé dans l'axe. C'est le modèle idéal quand la piscine est déjà en eau. Ce volet immergé est fabriqué en France, il est aussi conforme à la norme NF P90-308. Prix à partir de : piscine de 5.00 x 3.00 m Sans escalier - Caillebotis ALU - Sans cloison de séparation (hors transport) - Volet immergé piscine ECA ROUSSILLON Moteur dans l'axe Enrouleur complet avec moteur dans l'axe. Axe + moteur et coffret garantie 4 ans + coffret avec contact pour électrolyseur au sel . Commutateur à clé déportée 3 positions avec contact maintenue . Dimensions maxi 8.03 x 12.00 m Avec Fin de course intégré Lames de couleur au même prix que les blanches !! Lames 71 mm - épaisseur 17 mm. PVC traité anti-tâche et anti UV Les lames sont fabriquées en PVC stabilisé au calcium de ZINC afin d'éviter les tâches. A chaque extrémité de la lame, des bouchons soudés assurent l'étanchéité du tablier. Des ailettes de 20 mm assurent la finition. Système de sécurité : Le nombre de système de sécurité est déterminé par la largueur du bassin. En fonction des cotes fournies sur la fiche de fabrication, ECA se réserve le droit de modifier le nombre de système de sécurité. Ces chiffres sont indiqués sous réserve et seront considérablement plus élevés dans des climats plus chauds et en cas de vent. < à 3 m = 2 par largueur de 3 à 5 m = 3 par largueur de 5 à 7 m = 4 par largueur En option : système de sécurité sur arase. Caillebotis conforme à la norme NF P-90-308 : Le caillebotis repose d'une part sur la poutrelle et d'autre part sur le mesure de l'arase. Nos caillebotis sont composés de lame de 125 mm. Nous vous rappelons qu'il n'est pas possible de couper les lames pour en réduire la largueur ( prévoir découpe des margelles ). 3 types de caillebotis : En aluminium double face blanc. ( sable et gris en option ). En bois IPE ( en option ) En composite de couleur bois ou gris ( en option ) 2 tailles : 700 x 1000 mm. 900 x 1000 ( en option ) Sur mesure ( en option ) Poutrelle en aluminium au choix ! Poutrelle en alu de 100 x 70 mm 3 couleurs : boitier réglable, boitier à fixer sur la paroi Poutrelle en alu de 100 x 110 mm 3 couleurs : boitier réglable, boitier à fixer sur la paroi, boitier pour profil liner horizontal, boitier profil liner vertical Blanche, sable ou grise
  • Volet immergé piscine moteur dans l'axe Roussillon II
    Le volet immergé piscine ROUSSILLON moteur dans l'axe est la solution idéale pour couvrir et sécurisé sa piscine. Le moteur est situé dans l'axe. C'est le modèle idéal quand la piscine est déjà en eau. Ce volet immergé est fabriqué en France, il est aussi conforme à la norme NF P90-308. Prix à part
  • ROBOT piscine ORCA 500 – Fond + paroi + ligne d’eau – 2 moteurs + Application dédiée
    ROBOT piscine ORCA 500 – Fond + paroi + ligne d’eau – 2 moteurs + Application dédiée
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 16 m3/h (1CV ) - Triphasé
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute pression pour un débit maximale COMPATIBLE ELECTROLYSEUR - Pompe STA RITE 5P2R de 3/4 à 1.5 CV en mono La pompe STA - RITE de la série 5P2R est en matériau de synthèse renforcé à la fibre de verre et obtenue par moulage de haute précision. Moteur Moteur européen conforme aux normes “CE” et muni d’une protection IP 55. La conception spéciale du diffuseur assure un auto-amorçage très efficace. Embase La pompe STA RITE 5P2R est montée sur une embase surélevée, stable, rigide et antivibrations. La hauteur de l’embase préserve le moteur de l’humidité et des souillures. Collier d’assemblage Le collier d’assemblage, en acier inoxydable, permet un démontage rapide de l’ensemble et un accès aisé aux pièces mobiles. Obtenue par le moulage sous pression, la turbine est conçue pour délivrer une hauteur manométrique élevée. Sa finition et son équilibrage dynamique lui assurent un fonctionnement silencieux et un excellent rendement. Le couvercle transparent du préfiltre permet facilement de vérifier l’état de colmatage du panier. Le couvercle a un ø de 127 mm et résiste à une pression de 4 bar. le panier du préfiltre est verrouillable et protège la turbine des impuretés. Construction Le matériau utilisé pour la fabrication de la pompe sta rite et du préfiltre autorise une pression de service élevée. Testé pendant plusieurs années ce matériau a des caractéristiques incomparables et résiste même à des variations de températures importantes. Presse-étoupe Comme sur des millions de pompes STA-RITE une étanchéité parfaite est obtenue par le presse-étoupe en céramique de carbone finement polie et surfacée. Données Techniques La pompes de la série 5P2R est une pompe centrifuge qui est principalement conçue pour l’application dans la piscine, en combinaison avec un filtre de piscine.
  • Robot piscine Clean Pool O² Bestway
    Robot électrique de piscine Clean Pool O² Bestway Très autonome, le robot électrique Clean Pool O² Bestway effectue un nettoyage complet de la piscine, depuis le fond de celle-ci et jusqu’à la ligne d’eau. C’est un aspirateur performant équipé de 2 moteurs qui assurent respectivement les fonctions de filtration et de déplacement. Avec une finesse de filtration de 180 microns, il s’encrasse moins rapidement pour permettre un nettoyage complet de la piscine avant de nettoyer son filtre, ce qui est particulièrement utile pour les piscines dans lesquelles vous retrouvez plutôt des débris de végétaux apportés par le vent. Pour quelles piscines ? Pour tout type de piscine : jusqu’à 100m² soit environ 16 x 6m Pour tout type de forme : rectangulaire, ovale, ronde et forme libre Type de fond : tout type de fond Type de revêtement : carrelage, liner, coque polyester, béton peint, PVC armé (les brosses mousses PVA installées d’origine sur le robot sont compatible avec tous les revêtements) Choix de programmes de nettoyage auto-adaptatifs Autonome, le robot Clean Pool O² Bestway effectue un nettoyage complet en adaptant automatiquement son comportement au programme choisi et à la configuration de la piscine. Vous disposez d’un choix parmi trois cycles de nettoyage : 1h 2h 3h Caractéristiques techniques Type de nettoyage : fond, parois et ligne d’eau Cycle de nettoyage : 1 heure / 2 heures / 3 heures Finesse de filtration : 180 microns Vitesse de déplacement : 8 m/minute Puissance : 90W Longueur càble : 12 m Dimensions du robot : 43 x 37 x 21,5cm 1 - Ouverture facile par le dessus du robot pour un accès rapide aux cassettes filtrantes. 2- Filtration performante et grande capacité pour assurer un cycle de fonctionnement complet. Garantie légale de conformité et des vices cachés : 2 ans
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 12 m3/h en mono ( 3/4 CV )
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute pression pour un débit maximale COMPATIBLE ELECTROLYSEUR - Pompe STA RITE 5P2R de 3/4 à 1.5 CV en mono La pompe STA - RITE de la série 5P2R est en matériau de synthèse renforcé à la fibre de verre et obtenue par moulage de haute précision. Moteur Moteur européen conforme aux normes “CE” et muni d’une protection IP 55. La conception spéciale du diffuseur assure un auto-amorçage très efficace. Embase La pompe STA RITE 5P2R est montée sur une embase surélevée, stable, rigide et antivibrations. La hauteur de l’embase préserve le moteur de l’humidité et des souillures. Collier d’assemblage Le collier d’assemblage, en acier inoxydable, permet un démontage rapide de l’ensemble et un accès aisé aux pièces mobiles. Obtenue par le moulage sous pression, la turbine est conçue pour délivrer une hauteur manométrique élevée. Sa finition et son équilibrage dynamique lui assurent un fonctionnement silencieux et un excellent rendement. Le couvercle transparent du préfiltre permet facilement de vérifier l’état de colmatage du panier. Le couvercle a un ø de 127 mm et résiste à une pression de 4 bar. le panier du préfiltre est verrouillable et protège la turbine des impuretés. Construction Le matériau utilisé pour la fabrication de la pompe sta rite et du préfiltre autorise une pression de service élevée. Testé pendant plusieurs années ce matériau a des caractéristiques incomparables et résiste même à des variations de températures importantes. Presse-étoupe Comme sur des millions de pompes STA-RITE une étanchéité parfaite est obtenue par le presse-étoupe en céramique de carbone finement polie et surfacée. Données Techniques La pompes de la série 5P2R est une pompe centrifuge qui est principalement conçue pour l’application dans la piscine, en combinaison avec un filtre de piscine.
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 18 m3/h (1.5CV ) - Triphasé
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute pression pour un débit maximale COMPATIBLE ELECTROLYSEUR - Pompe STA RITE 5P2R de 3/4 à 1.5 CV en mono La pompe STA - RITE de la série 5P2R est en matériau de synthèse renforcé à la fibre de verre et obtenue par moulage de haute précision. Moteur Moteur européen conforme aux normes “CE” et muni d’une protection IP 55. La conception spéciale du diffuseur assure un auto-amorçage très efficace. Embase La pompe STA RITE 5P2R est montée sur une embase surélevée, stable, rigide et antivibrations. La hauteur de l’embase préserve le moteur de l’humidité et des souillures. Collier d’assemblage Le collier d’assemblage, en acier inoxydable, permet un démontage rapide de l’ensemble et un accès aisé aux pièces mobiles. Obtenue par le moulage sous pression, la turbine est conçue pour délivrer une hauteur manométrique élevée. Sa finition et son équilibrage dynamique lui assurent un fonctionnement silencieux et un excellent rendement. Le couvercle transparent du préfiltre permet facilement de vérifier l’état de colmatage du panier. Le couvercle a un ø de 127 mm et résiste à une pression de 4 bar. le panier du préfiltre est verrouillable et protège la turbine des impuretés. Construction Le matériau utilisé pour la fabrication de la pompe sta rite et du préfiltre autorise une pression de service élevée. Testé pendant plusieurs années ce matériau a des caractéristiques incomparables et résiste même à des variations de températures importantes. Presse-étoupe Comme sur des millions de pompes STA-RITE une étanchéité parfaite est obtenue par le presse-étoupe en céramique de carbone finement polie et surfacée. Données Techniques La pompes de la série 5P2R est une pompe centrifuge qui est principalement conçue pour l’application dans la piscine, en combinaison avec un filtre de piscine.
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 12 m3/h ( 3/4 CV ) - Triphasé
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute pression pour un débit maximale COMPATIBLE ELECTROLYSEUR - Pompe STA RITE 5P2R de 3/4 à 1.5 CV en mono La pompe STA - RITE de la série 5P2R est en matériau de synthèse renforcé à la fibre de verre et obtenue par moulage de haute précision. Moteur Moteur européen conforme aux normes “CE” et muni d’une protection IP 55. La conception spéciale du diffuseur assure un auto-amorçage très efficace. Embase La pompe STA RITE 5P2R est montée sur une embase surélevée, stable, rigide et antivibrations. La hauteur de l’embase préserve le moteur de l’humidité et des souillures. Collier d’assemblage Le collier d’assemblage, en acier inoxydable, permet un démontage rapide de l’ensemble et un accès aisé aux pièces mobiles. Obtenue par le moulage sous pression, la turbine est conçue pour délivrer une hauteur manométrique élevée. Sa finition et son équilibrage dynamique lui assurent un fonctionnement silencieux et un excellent rendement. Le couvercle transparent du préfiltre permet facilement de vérifier l’état de colmatage du panier. Le couvercle a un ø de 127 mm et résiste à une pression de 4 bar. le panier du préfiltre est verrouillable et protège la turbine des impuretés. Construction Le matériau utilisé pour la fabrication de la pompe sta rite et du préfiltre autorise une pression de service élevée. Testé pendant plusieurs années ce matériau a des caractéristiques incomparables et résiste même à des variations de températures importantes. Presse-étoupe Comme sur des millions de pompes STA-RITE une étanchéité parfaite est obtenue par le presse-étoupe en céramique de carbone finement polie et surfacée. Données Techniques La pompes de la série 5P2R est une pompe centrifuge qui est principalement conçue pour l’application dans la piscine, en combinaison avec un filtre de piscine.
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 8m3/h en mono ( 1/2 CV )
    Pompe piscine STA RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA RITE P-STR est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute pression pour un débit maximale COMPATIBLE ELECTROLYSEUR - Pompe piscine STA RITE modèle P-STR : Ancienne 5P2R La pompe STA - RITE de la série P-STR est en matériau de synthèse renforcé à la fibre de verre et obtenue par moulage de haute précision. Moteur Moteur européen conforme aux normes “CE” et muni d’une protection IP 55. La conception spéciale du diffuseur assure un auto-amorçage très efficace. Embase La pompe STA RITE P-STR est montée sur une embase surélevée, stable, rigide et antivibrations. La hauteur de l’embase préserve le moteur de l’humidité et des souillures. Collier d’assemblage Le collier d’assemblage, en acier inoxydable, permet un démontage rapide de l’ensemble et un accès aisé aux pièces mobiles. Obtenue par le moulage sous pression, la turbine est conçue pour délivrer une hauteur manométrique élevée. Sa finition et son équilibrage dynamique lui assurent un fonctionnement silencieux et un excellent rendement. Le couvercle transparent du préfiltre permet facilement de vérifier l’état de colmatage du panier. Le couvercle a un ø de 127 mm et résiste à une pression de 4 bar. le panier du préfiltre est verrouillable et protège la turbine des impuretés. Construction Le matériau utilisé pour la fabrication de la pompe sta rite et du préfiltre autorise une pression de service élevée. Testé pendant plusieurs années ce matériau a des caractéristiques incomparables et résiste même à des variations de températures importantes. Presse-étoupe Comme sur des millions de pompes STA-RITE une étanchéité parfaite est obtenue par le presse-étoupe en céramique de carbone finement polie et surfacée. Données Techniques La pompes de la série 5P2R est une pompe centrifuge qui est principalement conçue pour l’application dans la piscine, en combinaison avec un filtre de piscine. Fiche technique Pompe PENTAIR : STA RITE modèle P-STR : Ancienne 5P2R
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 12 m3/h ( 3/4 CV ) - Triphasé
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute p
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 12 m3/h en mono ( 3/4 CV )
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute p
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 16 m3/h (1CV ) - Triphasé
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute p
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 18 m3/h (1.5CV ) - Triphasé
    Pompe piscine STA - RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA - RITE est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute p
  • Pompe piscine STA RITE PENTAIR de 8m3/h en mono ( 1/2 CV )
    Pompe piscine STA RITE modèle P-STR La pompe piscine STA RITE P-STR est la pompe la plus haut de gamme, résistante à toutes épreuves, des rendement surpuissant, un moteur ultra silencieux. Le moteur bénéfice de la technologie PENTAIR éprouvé et efficace renforcé en fibre de verre, une turbine haute


last updated:
Jul 30, 2019

Pool and spa owners all across the world agree on one thing: the indispensability of a pool pump. A pool pump is at the very heart of a pool’s operation and as such its significance can’t be overstated. Failure to install a pool pump in your pool will soon render it unusable as they guard against the accumulation of algae, debris and leaves and other things that, left to their own devices, would expose your health and that of your loved ones to great danger. They remove all the health risk agents from the pool leaving it fresh, clean, hygienic and ready for use. It’s against this background that it’s highly recommended that a pool or spa owner installs only the best pool pump. Compromising on quality, performance or even durability would mean taking chances with one’s health.

Our Top 3 Picks

Hayward SP2610X15img
  • Hayward SP2610X15
  • 5 out of 5
    Our rating
  • Reliable
  • Price: See Here
  • Pentair
  • 4.6 out of 5
    Our rating
  • Powerfull
  • Price: See Here
Hayward SP2302VSPimg
  • Hayward SP2302VSP
  • 4.3 out of 5
    Our rating
  • Durable
  • Price: See Here

Finding the most suitable, or best, pool pump is, however, going to take a bit of in-depth research. You’ll have to dedicate your time and energy towards the endeavour, combing through the internet, comparing one model to another, and reading through lots and lots and lots of reviews. Yes, the irony is not lost on us. If you have neither the time nor effort to do a focused search, though, this comprehensive buying guide is for you. In this guide, we present to you the results of several hours spent on research, analysis, and tests in a bid to come up with a list of ten of the best pool pumps on the market.

10 Best Pool Pumps


1. Hayward SP2610X15

1. Hayward SP2610X15
Pool pumps come in various shapes and sizes and also vary in performance and durability. However, if you want the best bang for the bucks, the Hayward SP2610X15 comes highly recommended. The pool pump offers several advantages over its competitors on the market. For instance, the installation process of the pool pump is a breeze. It also runs very smoothly and quietly with very minimal background noise, and therefore won’t get in the way of your self-therapy and relaxation in the pool. Additional instrumental features include the durability and superiority of its construction and ease of use. To find out more why the Hayward SP2610X15 Super Pump 1.5 HP Pool Pump is deserving of the first position, continue reading out in-depth coverage of the machine in the subsequent paragraphs.

The technological advancement of the Hayward SP2610X15 coupled its fastidious construction and incredible ease of use make it an all-time favourite of homeowners and commercial establishments from all over the world. Unlike cheap, off-brand models on the market, the pool pump perfectly balances cost-effectiveness, ease of use, long-lasting construction quality, and high-performance in a small and lightweight profile. Consequently, it’s not a surprise that it is the baseline against which excellence and value in the pool pump industry are measured. In light of its professional construction, it is an ideal choice that’s compatible with a wide array of in-ground pools and spas.

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Another feature that makes it particularly attractive to different segments of the market is its flawless and smooth performance. As mentioned earlier, it produces almost indiscernible noise. To this add the pool pump’s exceptionally high flow rate in spite of its small horsepower rating. Despite being a single-speed machine, it easily reaches speeds of up to 3450 revolutions per minute, thereby effortlessly circulating water in the pool. The design effectively puts its energy efficiency and performance at par with the vast majority of high-end pool pumps, even though it lacks their blows and whistles. The pool pump comes with a large basket with approximately 100 cubic inches of space, enough to hold several leaves before filling up, meaning that it considerably extends the duration between installation and cleaning.

The pump is similarly capable of efficiently handling heavy debris loads, thanks to the rigidity of its construction and the high-performance capabilities of the load extender ribbing. The two features make sure that the pool pump keeps up its high flow rate with the least possible interruptions. There are also swing-aside hand knobs that make for quick and effortless removal of the strainer. Similarly, because of the transparency of the strainer cover, tracking the level of debris accumulation to help you gauge whether or not it’s time to clean it becomes very simple and easy.

The use of rust and corrosion-resistant PermaGlass XL means that it will provide you with several years of flawless, reliable performance with very minimal performance issues. Also, servicing and installing the pool heater will be very quick and simple as it offers the user four-bolt access to internal parts and components.

The professional construction, ease of use, and durability of the Hayward SP2610X15 make it one of the best pool pumps on the market. It is easy and quick to maintain and is compatible with the vast majority of in-ground pools and spas. While it lacks the bells and whistles of top-end models, it more than compensates for that with its cost efficiency, ease of use and superior construction. You’ll be glad you decided to go with this option years from now.


  • Runs steadily and reliably
  • The high-performance provides for quick and effective filtration and circulation of water
  • Removal of debris, algae, and leaves is quite straightforward
  • Has an easy to clean and transparent strainer basket
  • Installation is both quick and simple


  • Offers the outdated single-speed operation
  • A little expensive

2. Pentair 340039

2. Pentair 340039
If you’re looking for an innovative pool pump with a plethora of time and energy-saving features and specs for smooth and hassle-free operation, look no further than the Pentair 340039. The machine accurately encapsulates Pentair’s vast experience and expertise in making the best products on the market. Moving water efficiently and quickly has never been easier as it is with the Pentair 340039 pump.

It is an energy efficient alternative to the more powerful pool pumps on the market, and provides the user with a peaceful and conducive environment for enjoying a cool and warm bath, thanks to its quiet operation. The fact that the machine runs effortlessly means there are minimal wear and tear which in turn translates to longer shelf-life. A comprehensive review follows in the subsequent paragraphs.

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An important consideration when out shopping for a pool pump is the superiority of its performance. When it comes to performance, this pump is no slouch. It packs a heavy-duty, industrial-grade 56-square-flange motor whose durable construction enables it to effortlessly withstand the rigorous task of pumping water, irrespective of the conditions. A super quiet pool pump is any pool owner’s dream, and that’s exactly what you get with the Pentair 340039. In light of the superior design of the internal flow, it produces no discernible noises. So quiet is the motor that with the water at the right temperature, you could easily fall asleep by the side of the pool!

Like the motor, the frame also features high-quality construction. The use of commercial-grade materials means it easily stands up to the most challenging and rigorous use. Whether it is heavy-duty, everyday use in a hard water environment or the coldest or hottest regions around the world, the pool pump will invariably rise to the occasion. Bring together the machine’s thick walled body parts, the heavy-duty motor, and highly engineered hydraulics, and you have yourself a machine you can install in any pool, anywhere in the world, and the performance will invariably be exceptional. It is, therefore, a perfect replacement for an old pump and a solid choice if you’re looking to install your first pool pump.

Unlike some cheap, off-brand models on the market, it is both lightweight and compact, which translates to a multitude of upsides. First, the pool pump is considerably easy to install; you can get it up and running all by yourself without the assistance of an extra pair of hands or a professional’s insight. Similarly, because of its physical attributes, it needs a compact equipment pad. After a successful installation, running and maintaining it will prove to be even easier and more straightforward.

Because the 340039 comes with a see-through lid, you’ll be investing less time and effort in monitoring the strainer basket as time goes by. And since the basket is considerably large, the frequency of cleaning it will be considerably less. A last noteworthy feature that makes it worth considering is the inclusion of self-priming that takes the effort and time away from getting it started. You also get a generous 12-month warranty to cater for the repair or replacement of malfunctioning or defective parts that result from the manufacturer’s use of low-quality materials or poor manufacturing process. The pool pump also boasts UL, CUL, and NSF certifications, which is a huge plus.

The performance consistency together with the fact that it’s a reliable single-speed pool pump makes it one of the all-time favourites of swimming pool owners all around the world. The design efficiently and conveniently eliminates the downsides of variable-speed models on the market, ensuring you fill and empty your pool quickly. The durable construction of the unit means it can withstand frequent use in salt and chlorine waters. Plus, there is a generous 12-month warranty with every purchase and it’s quite an affordable unit, in spite of its premium features. It’s definitely a solid choice worth investing in.


  • Works powerfully and efficiently
  • Resistant to corrosion and rust due to high-quality construction
  • It’s an energy-efficient option
  • Using and maintaining it is very easy
  • Features a budget-friendly price tag
  • Built to last for several years on end


  • Becomes noisy over time
  • Very brief warranty period

3. Hayward SP2302VSP

3. Hayward SP2302VSP
That Hayward is an industry-leader is an undisputable fact. It keeps churning out some of the best, practical, functional yet affordable products for general consumption. One of their flagship products in the recreational sector is the Hayward SP2302VS pump. Considering that it packs a number of signature features and has a durable and long-lasting construction, very few other pool pumps on the market can hold a candle to it. The features that make the pool pump particularly stand out are its energy efficiency, its quiet and smooth operation, and the fact that it comes with a built-in programmable time clock that makes it highly customizable and therefore easy to use.

The Hayward SP2302VSP offers the user a lot of versatility by providing them with a way of varying the speed to anywhere between 600 and 3450 rotations per minute. Consequently, the user has the discretion of pumping lots of water within the shortest period and with minimal effort, which in turn makes the pool pump an ideal choice for use in small, medium and large swimming pools. As mentioned in the introductory paragraph of this brief, it is very programmable. You can easily tweak and change the settings on the control panel to fit your taste and preferences to a T. The time clock, for instance, allows the user to pre-determine the times the pumps starts running and when it stops, preferably at the end of the day. It also allows for efficient planning of cleaning schedules, so that leaves and other debris do not fill the basket to the brim.

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The reliability, energy efficiency and steady performance of the Hayward SP2302VSP are wholly attributable to the fact that it comes with a permanent magnet, totally enclosed fan cooled motor. The design also allows it to run considerably more quietly all through the day and night. It will neither interrupt your quiet nor even prevent you from falling asleep by the pool, should the feeling kick in.

Another major highlight that makes it a strong contender for the first position is the inclusion of an extra-large basket. Since it’s a no-rib installation, using it is incredibly easy. The size of the basket substantially increases the ease of using the pool pump, as it accommodates more leaves and debris than other models and therefore prolongs the duration it takes before it requires emptying or cleaning. However, it lacks a see-through basket, meaning that you’ll have to make a point of manually checking it every once a while. The lid is easy to remove for a quick inspection of the basket, thanks to its twist design.

Like most other pool pumps on this list, it is an energy-efficient choice that is long-lasting, easy to install on most equipment pads, and runs reliably and quietly. However, it’s the machine’s ease of use that sets it apart in a fiercely competitive industry. It comes with an extra-large, no-rib basket for efficient collection and removal of debris and leaves, and an easy to program built-in time clock. Couple this with its permanent magnet, totally enclosed fan cooled motor, and you have yourself an affordable and very dependable pool pump ideal for both small and large pools.


  • Operates fairly quietly even at night
  • High-end construction quality
  • The intuitiveness of the LCD display provides for exceptional ease of use
  • Easy to set up and get running
  • It’s an energy-saving design


  • Circuit board is prone to developing problems
  • Not ideal for commercial use

4. Intex 28633EG

4. Intex 28633EG
The Intex 28633EG employs the latest and most effective technology to give the user the best swimming experience. The pool pump comes with several other instrumental features that drastically increase the safety and cleanliness of your pool water, leaving conducive and ready for your enjoyment. These features and several more are hardly surprising considering that Intex has the financial muscle and the brand’s commitment and dedication to the production of high-quality, long-lasting, practical and easy-to-use products are known the world over. And the performance of the pump is anything but lethargic. In the next paragraphs, we’ll be deconstruction the pool pump just to reveal why it strikes a chord with the vast majority of swimming pool owners around the world, especially in the United States.

That the Intex 28633EG comes with all the features and capabilities that aim to give the user the best experience is actually an understatement. Every nook and cranny of the pool pump aims to fulfill just one objective: take the frustration, time and effort away from keeping the pool clean and safe, even when the components are staring at the tail end of their useful life. The design of the pool pump, for instance, provides for the effortless and quick flow of water at an impressive flow rate of 2,500 gallons per hour (GPH). It is an ideal choice for users with above ground swimming pools even though it will still be compatible with those with a diameter of up to 24 feet.

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Both the installation process and maintenance of the pool pump are a breeze. You really don’t need a rocket science degree, and if you happen to have one, stop batting your own back because the two processes are quite simple and straightforward; a motivated four-year-old girl can easily rival your endeavours. In light of the small and lightweight properties of the pump, it installs easily onto most equipment pads. However, be careful to leave enough room for manoeuvrability and servicing when, and not if, the need arises. As for maintenance, you’ll only have to change the filter once every six months, or twice a year when you find it most convenient. The design, therefore, makes it one of the most economical and easy to run pool pumps in the industry.

Aside from the easy and quick maintenance procedure, it is also highly customizable, thanks to the factory installed timer. With the feature, the user has the freedom of setting the times when it runs and when it goes off, in accordance with their schedule and preferences. To this add the commercial-grade construction that effortlessly withstands the rigors of pumping all types of water in various conditions without any considerable wear and tear.

The Intex 28633EG will consequently provide you with several pain-free years with just minimal maintenance. And to prevent it from overloading or short-circuiting, it comes with a durable circuit breaker. Plus it meets and even exceeds the strictest safety and health regulations of such international bodies as the International Safety Standards. With the successful installation of the pump in your pool, swimming will be one of the safest recreational activities you can confidently participate in.

If you want a pool pump that easily upsets the status quo and sends the more established brands back to the drawing board, which would be the Intex 28633EG. It is surprisingly affordable, in spite of its auxiliary features and packs a lot of power and safety features to effortless move 2500 gallons of water in an hour. And the installation process is a breeze. Honestly, it never gets better than this.


  • Setting up and getting it running is effortless and straightforward
  • Runs smoothly and with very minimal noise, even in the dead of the night
  • Works quickly and powerfully to get the water free of debris, algae, and leaves
  • It’s an energy efficient choice
  • Maintenance is a breeze
  • Comes with a built-in timer that increases convenience and ease of use
  • Outstanding customer service
  • Has GFCI for preventing circuit overloads, making a safe option


  • The package doesn’t contain some vital accessories for efficient running
  • It’s a little cumbersome changing the filter

5. Pentair 011018 IntelliFlo

5. Pentair 011018 IntelliFlo
The Pentair 011018 might not look like much, considering its simplistic and humdrum physical appearance. Scratch a little under the surface, and you quickly realize the run-of-the-mill attributes completely belies its volcanic performance. The pool pump comes with a laundry list of performance and convenience features that make it considerably easy and hassle-free to keep your swimming pool free of debris and leaves. Some of the instrumental features it packs include the variable speed, cost-effectiveness, quiet operation, and energy efficiency. Patently, it does not compromise on any critical facets, and instead goes all the way to provide the user with the best possible performance. Plus, it is lightweight and compact and therefore installs quickly and easily on the equipment pad.

The Pentair 011018 clearly comes with a plethora of features, but the one that stands out the most has got to be the variable speed features. Among other things, the features allow you to easily and quickly customize the speed of the water in accordance with your preferences. The 8-speed programmable design not only makes work easy for you but also saves you the frustration of using fixed-speed pool pumps. Higher speeds are ideal for the days when the pool requires thorough cleaning while slower speeds are perfect when the pool is already clean, and you just want to bask in the sun and enjoy the warm, healing and therapeutic waters. The ability to control speeds also mean you are capable of controlling the running costs, which, coupled with how energy efficient it is, means you won’t be incurring huge electric bills.

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Like the previous pool pump, it comes with a convenient built-in timer for setting the speeds. Moving forward, the machine will maintain the set speed, running optimally and smoothly for the entire duration allowed by the settings, thereby helping you save significantly on electricity costs. Also included in the control panel is a diagnostics button for efficiently monitoring the performance and to help you track the number of days before you have to service the machine and clean out the basket. With proper use and by staying on top of maintenance, the pool pump should provide you with several years of pain-free, stress-free and smooth operation.

For pool owners keen on acquiring a quiet and smooth running pool pump, it comes highly recommended. The pool pump employs high-end hydraulics that provides for efficient and near grave-quiet operation, even in the calmness of grave quietness of the night. At just 45 decibels, the machine is a lot quieter than a normal conversation between two individuals. To this add the ease of using the included control panel. The integrated keypad and the LCD display ensure that using it is both a cinch and very effective. Through the LCD display, the user can keep track of the speed of the pump and its level of energy efficiency, and the fact that it’s quickly and easily accessible means you can tweak the settings at your pleasure.

Additional features include the pool pump’s incorporation of a permanent magnet that together with the controls on the machine’s panel enables you to sync the speed of the pump to your requirements. The high-end filtration mechanism of the pool pump also ensure you swim in only the cleanest and safest water free of any leaves any leaves. Also, the totally enclosed fan-cooled design considerably extends the lifespan of the motor, guaranteeing that it continues providing you with several years of trouble-free, smooth and quiet operation.

In all, the Pentair 011018 is a workhorse that packs a high-performance 3 HP motor capable of working hard all around the clock to provide you with the best possible performance. With the pool pump, cleaning and maintaining the swimming pool will take a fraction of the time and effort as it does with nerve-wreaking, traditional methods. Thanks to the thoughtful and professional design, using and troubleshooting the pool pump is always a breeze. The sturdy and fastidious construction quality and the programmable speed settings together guarantee the best experience, plus it’s an incredibly cost-effective choice. As such, you won’t have to out your dreams on ice until the end of the year when you get your bonus.


  • Runs quietly even at great speeds
  • Very versatile with 8 programmable speeds
  • Has a user-friendly and convenient digital LCD display for changing various settings
  • Renowned for its efficiency
  • Energy-efficient model
  • Features high-quality construction using durable, industrial-grade materials


  • Comes with hard-to-follow instructions

6. Intex Krystal Sand Filter Pump

6. Intex Krystal Sand Filter Pump
The fact that there are two Intex pool pumps appearing on the list in close succession should be enough to tell you everything you need to know about Intex. Its products, including the Intex Krystal Sand Filter pump for Above Ground Pools, run tirelessly and reliably and they guarantee that the user enjoys a relaxing swim in a fresh and circulating pool. The pool pump features a user-friendly design and comes with an easy-to-use control panel to make customizing the different settings easy and straightforward. The machine similar runs quietly and smoothly, in spite of its exceptional performance and goes a long way in helping you conserve energy through its convenient built-in timer.

One of the unique selling points that conspicuously stand within the first few seconds of interacting with it is the top-notch construction quality. The use of high-quality, durable yet lightweight materials puts the weight of the pool pump at just 40.9 pounds with physical dimensions standing at 27.1 inches by 17.6 inches by 25.5 inches. It, therefore, manoeuvers with relative ease into tight and awkward spaces during installation and servicing. The sturdy materials also increase the pool pump’s resistance to rust and corrosion, which is prudent consideration its close interaction with water. It will also be able to stand up gracefully to the rigorous task of pumping different types of water in various conditions without the slightest the hitch in performance and minus the quick wear and tear for which cheap, off-brand models are known.

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Another feature that makes it so endearing to different segments of the market is its perfect combination of the tough construction quality mentioned earlier and its pocket-friendly price tag. You don’t have to dig too deep into your pocket to get the premium features that have until now been a preserve of high-end models. It’s not every day that you’ll stumble across a cost-effective pool pump capable of effortlessly and efficiently handling an incredibly high flow rate of 2450 gallons per minute. You can easily stretch that to 3000 GPM, with a little caution though. With such impressive speeds, it will invariably leave your swimming pool without the slightest traces of leaves, algae or debris, enabling you to enjoy a clean swim devoid of any health risks.

In addition to making the swimming pool a safe place to be, the pump also uses sand as a medium for filtering out the bad elements from the swimming pool. Among other things, sand sanitizes, refreshes, sanitizes and replenishes the water. You can easily and quickly cycle through these settings and many more by using the user-friendly control panel. The powerful 0.95 HP motor makes the otherwise complex process effortless and hassle-free.

The design and engineering make it an ideal choice for installation in above ground swimming pools. And like the industry leader that it is, Intex goes to great lengths, buoyed by its financial muscle, to ensure the pool pump is easy to install. Like mentioned earlier, the unit is both lightweight and compact and therefore compatible with most equipment pads. The physical properties also make it easy to manoeuvre and install. You don’t need any special tools or prior experience with pool pumps. However, in light of the complexity of the installation process and the price, it is advisable that you seek professional assistance or have the company install the pool pump considering that any defects or malfunctions resulting from a flawed installation can easily void the warranty.

You don’t want to be looking over your shoulder every time you plunge into the swimming pool to enjoy the toasty waters, do you? Neither does the Intex brand. Consequently, they’ve pulled all the stops to ensure it is safe to use all around the clock. The 11-120 Volt rated voltage pool pump, for instance, incorporates the Ground Circuit Fault Interrupter that works by cutting off the flow of the current in cases where there are abnormalities. The safety features, therefore, make the pool pump one of the safest machines in the industry and eliminates the vagaries that come with swimming pool ownership.

Whether you’re planning to install the Intex pump on your private swimming pool or use it commercially, it packs all the instrumental and convenience features that make for easy and quick cleaning and refreshing of the pool. It offers the user remarkably exceptional performance, reliability and a safety feature that makes it the all-time favourite of pool owners the world over. After several years of hassle-free and trouble-free operation, you’ll be glad you decided to go with this option.


  • Comes with a round-the-clock timer
  • It’s compact
  • Maintenance is a breeze
  • Remarkably filters the pool or spa, leaving it clean and fresh
  • The installation process takes a few minutes
  • The versatility is exceptional


  • A little on the heavy side

7. Blue Wave NE6171B

7. Blue Wave NE6171B
With a powerful 1.5 HP motor, the Blue Wave NE6171B for Above Ground Pools provides more than enough power for pumping large volumes of water quickly and with ease. It’s compatibility with above ground pools and the ease of installation pair very well with the fact that the user requires minimal effort for opening and closing the strainer basket lid when the need for cleaning the filter arises. It might not be ideal for large pools, but it really shines in cleaning your pool off debris, algae, and leaves. Before plunging into an in-depth review of the Blue Wave NE6171B Maxi Replacement Pump, we’ll again take this chance to reiterate that it’s a worthy investment, especially in light of its cost-effectiveness and its several time-saving and convenience features.

The Blue Wave NE6171B may not look like much, especially since it’s one of a few pool pumps with a black colour. The pool pump’s compatibility with above ground swimming pools is informed by the durability of its construction using high-quality, rugged polymer. Aside from extending the lifespan of the machine by protecting the delicate internal components from damaging debris and other materials, it also withstands corrosion and rust. The implication here is that constant exposure to water and other corrosive agents like chlorine in the water will affect neither the performance nor the longevity of the Blue Wave NE6171B Maxi Replacement Pump. It is as a result ideal for use in both indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

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It features a self-priming 1.5 HP, 110-Volt motor. The feature saves you the trouble of priming the pool pump yourself before you start running it, which makes it an ideal choice for users who need a trouble-free and straightforward operation. The system works by storing water in the sump pit before piping it to the suction pump, automatically. Nevertheless, the manufacturer highly recommends double-checking the strainer basket to ascertain that it contains enough water before you start the machine.

Assembling and getting it to work is child play. And that’s by no means an overstatement. At 24 inches by 11 inches by 9 inches and weighing just 24 pounds, it is one of the lightest and most compact pool pumps we’ve reviewed so far. It takes up minimal space on the equipment pad and manoeuvres easily when it’s time for service. By following the installation instructions to the letter, you can spend a paltry 30 minutes in the installation procedure and get everything working as advertised. Since it comes with a 1-1/2-inch diameter suction and discharge, mounting it horizontally or vertically takes no time at all.

Also, it comes with a clear, see-through lid that enables the user keep track of debris, algae, and leaves accumulation in the strainer basket. The design, therefore, makes for easy cleaning and since it is large, the intervals between the cleanings are sufficiently long. With proper installation, it is capable of sucking and delivering approximately 62 gallons per minute, which is quite impressive considering it does not pack as much power as other top-end pool pumps. Meaning that in spite of its power, it guarantees you a clean, sanitized and fresh swimming pool all through the year.

If you’re on the market searching for a high-performance, easy-to-use, durable and affordable pool pump, we highly recommend you take a keen and deliberate look at the Blue Wave NE6171B. It has a powerful 1.5 HP motor that guarantees a high flow rate and a transparent and large filter basket that collects all the debris and leaves from the pool, leaving it clean and fresh to use the whole day long.

The durable construction using industrial-grade polymer and the fact that the pump is self-priming and is capable of discharging water both vertically and horizontally and is compatible with the vast majority of filter system make it one of the best pool pumps on the market. Essentially, it provides the user with all the features and capabilities that make for quick, effortless and hassle-free pumping, at an affordable price.


  • Lightweight and portable design provides for easy portability and installation
  • Offers user with high-performance, thanks to a powerful and reliable motor
  • Heavy-duty, industrial-grade construction ensures resistance to rust and corrosion
  • Installs easily and quickly
  • Runs quietly and smoothly
  • Cost-effective


  • Lack of automatic operation
  • Not a brand product

8. Sta-Rite P6E6VS4H-209L

8. Sta-Rite P6E6VS4H-209L
Sta-Rite might not enjoy the same customer trust or high reputation of the more established brands such as Hayward and Pentair but their flagship pool pump, the Sta-Rite P6E6VS4H-209L, easily rivals their products both in performance, efficiency, reliability, and durability. It comes with eight programmable speed settings for efficient management of the flow rate of water and to put a lid on runaway electricity costs. Another additional feature that significantly increases ease of use, compared to other cheap, off-brand models on the market, is the inclusion of an integrated keypad while conveniently eliminates the need for purchasing one for external use. In addition to the cost-effectiveness of the machine, the other unique selling point is its quiet operation.

The Sta-Rite P6E6VS4H-209L is one of the most energy-efficient pool pumps on the market currently. The machine pulls off the fete by incorporating one of the most hyper-efficient permanent magnet motors in the industry. The result is an astounding energy saving of up to 90 percent.

Consequently, the risk of incurring huge electricity bills at the end of the month from running it incessantly all day long are remote.

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Another unique selling point, and one that makes it a favourite among pool owners, is the inclusion of a totally enclosed fan cooled motor. The advantages of using an advanced motor are manifold. In addition to running smoothly with minimal issues, the motor also considerably lasts much longer and produces minimal noise, which helps create a conducive and peaceful atmosphere by the poolside. The motor similarly features built-in diagnostics whose sole purpose is safeguarding the pump, ensuring it continues its smooth and quiet running streak for the next several years. In fact, as is the case with other high-end pool pumps, the P6E6VS4H-209L is quieter than a normal human conversation.

As mentioned in the introductory paragraph of this piece, it is quite a cinch to use. It packs several useful features that remove the time and effort away from any endeavours to keep your swimming pool clean and safe for a refreshing swim. One of the features that stand out in that respect is the integrated keypad which effectively eliminates the need for purchasing one separately at an additional cost. The keypad gives you a quick and effortless way of changing the various settings on the pump, including speed, to better meet your preferences. The design, in turn, puts it at par with other high-end units with regards to versatility and customizability. To this versatility and ease of use add the 8 programmable speed settings and built-in timer that together make your work incredibly easy.

Overall, the Sta-Rite P6E6VS4H-209L is a cost-effective, long-lasting and quietly running pool pump whose skilful design and engineering guarantee you a cool, relaxing and therapeutic swim in clean and toasty waters. It comes with a permanent magnet motor and a combination of other 21st century revolutionary features that help cut operating costs by up to 90 percent and puts its performance and longevity at par with the handful of high-end pool pumps on the market. You won’t regret your purchase, ever.


  • High performance with an impressive flow rate per minute
  • Lightweight and compact design allows for easy and quick installation and servicing
  • Has a bunch of safety features that ensure durability and trouble-free performance
  • Works quietly and smoothly, thanks to the permanent magnet motor
  • It’s energy-efficient


  • Accessing the different speed settings requires some getting used to

9. Harris H1572730

9. Harris H1572730
Harris may be a little-known brand among swimming pool owners, but that’s about to change with the recent introduction of their flagship pool pump: the Harris H1572730 ProForce pump. It might lack the flair or the bells and whistles of the top-notch pool pumps on the market but in its most basic state, its performance is very exceptional, and it’s very energy efficient. The construction quality and professional design that brings the controls within easy and quick reach make it a strong contender for the first position. Other features that stand out are the cost-effectiveness and the ease of installing it, thanks to its lightweight and compact physical dimensions.

In our in-depth review, we’ll start with the construction quality. Like most practical and functional pool pumps on the market, the pool pump perfectly combines cost effectiveness and high performance to give the user the best possible performance. The machine, for instance, uses two of the most durable and high-quality materials on the market for the construction of the various parts and components of the machine: stainless steel and a reinforced thermoplastic. The result is a pool pump capable of lasting more than a lifetime with minimal performance and longevity issues if the user stays on top of maintenance. In the same breath, the choice for the materials is informed by the fact that they are resistant to rust and corrosion and therefore won’t wear and tear as quickly with exposure to water and other corrosive agents.

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Another signature feature is its quiet and smooth operation. Unlike the vast majority of cheap, off-brand models on the market, this pool pump uses advanced engineering to reduce energy consumption while enhancing efficiency considerably. The motors, on the other hand, run smoothly and minimal noise, which makes it an ideal choice for those who want to enjoy a peaceful and quiet swim after a long day at the office. The other feature that will give you peace of mind and the confidence you need to plunge into the waters is the unit’s incorporation of a bunch of safety features aiming to keep you safe by preventing overheating and short-circuiting. Consequently, the H1572730 meets and even exceeds all the requirements set by such international bodies as the CSA and the ETL.

Couple the powerful 1.5 HP motor and the large, easy-to-clean filter basket of the Harris H1572730 and you have yourself a pool pump you can use without investing too much of your time and effort. The motor easily moves large volumes of water every hour, ensuring that all the algae, debris, and leaves are removed from the water, leaving it clean and refreshing. Since the strainer comes with a transparent lid, you can quickly access whether it’s full of debris and leaves or not. And because it’s large, it’ll be some time before you have to empty it again. The lid also twists and locks easily so that removing it for cleaning becomes quick and effortless.

Lastly, it is a lightweight and compact option of keeping your pool clean and ready for use. With a weight of just 22 pounds and corresponding dimensions of 22 inches by 8 inches by 10.8 inches, it installs easily without taking up too much space. Considering its power, performance, longevity, remarkable ease of use, and affordability, we highly recommend it to the users who need a high-performance pool pump without breaking the bank.

Pool owners looking to pump large volumes of water quickly but don’t want all the expensive bells and whistles of high-end models will immediately fall in love with the simplicity but equally exceptional performance of the Harris H1572730. In spite of its pocket-friendly price tag, the pool pump features rust and corrosion resistant, heavy-duty construction for extended durability. It’s easy and safe to use, thanks to its incorporation of a see-thru, twist and lock lid and its ETL and CSA certifications. Only a handful of off-brand pool pumps can perform as well as the pump does so if you’re working on a budget, grab one of these before they run out.


  • It’s a high-performance pool pump
  • Installs easily and quickly
  • Cost-effective pricing
  • Runs with minimal noise and vibrations, providing for a quiet, relaxing swim
  • Sports durable, heavy-duty construction
  • Maintenance is a cinch
  • Features a user-friendly design


  • Lack of self-priming capabilities
  • Lacks an on/off switch

10. Hayward SP2607X10

10. Hayward SP2607X10
The Hayward SP2607X10 Super Pump comes with a host of innovative, time and energy-saving features that make it the go-to pool pump for pool and spa owners the world over. To begin with, the pool pump is surprisingly long-lasting and reliable in its performance. Its technological superiority in design and performance means its capable of high flow rates irrespective of the size of the pool. It’s also suitable for in-ground pools and spas and packs a host of instrumental features that take the time and effort away from keeping the pool clean and fresh all year long.

For instance, unlike cheap, off-brand models on the market, the Hayward SP2607X10 sports a leaf basket with a high capacity for capturing leaves and debris. Couple that with the fact that it’s transparent, or a see-through, and you’re looking at several days or months or use without having to clean the strainer frequently.

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Now let’s roll up our sleeves and get started. Keeping the pool or spa clean and fresh all year long is without a doubt a rigorous endeavour, which calls for the use of an equally high-performance, sturdy and durable pool pump. And one of the best ones out there, coming at a surprisingly pocket-friendly price, is the Hayward SP2607X10. The pool pump features a heavy-duty, high-performance motor that provides for a reliable, hassle-free and smooth performance. The motor moves large volumes of water within a short time, at a rate that would put cheap, off-brand models to shame. To this add the airflow ventilation of the motor and you have yourself a pool pump that operates smoothly and quietly.

Aside from the heavy-duty, high-performance motor, it similarly features a heavy-duty construction quality. The most glaring difference between Hayward and other pool pump manufacturers, is that it does not compromise on critical performance aspects. The construction is done using high-quality, industrial-grade thermoplastic. Among other things, the material is corrosion and rust-resistant, which gives you the freedom of installing it both freshwater and saltwater pools and spas without having to worry about any significant wear and tear. The high-end construction quality also extends to the impeller. It is resistant to corrosion and features these smooth, wide openings for preventing clogging. It, therefore, makes for a powerful, effortless and quick performance without requiring additional horsepower.

Another feature is the ease of use. The pool pump comes with a large strainer with a see-through cover, making it easy to monitor the accumulation of debris, algae, and other debris within. The transparency removes the guesswork from the endeavour. Couple that with the ease of removing the strainer cover or lid.

Unlike older models, the design allows you to effortlessly and quickly swing the hand knobs, thereby eliminating the need for using any specially-designed tools or clamps. The service-ease design similarly allows you quick access to internal components. The design allows for the easy removal of the motor and the whole drive group assembly without touching the other components. Servicing, therefore, becomes a quick, effective and effortless endeavour, ensuring it runs optimally.

Installing it takes a matter of minutes and little effort. The pool pump is deliberately lightweight and compact at 29 inches by 10.2 inches by 11.5 inches and a weight of just 39 pounds. Plus, it comes with a mounting base that guarantees stability and support for a secure and safe installation. The installation process is pretty straightforward and simple. However, if you’re concerned about the possibility of voiding your warranty, it would be wise to have a process do it.

The Hayward SP2607X10 is an ideal choice for any pool or spa owner in need of a workhorse renowned for unyielding reliability and high performance. It’s easy to use and maintain, and with its single speed 1 HP motor and 1-1/2-inch pipe, it provides for effortless and quick cleaning of variously sized pools and spas. Of all the features and capabilities of the pool pump, none matches its cost effectiveness. For that reliable, trouble-free and effective use, it comes highly recommended.


  • Has the advantage of being lightweight and compact
  • Features long-lasting and sturdy construction quality
  • Very versatile design
  • Works powerfully, efficiently and quietly
  • It’s an energy efficient option
  • Comes with a budget-friendly price tag
  • Minimal running costs and cleans easily and quickly


  • Lack of variable speed setting

Criteria for Choosing the Best Pool Pumps

Before you purchase that irresistible pool pump, there are several factors you’re going to have to take into consideration to ensure you purchase one that best meets your needs. Evaluating these factors will go a long way in preventing you from making costly mistakes like purchasing an underpowered model for a large pool or an overly powerful one for a small pool or spa. Luckily, we’ve enlisted and described in great detail the most pertinent factors to remove the guesswork from the process and to adequately arm you with the right information, so you’re in a position to make an informed decision.

The volume of the Pool

Your first and most obvious consideration needs to be the water carrying capacity of your pool or spa. To ensure efficient and quick filtration and circulation of all the water, you need to get a pool pump whose performance is commensurate with the volume of the water. And the first step towards achieving this is by being conversant with the various dimensions of the pool, including its surface area, length, width, and depth. Getting the volume of the pool right and matching it with the size of the pump will guarantee flawless, quick, and effective performance.

The efficiency of the Pump

Pumps are energy-hungry machines that typically account for up to 70 percent of the cost of keeping the pool working efficiently and smoothly. In light of this, it would be prudent to train your eyes on the most energy efficient models out there on the market as this could help reduce the running costs. Despite the temptation, refrain from compromising on performance to achieve low running costs as this comes with health risks. One effective way of circumventing the high energy consumption of pumps is by investing in one with variable speed settings as they invariably match the speed of the pump to your cleaning requirements. The result is significant savings on energy and money. In spite of their exorbitant initial cost of acquisition, digital pumps, for instance, come with remarkable efficiency and will invariably revert to slow speeds after the completion of the filtration cycle.

Installation Process

Manufacturers endeavour to make their pool pumps a DIY installation to save on costs. However, the process is a little complex and getting it wrong could easily void your warranty. This is not to say you should cow out of the process and resort to incurring additional installation process by seeking the services of a professional. However, if you lack the knowledge and experience, it is the most prudent and highly recommended route. Nevertheless, the process is fairly straightforward, and most products come with user manuals with detailed instruction to walk the user meticulously through the various steps.

Ease of Use and Convenience

Keeping your pool or spa clean and refreshing does not have to put you on edge every time. A convenient, affordable, long-lasting and energy-efficient pool pump should be able to take the time, effort, guesswork and frustration away from the endeavour, leaving you to enjoy a relaxing and therapeutic swim. To this end, pay attention to the convenience features of the machine. Changing the various settings on the LED control panel, if it comes with one, should be relatively easy. The same should go for servicing it and cleaning the strainer after its full of debris and leaves. On a similar note, settle for nothing less than a smooth and quietly running pool model if you want your piece of mind in the pool after a hard day at the office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I do to increase the shelf life of my motor and to ensure it performs optimally?

A: Nothing will reduce the lifespan of your pool pump’s motor, and by extension the whole unit, as fast as debris will. Consequently, you’ll have to make a point of religiously checking the strainer basket to ensure it is not chocking with leaves, algae, or debris. Also, filtering it on a regular basis will guarantee you several more years with your pool pump.

Q: What is the best way of gauging the suitability of a pool pump for my swimming pool?

A: There is a direct correlation between a pool pump’s water turnover and the cleanliness or safety of your pool. And the good news is that sizing a pool pump is one of the simplest things to do. As a rule of thumb, only consider for purchase pool pumps capable of cleaning the entire pool in 8 hours or less. The best way of determining that is by knowing the water holding capacity of the pool before proceeding to select a unit featuring a speed commensurate with the established size of the pool.


Maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of the pool or spa can be a daunting, time-consuming and back-breaking endeavour. However, with a pool pump at your disposal, it is a straightforward and enjoyable affair. Considering their indispensability, it is prudent that one first arms themselves with the right information before committing their money. And out buying guide does just that. It additionally saves you the time of researching, analyzing and testing all the different models on the market in a bid to come up with the most suitable. Our list has the best, most versatile, affordable, high-performance, long-durable, and easy to use pool pumps currently on the market. In your decision, be careful enough to match the size of your pool to the performance of the pool pump as it will make for hassle-free, efficient, and quick filtration and circulation.